The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2098: To the end

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Chapter 2098 Trouble Up To The End

Each of the five major Super Warcraft ethnic groups has successively blasted out the bottom line of the beast head on their body. At present, it seems that, in addition to the yet-to-be-speaked Howling Wolves, the remaining four major groups are Raven Bears. At this moment, the most beast head crystals were brought, but there were a total of 450 billion yuan.

The 450 billion beast head crystal is definitely a real astronomical figure, and the rest of the three major ethnic groups can only feel secretly regret in their hearts, but there is no way.

At this time, it was all luck, and no one had thought that the small human organization of the Chamber of Commerce of God would have shot a monument to a lot of gods. If they had known this before, they would definitely wish to transfer all their ethnic groups. Just grab it.

Now it is better, the strong of their respective ethnic groups rushed here, I am afraid that a hundred of the auction items have already been auctioned.

At this moment, everyone can only pay attention to the body of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. If the baby of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan can be more than that of the Ravenous Bear Clan, then this time the infinite monument, but It is to be owned by the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Conversely, the Raven Bears will be the biggest winners of this auction.

At the moment, the three strong men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan are all indifferent and can't see what they are thinking, but from them, everyone can feel a faint confidence, and feel these three The situation of this guy at the moment, everyone present could not help but feel a little bad.

"Hey, what do you three pretend to have? How many beast head crystals are there? Hurry up and tell them. If you don't speak again, then this immeasurable monument will be the one that loots the bear clan."

The rough men of the Raven Bears were really anxious at this moment. Seeing that the three guys of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan had a well-formed appearance, they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Hum, Zijin Marten, Tian Mo Hu, Jin Yuying, and Raven Bears, all of you say you are a super big group, but at the critical moment, you even got a few beast head crystals Not coming out is a big joke. "

Hearing the words of the men who ravaged the bear clan, the young man headed by the Xiaoyue Wolf clan couldn't help humming, but took the two behind him and slowly stepped forward a few steps, seeming to be closer to the center Auction table.

"Eh? Howling Wolf, how many beastheads do you have?"

Hearing the words of the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, the strong men of the other major ethnic groups are all gloomy, and all of them are very unhappy.

Speaking of which, the immortal monument falls into the hands of any ethnic group, but only in the hands of the Xiaoyue Wolf family, it is simply too bad.

Everyone knows that the guys of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan are all fatal masters who want to **** something from their hands. It is harder to be conservative than to go to heaven. Even if the infinite monuments really fall into the hands of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, then they have to be doubtful if they are still possible to grab them.

Therefore, each of the large ethnic groups present obviously does not want the beast head crystals and treasures of the Howling Wolves to be more than the Raven Bears.

Until the auction, human warriors have been completely reduced to spectators. There is no way. As a host group of the beast **** world, the time of human warriors here is really too short and too short. Compared to that, their background is still a lot worse.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on several major Warcraft clans. These Warcraft clans have already exploded their homes, and they have no worries about being recognized. It seems that in their hearts, they have always been without The real human warrior is at heart.

"Every one is perverted. Are these super big groups in the beast **** world really mining? The beast head crystal thing, it took me a lot of effort to make up the 100,000 yuan entry fee. But they ... "

"Don't compare with them, what level of existence are these? People blow their breath and they can blow us out ten thousand miles. I am afraid that we are not even able to give them teeth."

"Yu, this is true, except for the 430 billion beast head crystals. This is really ..."

"This is definitely not the limit. Look at it. I am afraid that there will be more Beasthead Crystals than this."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, waiting for the other party to announce their own results. It felt like the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan would affect them after they said the result.

But in fact, no matter which big group got the infinite monument, it seems that they have nothing to do with them.

"Blood bears, you still put away your bear temper, immeasurable monument, I am afraid it will not be taken away by you." With a cold smile, the young men of the Xiaoyue wolf clan no longer look at the major groups The strong, but looked at Ruan Xinrou above the auction platform.

"I have 500 billion beast head crystals and 5,000 moon wolf stones. Is this sincere enough?"

The time between speeches, the original price of 450 billion yuan, was raised by him again by 50 billion yuan, reaching a terrible 500 billion yuan, and 5,000 moon wolfstones were added, such a figure That is the victory of the other four major groups.

Speaking of which, this is also the limit of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. Originally, the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan wanted to say less, but in the end, it simply tossed out all the treasures on their bodies. It can also be regarded as a long face for the Xiaoyue Wolf patriarch, and at the same time let other people lose their conviction.

For them, as long as they can get immense monuments, no matter how many beasthead crystals they spend, it is worth it, they have already been brought, and they have no plans to bring them back.

"What? Five hundred billion beast head crystals, plus five thousand moonwolves? This, this ........."

After the words of the young men of the Xiaoyue Wolf clan came to an end, the strong men of the other four major ethnic groups succumbed to all the words and could not say a word.

Five hundred billion beast head crystals, this is really something they can't compare, and five thousand moonwolf stones are far better than the treasures they can take, so no matter how they are compared, this time, I am afraid It's a complete defeat!

The thought of Wuliang Shenbei will soon fall into the hands of Xiaoyue Wolf Clan. All the people present felt the unhappiness from the heart. They really did not want Xiaoyue Wolf to get Wuliangshibei, because once they were The other party received the immortal monument, they really don't know how to grab the monument.

It is a pity that although they are unwilling to see such a result, they have far more resources in their hands. For this, even if they are not reconciled, they can only break their teeth and swallow them. what!

While speaking, the strong men of the four major ethnic groups glanced at each other, seemingly invisible, and some tacit understanding had been formed.

Obviously, if you want to **** the baby from the hands of the Howling Wolves, then the four major groups of them must be temporarily combined. At least, they have to **** out the baby that the Howling Wolves have in their hands. As for the back How to allocate, that is something to consider later.

Having said that, this kind of thing can never be broken. When the auction is over, they will try to keep an eye on these three Xiaoyue wolf guys. By then, with the strength of so many of them, they really do n’t believe it. Maybe these three guys.

"Five hundred billion beasthead crystals? Five thousand moonwolves?"

When the young man of the Xiaoyue wolf cried out his reserve price, Ruan Xinrou's heart beat vigorously a few times above the auction table. Obviously, even her host who presided over the auction, It was a bit scared by such a number.

Five hundred billion beast head crystals. May I ask if there are 100 billion beast head crystals for the entire God Machine Chamber of Commerce? At the moment, it is just one thing that is useless to them, that is, the auction of 500 billion beast head crystals, plus the price of 5,000 moon wolf stones, she is really difficult to calm for a long time.

Five thousand moon wolf stones, which is not easy to measure with beast head crystals, because moon wolf stones are the treasure of the Xiaoyue wolf tribe, which is generally difficult to obtain.

"Appeal, it seems that this auction will become the most horrible auction in the history of the Shenqi Chamber of Commerce!"

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Xinrou worked hard to calm herself, but the suspicion under her heart made her unable to completely calm down. At this moment, she just wanted to get the Beasthead Crystal and Moonwolf Stone soon, and then end soon. This auction, then go to someone to ask for credit.

"Hehe, this boy bids 500 billion beast head crystals, 5,000 moon wolf stones, dare to ask, but who else has a higher price? If not, then the immeasurable monument on my body is here All sons have it. "

Suppressing the excitement in the bottom of her heart, Ruan Xinrou knew that at this time, she must remain absolutely calm. After all, she represents the entire God Machine Chamber of Commerce. If this time does not perform well, then everything before her Efforts, I am really going to waste it.

Five hundred billion beast head crystals and five thousand moon wolf stones, such a price, is obviously already the sky, but routine business is still required, at least, she must convince everyone to take it orally, can not say anything.

As for whether anyone can bid higher than this, she basically didn't even think about it. After all, she didn't dare to think about the 500 billion beast head crystals.

The other four major ethnic groups all bowed their heads honestly at this moment. Although they were very dissatisfied, at this moment, they had no way to think except silence.

The three great men of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan are all holding their heads up, but they have already won the ticket.

"Oh, no one seems to be bidding, since ..."

"Slow, who says no one has bid? It seems like I haven't spoken yet?"

However, just after Ruan Xinrou said half of the words, but before she had finished speaking, she gave a coquettish sound, and suddenly passed it on, breaking the words behind her directly.

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