The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1978: Scramble (second more)

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Chapter 978 Contention (two more)

In the palace of the lord of the Liuhe Palace, between the two lords' speeches, Yuan Feng's ending was decided, and everything that the two said was also heard in Yuan Feng's ears.

Frankly, when listening to the results of the research by Huaying and Fuxi, Yuan Feng really couldn't believe everything he heard. Ask anyone, who can think that his master is because of a handle The sword was sold to him as a disciple.

Looking indifferently at the two main hall masters, Yuan Feng knew that this time, he had no room to turn around, and Ziyun Palace really couldn't stay.

It is said that the human heart is sinister, but he never imagined that even his master can give his disciples casually to others. Today, he is a thorough understanding of the master of Huadai.

"Unscrupulous, why, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

The main hall was started, but the master of the hall of the palace of Hua Di found the angry look of Yuan Feng looking at himself at this moment, but he smiled indifferently at this moment, and did not move at all.

It was not his original intention to receive Yuan Feng as an apprentice, but now there is the matter of the Bagua Temple, plus the fact that Yuan Feng is based on the weapon of the magic weapon, he will not even care about the life of an outsider. After Xuan Ming's abolition of Yuan Feng, he will issue a statement to the outside world, experiencing Chen Yuan Feng's various responsibilities, and expel the other party from Liuhedian. At that time, the other party will have nothing to do with Liuhedian.

"Brother Huaying, don't talk to such a kid any more, let me do it first, get your excalibur back first, and then let me take him outside and return the innocence of my Bagua Temple."

The Lord of Fuxi Palace also saw the anger of Yuan Feng, but the more angry Yuan Yuan was, the more he felt revenge. Speaking of it, aside from the reputation of the Bagua Temple, he said to his big disciple, But he really liked it too, and Xuanming was beheaded by Yuan Feng right now. He naturally wanted to avenge his disciples sooner.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and speaking, he was taking a step forward, and was about to shoot at Yuan Feng.

His methods are so many, as long as he controls Yuan Feng, he will let the other party honestly obey his own merchandise. By then, whether it is the Excalibur requested by Hua Yan or letting the other party bleach the Bagua Temple, it will not be a big deal. Things.


Just as the Lord of the Fuxi Palace was about to step forward, and was about to attack Yuan Feng, there was always a silent Yuan Feng under the hall, but he finally spoke.

"Well? Boy, do you have anything else to say?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's opening, the main body of Fuxi Temple could not help but stagnate, but gave Yuan Feng an opportunity to speak. When he wanted to come here, this is the main hall of the Huadai Hall master, and now he and the two strong masters of the Huadai Hall master are present. Naturally, there is no need to worry about Yuan Feng's tricks.

The master of Huadai Palace was also a little surprised, but he didn't know what Yuan Feng wanted to say, but no matter what Yuan Feng said now, it was impossible to change the ending of Yuan Feng.

"Hehehe, I really can't think of it. The divine master of the Liuhe Palace is so despicable. It really made me know, and I called you a master for so long."

The look of anger suddenly changed, and Yuan Feng, at this moment, couldn't help laughing.

Now that he has seen through Huaxi and Fuxi, there is no need for him to be angry with such people. Today, he wants to let some people know that it is not easy to let him die. .

"Presumptuous, evil barrier, how dare you speak to the Lord of this temple, believe it or not, I can't let you live or die?"

Hearing the satirical words of Yuan Feng's unabashed concealment, the face of the Lord of the Palace of Heaven and Earth could not help but slightly conceal, but he did not conceal his own intention to kill. If it wasn't because he had promised Fu Xi to give Yuan Feng to the other party, and he had to get the weapon of Yuan Feng's magic weapon, then at this moment, I am afraid he really shot it and killed the other party directly. Already.

"Oh, can't I survive, can't I die? Of course, I believe you can do it, and there's no such thing as a mean man like you?"

With a scornful smile, Yuan Feng didn't care about the anger and killing in the other's eyes, but still said to himself, "Hua Ye, I joined Feng Zi Palace and chose your Liuhe Temple, which is not very pure. Purpose, but for a long time, I really treat you as a master, but I did not expect that you are so despicable that you are not worthy of being the master of Liuhe Temple. "

Seriously, what Hua Yan did was really made him feel very angry. If he didn't scold each other for a few words today, his heart would be really uncomfortable.

"Bold, you, you look for death !!!"

Hearing that Yuan Feng dared to speak to him like this, the master of Huadai Palace was so angry that the whole person was on the verge of running away. At this moment, he just wanted to shoot Yuan Feng with one palm. As for other things, he really didn't want to More tube.

"Brother Huayong, be calm and calm, why do you have such a big fire with such a dying man?"

However, just when Hua Yan was about to destroy Yuan Feng, Fu Xi on the side hurriedly stood up to stop the other's actions.

Hua Ye can shoot Yuan Feng regardless of Yuan Feng ’s life or death, but he ca n’t. After all, he still needs to let Yuan Feng clarify the Bagua Temple. If Yuan Feng died at this time, would n’t his big disciple want Have you ever been wronged by a traitor in Ziyun Palace?

"Yu, brother Fu Xi, when you run out of this son, you must torture him alive, not to make him die too comfortably."

Taking a deep breath, the Lord of the Palace of Hua Di slowly suppressed the anger at the bottom of his heart, but he did not forget to instruct the Lord of the Palace of Fu Xi. It seems that he really hated Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, rest assured. If Brother Huayu is not assured, then you and I will make a shot together, it will make him die very, very comfortable, hahaha !!!"

With a loud laugh, the Lord of Fuxi Temple at this moment also revealed the demeanor that a strong man in the semi-god realm should not have, but his performance was like watching Yuan Feng from below shaking his head.

Everyone said that fish, fish, shrimp, and shrimp. It seems that Hua Hua and Fu Xi are all from the same way. For such people, he really doesn't need to talk to them. Even if they scold each other, it is wasteful. Your own saliva.

"Boy, hand over Brother Exorcist's Excalibur first. Maybe I will be happy when I am happy, otherwise, you will regret coming to this world."

At this moment, the Lord of Fuxi Temple completely tore off the camouflage, it is completely a superior who bullies the weak, and from his current performance, his relationship with Huaying is obviously really close. Otherwise, he will not be unreserved in front of the other party.

"Ah, Hua Hua is not worthy of being the master of the Liuhe Temple. I do n’t think you are worthy of being the master of the Bagua Temple. It seems that 80% of your big disciple has learned from you, even everything he did, ten Eighty-nine are what you directed, sad, sad! "

Yuan Feng couldn't help but make a long sigh, but he looked at the two above with sympathy, and did not wait for the other to get angry. He continued, "No, this one is the magic sword you want. Now, Hua Yan old man, you are optimistic, but this is your thing? "

When the words fell, he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, a red-red sword was pinched in his hands. The sword was shining like a red sun. It looked really shining. Human eyes.

"Hisse !!! This is ......... a good weapon for the magic weapon, but there is such a weapon for the magic weapon in the world? It's really an eye-opener !!!"

When Yuan Feng took out the Red Xiao Sword, the Lord of the Fuxi Temple closer to him felt the horror of horror passed from the Divine Sword for the first time, and even felt the Red Xiao faintly. The imperial scent of the sword, and after seeing the Chixiao sword, he determined one thing almost immediately, that is, such a divine sword would never be lent to Yuan Feng by the master of Huadai Palace.

Joke, ask, who would lend such a magic sword to others? Even if he is not very proficient with the sword, he also knows the value of the sword. At this moment, what he can hardly restrain is the desire to possess the Excalibur.

Since the Excalibur is not the owner of the Palace of Heaven, then of course he is qualified to compete for this sword. As for the relationship between him and Liuhedian, it may not be destroyed by a sword?

"Good sword, good sword !!!"

The master of Hua Di Dian couldn't move his eyes for a while. When he saw the red sword in Yuan Feng's hand, he couldn't wait to pounce on it and grab the sword in Yuan Feng's hand.

After so long training, he has seen a lot of magic weapons. Compared with the sick sword in Yuan Feng's hand, the other so-called magic soldiers are simply not worth mentioning!

The strong men in the two demigods are beating their eyes and clenched their hands subconsciously. At this moment, both of them are obviously tempted. There is no way, such a magic sword, they have never seen in their lives. Baby slipped away in front of her, that would regret it all her life.

The main thing is that such a magic sword is actually in the hands of a little person in an infinite state at this time. Whose speed is fast and who can grab the magic sword?

"Sin barrier, do not return the magic soldier of the main hall master !!!"

The master of Huadai Hall was a few steps away from Yuan Feng. At this time, he never dared to delay. During the talk, he stomped his feet and moved to Yuan Feng to go away. At the same time, a huge handprint was caught directly against Yuan Feng.

"Brother Huaying, don't bother you, let me do it !!!"

The Lord of the Fuxi Palace did not dare to delay at this moment either. After seeing the long sword in Yuan Feng's hand, he did not intend to give it to others. In any case, he must take the Excalibur into his own hands. in.

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