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Chapter 2110: Chaotic Battle

The whole world is very weird at this moment. Yuan Feng is standing on the top of the sky demon python, Chixiao sword is pinched in his hands at random, and around him and the sky demon python, the five major groups At the moment, the remaining 15 strong players stood in suspicion at the periphery, and no one dared to take the shot easily.

The two strong men of the Howling Wolves fell in front of them, but the two superpowers without the Howling Wolves and the fifteenth strong who were present were afraid to come forward easily. Everyone knows this. If you were accidentally brought in by the Excalibur in the hands of Yuan Feng, it is basically impossible to survive.

The most important thing is that they can't see Yuan Feng's strength at all. Although Yuan Feng Shi's strength showed up, it is almost between three to four turns of the demi-god realm, but God knows whether this is the result of his hidden strength.

Now that Yuan Feng can express Xiu as the Promise, no one can say it well, if he has more power hidden in his body.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! God of python, you, you dare to kill my strongman of the Xiaoyue wolves. From today, Xiaoyue wolves and the team of Tianyue pythons endlessly !!!"

The remaining young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf family is completely crazy now. It ca n’t accept everything in front of it. The two left and right arms are swallowed up by the sky demon python. Not to mention that it is impossible to participate in the battle of immortal monument now. Well, even if you return to the ethnic group in the future, its status will inevitably plummet. In this regard, it really can't describe its mood.

"The Xiaoyue Wolf Clan? My Tianmon Python clan, have you ever seen your Xiaoyue Wolf Clan in your eyes?"

Hearing the roar of the young man of the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe, the Tianmon Python was completely fearless. At this moment, she had just swallowed two superpowers with five demigods and five turns, and her strength was almost nowhere to vent. Feelings, even if she challenged the fifteenth powerhouse with her own strength, she was not afraid, let alone she had Yuan Feng, a powerful helper at the moment.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Hearing the impolite satire of Tian Yao Python, the young master of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan no doubt became more violent. It's just that although it behaves very violently, there is no way at all for it.

"Heavenly python, come to Japan, let's go and see, roar !!!"

Angrily glanced at the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng, it seemed to keep both Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng in mind. Then, the young master of the Xiaoyue Wolf family moved directly towards the Flying away in the distance, he left directly.

Today ’s events have developed to this day, apparently it has nothing to do with the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Right now, it has no other choice except to leave quickly. After all, with its own power, let alone fight for the immeasurable monument, even if it is Self-protection is a big problem.

There are so many super big groups that the Xiaoyue Wolf tribe offends. God knows whether someone will take it down at this time, but it has to be careful to ensure its own life!

"This this……………"

After the little master of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan left, all the remaining large dead groups looked at each other, but no one launched an attack on the Tianmon Python and Yuanfeng.

Without the three strong men of the Howling Wolves, they still have fourteen superpowers at this time, but they are all very clear. The day demon python at this time is definitely the best time. The power of Warcraft, which swallowed up two and a half divine realms and turned five times, is even more fearless. Who can handle such a demon python?

Moreover, the young men standing above the head of the Tianmon Python also gave them a great sense of threat, but they couldn't help it.

So, for a while, the fourteen major and half-powerful Warcraft powerhouses could only surround themselves one by one. He didn't know what to do next.

The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is okay against the Tianmon Python, but there are only fourteen left, which is really a bit stretched.

"Om !!! Brush brush brush brush !!!!!!"

However, just as hesitant under the heart of the Fourteenth Super Powerful, one by one did not dare to come forward to hit this head, a sound of space vibration came suddenly, and then, one by one, from the periphery The area flashed out, and the talking room was in the middle of the war. It faintly replaced the position of the previous Moonwolf family.

"Who is so bold and dare to use a sword at the site of my God Chamber of Commerce? Is this a failure to despise my God Chamber of Commerce?"

As each figure came into the battle, a whole five men suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and all of them were good-looking, and they were all extraordinary characters at a glance.

Among the five, Chen Ang, the super deacon of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce, was looking gloomily at the enchanting python and Yuan Feng in the encirclement. It seemed that at this moment, he seemed very angry.

"this is………………"

"It's a matter of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. The one talking in the middle seems to be Deacon Chen Aung of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce !!!"

"It is really Deacon Chen Aung, Yu, my dear, his son was refuted by the sky demon python at the auction before. It seems that he is going to find this place in front of everyone. ! "

"Hehe, find a place? The brother seems too naive. I think he is definitely not looking for a place. Eight achievements are because of the magic sword in the hands of the young man. I did n’t hear that he just appeared, it was direct. Is the sword against that young man? "

"Eh, yes, I have long heard that the deacons of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce are more greedy than one, and it seems that this is indeed possible."

"It is not possible, it is certain, otherwise, these guys may have appeared long ago, and there is absolutely no need to wait until the young man appears."

When the five deacons of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce headed by Deacon Chen Ang and jumped out one by one, the strong men present, whether they were the major human strong men from outside, or the super existence of some Warcraft communities, all started Discuss.

The deacon of the China Chamber of Commerce is only profitable. This is nothing new. At this moment, Deacon Chen of the China Chamber of Commerce appeared with the four strong men. Everyone can think of these guys with their toes. .

Of course, after all, it wasn't just Deacon Chen Ang who was interested in the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hands. Which of them was not interested in the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hands? However, they did not have the courage such as Deacon Chen Ang and so on, and they dare not take any shots easily.

"Well? Chen Ang?"

Just when Deacon Chen Ang and other five strong men just jumped out and appeared in front of everyone, in the dense forest on the periphery, Ruan Xin softened the two veteran strong men. Naturally, they saw them for the first time. When they saw Deacon Chen Ang and others jumping out, their complexions could not help but change slightly.

"What are they trying to do? Do they want to blame the Tianmon Python family?"

The faces of the two elders were a little heavy, and they actually felt Deacon Chen Ang already, but they did not expect that Deacon Chen Ang jumped out directly and participated in the day demon python and The remaining battles between these four groups.

Obviously, Deacon Chen Ang must be interested in the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hand, but Yuan Feng appeared with the dwarf python. Deacon Chen Ang and others wanted to offend Yuan Feng. The Tian Yao Python family, and this is obviously not a good thing for the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

"Pranky, it's prankish, how can I be involved in the battle between World of Warcraft? This is just too pranky !!!"

One of the two old men shook his hand fiercely, and his eyes were full of annoyance. He clearly offended the consequences of the Tianmon Python family. Although there is only one Tianmon Python at the moment, from the current situation, it is unlikely that the four major ethnic groups will kill the other party. Once the Tianmon Python is killed, Escaped, then the Shenji Chamber of Commerce participating in it will become a huge hidden danger of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

"No, I'm going to call him back. I can't let him participate in this fight." Thinking to myself, the old man would take a step forward and call Deacon Chen Ang and others.

"Slowly, it's too late at this time. If you and I reappear, then we can only make Liangzi grow bigger and bigger, Tianyao Python will not think we are helping her."

Seeing the old man on the side trying to jump out, another old man hurriedly raised his hand, but it prevented the other party's action.

Speaking of them, if they go out at this time, then in all likelihood, the misunderstanding can only be deepened. After all, Yuan Feng on the Tianmon Python has revealed the Excalibur, and it is definitely directed at the moment. His Excalibur went, which is something that everyone will naturally recognize.

"This, this ......... Hey, **** Chen Aung, I should have ordered him if I knew it. If this would bring a great disaster to the God Machine, how can we, the people, be worthy of the President? ? "

Pulled by the other side, the old man could not help but stomp his feet, but can only be anxious.

"Yue, it's useless. Although Chen Ang is a junior, he has no talent or qualifications. He is just like us. He is in a state of demigod and six turns. You think he will obey your and my orders. ? "

Deacon Chen Ang is definitely not an ordinary person. In the deacon of the entire Shenji Chamber of Commerce, basically no one can compete with him in strength. Even if there are a few seniors, they must give him a little shame. of.

"Then what do you do now? Watch them playfully? If the Sky Monster Python runs away, the God Chamber of Commerce will be dangerous."

"What can I do? Look at it, if it doesn't work ... Yu, I'm afraid it can only be ..."

His words were only half spoken, but the meaning was already obvious. For the benefit of the Chamber of Commerce of God Machine, they must not let Tianmon Python leave after they offend the Tianmon Python. Only by obliterating the other party can they completely eliminate the trouble.

Although this was not their original intention, they had to do it for the sake of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.

"Two veterans, you, you have to ........."

After hearing the talks of the two great veterans, Ruan Xinrou, on the side, clearly understood the meaning of the two, and naturally she couldn't help but agree with it.

"Girl Xinrou, no matter what happens, you must stay here honestly, you must not act easily, you know?"

The two naturally understood Ruan Xinrou's thoughts, but in the current situation, they have no choice. In any case, they must consider a lot for the Shenji Chamber of Commerce.


Ruan Xinrou also wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw the firm look of the two old men, she knew that even if she said so much, I'm afraid that nothing could be changed!

"Boy, who are you? Don't you know that within the jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce of God, is it not allowed to use swords to hurt people?"

In the time between the conversation between the two old men and Ruan Xinrou, on the battlefield in the distance, Deacon Chen Ang had already taken a few steps, and scolded at Yuan Feng above the head of the Tianmon Python.


Yuan Feng was quietly pacing himself at the moment. Speaking of which, he had done his best with the previous sword, and after that sword, his body was just weak and it was exactly Because of this, the Tianmon Python will hold him on his head for the first time, helping him to save a little energy.

His cultivation is far too bad, and he is able to slash two big and half gods and five revolutions with a single sword. This is definitely a super-level play. If he is allowed to do it again, he is really not sure whether he is Can do it.

When he saw five human warriors rushing from a distance and yelling at himself, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed an indescribable light.

Of course, in addition to Yuan Feng, the major Warcraft powerhouses were also surprised by the appearance of Deacon Chen Ang at the moment, but although they were shocked, then they all showed excited expressions. For them, Deacon Chen Ang jumped out at the moment. For them, it should not be a bad thing.

The Shenqi Chamber of Commerce will never be stupid enough to offend their four super-groups at once, and in addition to this possibility, it seems that there is only one possibility left.

If the five deacon Chen Ang took the place of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, then they still have great hopes to keep the Tianmon Python.

"Oh, who is your Excellency? I don't know what advice you have?"

On the top of the Tianmon Python, Yuan Feng was calm at this moment, watching the five strong men appear, although his eyes flashed with dignity, but these did not bring him much emotion. fluctuation.

He had long felt that there were a lot of strong men ambushing in the surroundings, but it was just because the time was not up that they did not show up, and as soon as the time came, these guys could not hold back.

Of course, jumping out of five such scary characters at once suddenly made him feel a little hesitant. At least, at this moment, he has realized that it seems that the great power of the Chamber of Commerce of God is really not that simple.

"Boy, who is this seat, you are not qualified to know. You just hurt someone on the site of my God Chamber of Commerce, but you have already violated the rules of my God Chamber of Commerce. Now, hand over your murder weapon, we will Let you go, if not, hum !!!! "

Deacon Chen Ang was very straightforward. When he opened his mouth, he directly talked about the idea. He came at the excalibur in Yuan Feng's hand. I am afraid that everyone who sees clearly can see clearly, so there is no need to hide.

In fact, the Shenji Chamber of Commerce does have rules. On the site of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, it is strictly forbidden to hurt anyone at will. Once someone dares to scatter on the site of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, it is not to face the Shenji Chamber of Commerce. .

Of course, this area is the transition area between the Shenji Chamber of Commerce and the Beast God World of Warcraft tribe. It can also be said to be the site of the Shenji Chamber of Commerce, and it can be said to be the domain of Warcraft. It is just that he needs such an excuse to shoot Yuan Feng now. Naturally, here is the boundary of the Chamber of Commerce of God.

"Well, Your Excellency is quite straightforward, but it seems that it is not just me who made the right shot? Why did you only make things difficult for me, but did not care about others?"

Hearing that Deacon Chen Ang actually asked for his Chixiao sword as soon as he spoke, Yuan Feng admired the deacon of the Divine Chamber of Commerce very frankly. For the first time, he had encountered such a direct, so Frank people.

"Well, they are all friends of the World of Warcraft, and they have always had a special right with my God Chamber of Commerce. Is this something you can compare?"

Deacon Chen Ang did not mean to blush. Speaking of the rules of the Chamber of Commerce of God, of course, there is no reason to treat human warriors and Warcraft differently. This is obviously to show his position, and he has directly become a partner of the four major ethnic groups.

"Oh, can you still do that?"

After hearing the words of Deacon Chen Ang, Yuan Feng had completely convinced the other party. I have to say that Deacon Chen Ang can really make excuses for himself. Such excuses can even be said. It seems that this The dearest adult of the Chamber of Commerce of God Machine really regards himself as a great figure who dominates his life and death.

"Let's talk nonsense, hand over the weapon and spare you not to die, otherwise, you will be crushed to death today."

The momentum spread all over him. Deacon Chen Ang at this moment was obviously ready to shoot, and as he began to release momentum, the surrounding Warcraft powerhouses also began to prepare. stand up.

Obviously, with the arrival of Deacon Chen Ang and others, they can re-attempt the Tian Yao Boa again. They knew in their hearts that at least Deacon Chen Ang and others would entangle Yuan Feng for them.

"Oh, aren't some people just trying to get my Excalibur? Today, I said something. Everyone around me, no matter who can get the Excalibur in my hand, then this Excalibur belongs to him. Now. "

Yuan Feng's face was filled with a smile, and she shouted at everyone all the way.

"Buzz !!!!"

When Yuan Feng ’s words fell, there was a wave of energy fluctuations in the dense forests around, but it was clear that it was definitely not only Deacon Chen Aung who wanted to get the magic sword in Yuan Feng ’s hands. Waiting for someone is so simple!

"Well? Do it !!!"

Feeling a wave of momentum around him, Deacon Chen Ang suddenly changed his face, and he knew in his heart that it was definitely not only his family who fought Yuan Feng's sword, but with Yuan Feng's shouting, I am afraid Those guys who are going to move, can't control themselves, they have shot!

Obviously, at this time, he must not allow others to seize the opportunity. At this time, do not do anything, and when will he stay?

"Om !!!!!!"

With the sound of a space shock, Deacon Chen Ang took the lead, but with the four strong men behind him, went straight to Yuan Feng and Tian Yao Python to kill him.


"Well !!!"

"Well !!!"

With Deacon Chen Ang ’s shot, all the Warcraft powerhouses of the four major groups also moved one after another, and they were very acquainted with Deacon Chen Ang. Obviously, their target is the Sky Monster Python, and The target of Deacon Chen Ang and others was Yuan Feng above the head of the Tianmon Python.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Almost as soon as Deacon Chen Ang and the four major Warcraft powerhouses shot, a roar suddenly spread, but the human warriors and Warcraft powerhouses lurking in the surroundings were taking advantage of this opportunity.

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