The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1997: Talking World of Warcraft

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Chapter 997 The Talking Warcraft

Yuan Feng found a seal passage leading to the ground in the practice dojo of the master of the Shifang Palace, which was undoubtedly a great discovery for him.

But after confirming the existence of the seal channel, he used his best efforts and began to study how to break the seal.

With his understanding of the mysterious formation and his own strength, the seal was broken by him in less than half a quarter of an hour, and as the seal was broken, a hole that was clearly a transmission channel, then Appeared before his eyes.

"Woohoo !!!"

Appearing at the entrance of the passage, a mulberry and ancient atmosphere slowly dissipated from the interior of the passage. Instantly, Yuan Feng had a feeling of returning to the ancient times of flood and wasteland.

"Yu, such a domineering atmosphere, it seems that this time, I should have discovered something extraordinary !!!"

Feeling the breath of a fierce beast, Yuan Feng was shocked, but he hurriedly raised his hand, and then he condensed an energy shield to cover the breath escaped from the hole. The breath escaped outside.

Obviously, if this breath of horror is allowed to escape to the outside, then all Ziyun Palace strongmen will probably be brought in by him for the first time. At that time, don't say whether he can get away, at least, he is absolutely Can't go into the hole below.

"As a matter of insurance, let's arrange a small mysterious array. In this case, the atmosphere here can no longer escape to the outside !!!"

In order to prevent the breath from leaking out, he can only arrange a small mysterious array, and anyway, there is his eyeliner over the Bagua Hall. If the main hall owners return to the palace, he can receive it immediately Xuan Zhen, leave the scope of the Shifangdian.

With his current strength, setting up a small Jiuqu Yellow River array is as easy as eating and drinking. With words, a small mysterious array has already taken shape.

With this small Jiuqu Yellow River array, the breath below the cave entrance is not possible to escape to the outside, and such a mysterious array can more or less play a certain protective role, at least, It is impossible for someone below the demigod to open this mysterious array.

And even if the demigods come to break the battle, it will take a little bit more time.

"Go on and have a look. I'd like to see, what is the owner of the Shifang Hall hiding here, and what kind of hidden feelings it will have."

When the mysterious array was set up, Yuan Feng hesitated a little bit, and then he moved into the cave carefully and swept into the hole. As a precaution, he is always ready to summon the Chixiao sword. As long as there is any wind and grass moving, he will not hesitate to shoot and not give the other party any opportunity.

However, soon, Yuan Feng found that his worries seemed unnecessary, because he did not encounter any accidents until he passed through the entire passage and came to a very spacious space.

Of course, at this time, he didn't have the energy to think so much, because when he passed through the aisle and came to this spacious space, the sight in front of him made him subconsciously raise his head. With both eyes, the whole person was secretly alert.

"This ......... Dude, it seems that this time is really an eye-opener !!!"

Looking at the center of the space for the first time, there were huge chains, but at this moment they were locked in a weird World of Warcraft curled up together, and the flood he felt was ancient. The breath was clearly escaped from the body of that Warcraft.

This is a huge World of Warcraft with scales all over it. The whole body is pierced by iron chains. The height of World of Warcraft is almost three or four meters, and the length is no less than ten meters. The big guy at this moment seems to be a treat In a state of sleep, although there is a sense of ancient famine around the body, there is no sense of danger.

The head of WoW lay on the ground quietly, looking like a huge dragon head, and the neck of WoW was long and seemed to be soft. As for the body of WoW, it looked like steel scales A, it is already able to demonstrate the strong defense of this Warcraft.

However, this World of Warcraft at this moment was pierced by iron chains all over the body. It is said that its scale armor is very strong, but it is also slightly difficult to convince the public!

It seems that this World of Warcraft seems to be really asleep, and faintly, Yuan Feng can even feel a trace of weakness from the other person's body, and the feeling is like this World of Warcraft was injured.

"What's this? This head is as crimson as a unicorn, and the neck seems soft, and it looks like a big monster !!!"

When it comes to Warcraft, he has contacted a lot, even his own body has two Warcraft partners, and the young eight of them does have a place in the appearance that is not inferior to the Warcraft in front of him.

However, the feeling of this Warcraft in front of him is still different. At least he knows that no matter whether it is Xiaoba or Xiaojin, there is no way to compare it with the Warcraft in front of him.

"It seems that this should be a wounded Warcraft, but I don't know why, but I was trapped here, and the one who trapped it here should be the master of the Shifang Hall. Is that right? "

The World of Warcraft in front of him, he was sure he did not know, and since this thing stayed here, it was naturally trapped here by the master of the Shifang Palace.

From the overall situation of the World of Warcraft, this is definitely a big guy who has been seriously injured and has not been recovered, and it is precisely because of this that the master of the Shifang Palace can only be trapped with an iron chain, if not In this case, he may not be able to trap such an overbearing World of Warcraft.

Although there is not much energy fluctuation in the body of this World of Warcraft, Yuan Feng can still feel how much potential and strength is contained in the body of this big guy, and it is not a fun thing to provoke this guy. .

I looked at the whole Warcraft up and down, but in the end, Yuan Feng didn't know what kind of it was, and it was estimated that it was a very rare, even super-big Mac that would never be seen for thousands of years.

"I have a very old-fashioned atmosphere all over my body, and I have been hit hard by World of Warcraft. I really don't know what it is, and it feels a bit amazing."

Yuan Feng can feel that the whole body of this World of Warcraft does have special energy. At this time, he can give some pointers to this World of Warcraft.

Looking at this huge scale armoured Warcraft, Yuan Feng didn't shoot at this big guy for the first time, but he didn't dare to underestimate this big guy he had never seen before.

Although the whole body of Warcraft was penetrated by special iron chains, this did not affect the majesty of the big guy.


Almost just when Yuan Feng stared at the big guy and looked curiously, he seemed to be getting more and more curious. This one seemed to be the same big guy who fell asleep, but suddenly there was a slight shock, and then Opened his eyes.

"Well? Wake up?"

Feeling Warcraft's eyes opened, he glared at himself. Yuan Feng could not help but startled, but stepped back subconsciously, and observed it with a kind of inspection eyes.

Warcraft suddenly opened his eyes, which was obviously not in his prediction, and for such a big guy who has never been seen before, he suddenly opened his eyes and wanted to be indifferent even if he was so powerful. Fortunately, he set up a mysterious array outside, otherwise, the atmosphere here may not be able to hide it.

"Well, are you very alert, this just makes a little noise, this guy just woke up, it seems that this thing will definitely not be ordinary Warcraft !!!"

Looking at the opposite Warcraft staring alertly at himself, Yuan Feng could not help being more curious.

The Warcraft in front of me is a very spiritual guy. If it wasn't for meeting in such an environment, he would probably study the other party well. But the situation at the moment is that he does not have so much energy to study each other carefully.

Of course, no matter what, the big guy in front of him makes him feel weird, but he dare not have the slightest contempt for this World of Warcraft.

"Big guy, don't look at me with such vigilance. I have no purpose for you. I just pass by here. If I can, I would be very willing to help you."

From the humanized look of Warcraft, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a sense of intolerance. At least, he was not very comfortable with the chains of Warcraft all around him.

Of course, at this moment, he didn't figure out what kind of Warcraft it was. Even if he couldn't bear it, he didn't take the first time to rescue the other party from prison.

"Finally I have seen a living person, I haven't thought of being trapped here for so long, and finally let me see other people !!!"

When Yuan Feng stared at the huge World of Warcraft and murmured involuntarily, a rough voice suddenly passed into his ear. The sound sounded a little trembling, and it seemed a little too Familiar with sounding the same.

"His, this is ........."

The sudden sound made Yuan Feng tremble, and the whole person felt an incredible feeling. This is the world under the channel. He has felt that there is no other person around, but at this moment, he heard someone talking to himself. It is not surprising that he was surprised!

"Human boy, don't look at me, I'm talking to you. Where else can I look?"

Just when Yuan Feng was in doubt, the same voice sounded again, but this time, Yuan Feng finally found out where the sound came from.

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