The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2149: Heaven to hell

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Chapter 2149: Heaven to Hell

After the Tianqiangbo family's several powerful men shot together, the Tianqiangbo second princess demon flame, but finally woke up from the coma. However, when the demon flame woke up and was about to hand over her harvest to the clan, a very bad hunch was that it suddenly breeded in her heart.

The whole hall suddenly became very silent, because everyone had already seen that the flames at this moment were obviously not very good-looking, and from her performance, it was obviously not very good It happened.

"What's going on? Second child, what do you mean by a human warrior's friend?"

On the throne, the patriarch of the Tianmon Python is also a little different. In fact, she has always been faintly worried, because when she sent her second daughter to go out, she felt that it would be mixed. the result of.

It seems that things are really not that simple.

"Mother, the baby has returned all the way from hundreds of millions of miles, but there is still a human friend along the way, and in fact, the reason why the daughter can live to this day can be said to be because of him, if I remember correctly Then, when the five elders brought someone in, I should be under his protection, but I don't know, where is he now? "

In the end, Yao Yan's gaze has turned to the five elders of the six elders, and his eyes are full of questions.

Obviously, if Yuan Feng was rescued from the Tianmon Python family, then his mother would never know it, and since Yuanfeng did not come to the Tianmon Python family, then things would obviously be a little troublesome!

"Five elders, I believe you should be able to give me an answer, right?"

His eyes looked tightly at the elders of the Tian Yao Python. At this time, the flames of the monster were serious, never even concealing his angry heart.

For Yuan Feng, she trusts 10,000 percent. If there are no special circumstances, Yuan Feng will never abandon her. What's more, the most important baby is now on Yuan Feng's body.

"Ahem, this ........."

Hearing the question from the demon flame, the elder of the demon python five's face could not help but change slightly, but for a while he didn't know how to answer. It knows the ins and outs of things most, but if you tell the truth, I'm afraid there is no way to make a difference here.

"Five elders, Yuan Feng is my benefactor and the benefactor of the entire Tian Yao Python family. I hope you can tell the truth about his situation."

Seeing the five elders' complexion changing, it was not for a while to dare to speak easily, but under the flames of the monster flame, it became more and more disturbed.


Hearing Yao Yan said this, the five elders' faces no doubt became more abnormal. Obviously, it really offended the second princess this time. The main thing is that Yuan Feng did not die, but fled in his hands. Even if it was a lie, the other party might have a day of dismantling.

"Well, Elder Five, what's going on? Isn't it true?"

The patriarch of the day demon python also felt that the situation was inappropriate at this moment, but at this moment, her faint anxiety became more and more intense.

"This ......... Hey, don't hide the patriarch. When I arrived with the third princess and the old nine, I saw the second princess being held in the arms of a young human being. Thinking about it, Lao Ji shot directly at the human young man. In the end, the young human man broke his face with the three of us and fled. "

The eyes flashed, and the five elders could only tell the story in a different way. As for how long it can be concealed, it is not what it can decide. In any case, if you say that you and others want to kill people, it is difficult to satisfy the second princess demon flame, even if the others are present, I am afraid that it will be quite criticized.

"What? You, you actually shot him?"

Hearing the words of the five elders, the face of the demon flame was so overcast that it dripped water. She couldn't think of it anyway, and things would have developed to such a point, and she really had no psychological preparation for it.

What kind of person Yuan Feng is, she knows better than anyone. Although the five elders say it simple, she believes that it will never be so simple. You know, even if it was really a misunderstanding, Yuan Feng still had a mouth to explain. Moreover, at that time, she was held by Yuan Feng in her arms, and the fool could see that he and her were a group.

"Second princess, it really caused some misunderstanding. We didn't expect that person to be your friend. We just thought he wanted to be against the second princess. This can be proved by the third princess and the old nine."

The five elders still insisted on their own words, and even counted the third princess and the young man of the day demon python who went with him to answer.

Speaking of which, the three princesses are definitely on the front line. As for the young man, it was also cultivated by one hand. It ranks ninth among the young generation of the Tianmon Python family and is also a close friend of it.

In addition, whether this time is right or wrong, obviously all of them should be borne by them together. It believes that even if the situation it says is different from the actual situation, the other two will definitely cooperate with it. .

"Misunderstanding? Since it is a misunderstanding, wouldn't Yuan Feng explain it to you? Also, although I was a little groggy at that time, if I remember correctly, at that moment, it should be Yuan Feng who handed it over to you. Right? "

Frankly, she really doesn't remember what happened at the time, but she believes that if it is really a misunderstanding, I'm afraid Yuan Feng will never easily give her to the elders and others. Therefore, she firmly believes that there must be some unknown situations in it.

"The second princess Ming Jian, at that time, the old man decisively shot, and did not give him the slightest chance, that is, he has snatched back the second princess. As for the explanation, at that time, I and the third princess and others would have thoughts. His explanation? "

After all, the five elders have cultivated countless years of old monsters. Now that they have decided to lie, of course, they must find ways to make the lie beautiful, and this ability is obviously still available.

"you guys……………"

As the five elders said, the face of the monster flame can not help lowering, and here it is not easy for her to blame the other side, after all, on the occasion at the time, I am afraid that everyone really did not have that much time and Listen to someone's explanation!

However, she was really unable to accept the fact that Yuan Feng was beaten away by five elders and others.

Yuan Feng's revision is limited, and at that time he had already fought a powerful World of Warcraft with six demigods. If he caught off guard, that would probably be severely hit by the five elders and others. As for what the five elders said about Yuanfeng's running away, she hoped that it was true, because that would be better than being killed by the elders and others.

"That being the case, when my son returned, he was actually favored by a human warrior. Although there were some misunderstandings in it, I will thank him very much for finding this person in the future. . "

The patriarch of the demon python heard it all at the same time. For the specific situation in this, she did not see it with her own eyes, and naturally it was not clear, but the general situation, she already knew something.

It sounds like it's not a big deal, it's nothing more than a human warrior who saved his daughter, but in the end he was treated as a puppet by the five elders and others, and eventually broke his face. Of course, as to whether it was because of misunderstanding or because of other reasons, she could guess a little in her heart.

What is the identity of the princess of the day demon python, can it be touched by a human man? Perhaps, in all likelihood, five elders and others just intentionally shot, and that young human man might have been killed by the elders.

In this regard, she didn't feel anything wrong, in the final analysis, it was nothing more than a young man of human beings, and for the genie of the demon pythons, nothing more than a little ant.

"Okay, my second child, since it's just a misunderstanding, don't take it for granted. For now, let's talk about the immortal monument first!"

In the hearts of the ancestors of the Mongols, his daughter should be a young man who feels sorry for the human being, which is a little excited, but it is really not a big deal for the celestials of the Mongols. Right now, she still holds the immortal monument in her own hands, so that she can be more secure.

Speaking of the immortal monument, the elders and all the strong men present were all in the spirit again. Frankly speaking, they have no mood to care about young human men. Although the other party helped their second princess, what can they do? Even small humans, no matter how many die, they will not have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

The five elders also looked a little better. It knew that this level had passed by itself. At least, the prince of the demon python understood it very well. Appropriate talents, the celebratory eyes of the patriarch of the demon pythons have shown this point.

When you see the infinite monument, who will care about these details? At that time, it will become a hero of the Tianmon Python family, and it will be too late to be commended!

Everyone's eyes were on the second princess demon flame again, but just when everyone's eyes were on the demon flame, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on the latter's face.

She is not a fool. She sees her mother and others indifferently, and she doesn't want to comment too much on the reactions of these people.

"Mother, the infinite monument is indeed taken by the child from the auction of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. However, on the way back to the ethnic group, the child has already given the infinite monument to Yuan Feng for safekeeping. Therefore, , Now the immeasurable monument is not on me at all. "

Demon Flames is really reluctant to say such a fact to hit everyone present, but the fact is that, whether it is said or not, it is not what they can change right now.

Sometimes this is the case. Obviously, there can be no accidents, but they will make mistakes at the most critical time, and often these errors are caused by some people.

Maybe, everything can only be said to have its own will in the midst!

When the flames of the demon flames fell, the original warm underground palace, the temperature dropped almost instantly, almost a blink of an eye, in the entire hall, I am afraid at least a dozen degrees lower.

"This, this ......... I heard it right? Infinite monument ... but not on the second princess?"

"His ... Is this a joke? Is this a joke with everyone? Infinite monument ......... Infinite monument ........."

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, so how could a precious baby be in the hands of a human kid? This is absolutely impossible !!!"

"Fake, I must have heard it wrong. How could the immortal monument wait for the treasure, how could it be handed to someone else?" ............

The strong men of the Tian Yao Python family can't get themselves back at this moment. For them, everything the second princess demon flame tells is simply something they can't accept.

They have waited here for so long, waiting for the appearance of Wuliang Shenbei, the moment when the ethnic group rises, but now, what they have got is such an answer-Wuliang Shenbei is not in the Tianmon Python family. In the hands!

The most difficult to accept all of this, naturally, is the Elder Witch Five. When the voice of the second princess Demon Flame fell, the elder Witch Five could not help but fainted and almost fainted.

"This, how is this possible? How is this possible !!!! Wuliang Shenbei ......... Wuliang Shenbei is in that boy's hand? This is absolutely impossible !!!"

The whole body was trembling slightly. At this moment, the five elders had an impulse to smash one head to death. Almost the first time, it was the thought that Yuan Feng yelled when he was desperately following it. At that time, Yuan Feng said that it would regret it, and at the time it thought that, What Yuan Feng meant was to avenge it.

Now thinking about it, Yuan Feng's words were simply mocking him fiercely, mocking his ignorance, and mocking his self-righteousness! !! !!


Thinking of everything in it, and the serious consequences caused by the momentary confusion, it can no longer be controlled, a spit of blood is sprayed out, and the whole person's breath suddenly becomes abnormally weak.

"Five Elders !!!"

"Old Five !!!!!!"

The other elders were shocked to see the five elders bleed, but they all recovered from the loss and shouted to the elders one by one.

The immeasurable monument has not been obtained. If you step into a powerful elder, then you really lose your wife and lose your troops!

"I, I ......... hmm !!!!!!"

The five elders didn't know what to do at the moment, but they were seriously injured, but now they were injured and injured. A burst of fire broke into the heart and lungs, but they spit out blood again and lay straight. On the ground, unconscious.

Others don't know, but it knows best in his heart that basically everything that happens today is caused by it. If it did not choose to attack Yuan Feng, but brought the other party back to the ethnic group, everything would not happen.

At that time, the Tianmon Python family will receive the immortal monument. As for the young human kid, whether to kill or not can be left to the Tianmon Python clan to decide.

But thinking about it now is undoubtedly too late. From now on, it will be the sinner of the entire Tianmon Python family. Unless it finds the infinite monuments, it will never be able to raise its head to meet people!

"Old Five, Old Five !!!"

The remaining elders shouted subconsciously to the five elders at this time. Obviously, they still have a certain relationship, and at the moment, they did not realize that much. They come back to life, I am afraid this fifth child, they may not be willing to admit it!

"Shut up all for me !!!"

Just as the old veterans shouted, on the throne above, the patriarchs of the Celestial Mane Tribe had already been sinking in the water for a long time, and there was a terror of momentum all over them.

No one can imagine how angry the prince of the day demon python was at this moment. When she learned that her daughter got the immortal monument, she was really excited, but because of the time Divination, she felt that there might be an accident, so she was always a little bit uneasy in her heart, and did not even dare to allow too much ethnic strength to participate.

You must know that her original divination result was that all her hopes were in her second daughter. The others must not be involved in any way.

At this moment, the dream is shattered, and everything is back to Yuandian. The super heavy treasures of the beast **** world seem to have slowly left them, and of course it is impossible for them to intersect with them again. It's that easy.

"Boss, and you, show me !!!"

Anger under his heart, the Tianmon Python chief said nothing, and raised his hand to arrest his third daughter and the young man who had previously followed the five elders.

Obviously, at this moment, it is necessary to figure out the ins and outs of the matter, and she must be punished severely for those who have caused such losses in the Tianmon Python family! !! !!

Although the five elders seem to have been seriously injured, at this moment, she is completely disregarded. When she finds out the truth of the matter, no matter who is wrong, she will make the other person pay a hundred times the price, even if it is her own daughter , But no exception!

ps: The new month is probably the last countdown for Wu Ling. This month, Xiaoyan worked hard to update. Everyone gave us a little bit of strength. !! !! !! Ask for strength! !! !!

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