The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1902: Do not regret it (second more)

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Chapter 1902: Regret Is Not Original (Part Two)

The horrible suction came from the surrounding space of the mysterious array, the demigods of the two great Yuanji palaces. At this moment, they were shocked to find that the power in their bodies was losing at an amazing speed, no matter what. No matter how hard they try, this loss is impossible to stop.

"No, how could this be, how could this be !!! My power was being detached from the mysterious array, how could there be such a terrible mysterious array? !!!"

Veteran Peng Ji almost had a crying mind. So far, he has been absorbing external forces to supplement himself, but now, his power is even losing. He can feel that if this situation continues to develop, it won't be long before he is afraid that he can't even sustain the demigod.

"Give me it !!! Don't let it go anymore, stop it all for me !!!"

Turning all the power around, Peng Ji at this moment basically used all his powers to stop the flow of power, but the more he worked the power, the faster his power flowed.

"Brother Gongsun, where are you? Come and help me !!!"

At this moment, Peng Ji was really so helpless that he had to seek the help of Gongsun Yun. However, the Jiuqu Yellow River Array has been operating again, and he and Gongsun Yun have been separated again. How can they shout to each other? Moreover, Gongsun Yun at this moment was in no way better than him.

"Brother Peng Ji, Brother Peng Ji save me, my power, my power can no longer be controlled !!!"

Gongsun Yun was screaming madly at the moment. Like Peng Ji, his power was being violently evacuated by the surrounding space of the mysterious array, and he also used all the available methods, but there was no Ways to stop it all.

At this moment, the two veterans are resisting suction as if they were crazy, but how can the ultimate upheaval of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation be able to resist?

"Two, rest assured, I will not kill you, but at the moment you are not willing to be obedient, then I can only make you obedient in my own way, of course, if you insist on opposing me , Then I really want to be polite. Now, please let me feel the way of my mysterious formation for now! "

Just as the two half-gods of the elders roared wildly, Yuan Feng's voice passed directly into the ears of the two of them, apparently to teach them and let them know how powerful Yuan Feng was.

"No, don't, Son of Yuan Feng, stop now. I'm willing to listen to you. I'll listen to you. Stop now!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Gongsun Yun was unable to care about his face anymore, and he was afraid to think about any other ideas, because he knew that this time, they really angered Yuan Feng.

Before that, they all felt that although Yuan Feng and Waner were strong, it was not a big deal, but now it seems that if the other party wants to deal with them, I am afraid there are too many ways!

At least, if Yuan Feng really kills Hua Tian Xing and Li Jin, then Yuan Feng definitely has the means to kill them. This is naturally beyond doubt.

"Yuan Feng, I served it, I really did. I am willing to be the principal of Feng Waner and support her as the master of Yuanji Palace. Please accept the means and spare me this old life !!! "

Gongsun Yun was really scared at the moment. He has n’t known how much effort he has put into practice and how many hardships he has passed. If he really just so completely dissipates all his strength, he is simply Just die.

The stronger people are, the more they fear death, especially the demigods like them.

People in the demigod state have an endless life span. As long as there is not much change, they can basically live for many years. And once they are lucky enough to realize the truth and become the power of the gods beyond the demigod, then they are truly immortal.

So, no matter what, they are unwilling to lose their lives at this time.

"Well, what's the use of saying these now? Enjoy the meal I prepared for you, and when you're done, tell me your thoughts."

Hearing Gongsun Yun begging for mercy, Yuan Feng did not mean anything. Of course he didn't believe Gongsun Yun so easily, and it was easy to make him believe the other person, but it will never be now.

"No, don't, I think about it, I think about it now !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng about to leave, Gongsun Yun was so pale that he hurriedly shouted at Yuan Feng. Unfortunately, how could Yuan Feng continue to listen to him at this moment? No matter how he shouted, Yuan Feng never said a word again, as if he had really left.

"Do not!!!!!"

Without a response, there was darkness all around, and his power seemed to begin to drain at a faster speed. At this moment, Gongsun Yun was filled with regret.

If he hadn't done anything smart with Yuan Feng before, then maybe he has already thought of a way to go out, at least he won't end up like he is now. Now think about it, really regret it.

"No, I can't let all my power be lost, absolutely not !!!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Gongsun Yun no longer wastes his energy to shout. Speaking, he immediately sat down with his knees crossed, and then began to stabilize his emotions and strength, trying to ensure that his strength was no longer Churn.

Not to mention, in the case of calmness and relaxation, his power loss rate seems to be much slower. Unfortunately, the slow return is slow, but even slower, as long as there is time to superimpose, so sooner or later, his Strength will slip away.

However, at this moment, he can only worry about the current situation, but he has no time to think about the situation later.

Peng Ji's situation is the same. Of course, he is a bit more mad than Gongsun Yun, and did not cry and cry for Yuanfeng for mercy, but in his heart, he was already very afraid of Yuan Feng.

The two greats are trying to resist the loss of power. Unfortunately, the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu is too mysterious. Here, everything is up to Yuan Feng. No matter how they resist, the final result, but It was already destined.

"Yu, it seems that my strength is still a little bit short of fire. If I can reach the semi-god realm, I want to come out as long as the Jiuqu Yellow River large array, then no matter how many semi-god strong, no In half an hour, they can become ordinary people! "

When the two strong men stopped shouting, but struggled to resist the Jiuqu Yellow River battle, Yuan Feng could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but there was some regret under his heart.

Although the current Jiuqu Yellow River Formation has begun to take shape, it is obviously a little short of wanting to quickly turn the demigod into an ordinary person.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time. No matter how long it takes, he can completely afford it.

"When the cultivation of these two people has fallen below the demigod, I'd like to see how you can resist my blood curse! At that time, I want to let you know that even if you are a demigod, So there will be a day of falling from the altar. "

Tugging the corners of his mouth, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but have a sense of pleasure. In the final analysis, he is a person who cannot afford to lose a little bit. Since this Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji are so ignorant, he can only use this method to let them completely attach.

Gongsun Yun's ending has basically been set. He will eliminate the practice of the other party, and make the other party an infinite person, and he will never let the other party recover for a while. Then, he will control an infinite person. It will not be too difficult for him.

Of course, he will never let the other party return to the demigod state before he has not reached the demigod state, because once the other party returns to the demigod state, then he really can't control it Ah!

As for Peng Ji, of course he would not treat the other side, but when Waner had not completely controlled Yuanji Palace, this Peng Ji was probably an uncertain factor, so he should not be taken lightly.

Although the previous Gongsun Yun said that he would leave Yuanji Palace and go to Langji Tianya from now on, no longer ask about Yuanji Palace, but in this case, Yuan Feng would not really believe it.

This Peng Ji has such a deep relationship with Huatian Xing that if he can put down Yuanji Palace so easily, he can't believe it alone.

Therefore, before Wan'er does not control the entire Yuanji Palace, and becomes the true master of the Yuanji Palace, he will better control Peng Ji, and wait until Wan'er ascends Dabao and can order At the time of the Yuanji Palace, he will release the other party at that time, and he will not be able to participate too much in the future if he will be able to return to the demigod.

This is his bottom line and the maximum he can do. If the other party still feels that this is not enough, then he has nothing to say.

You know, in his mind, he hasn't even cared about these guys, and he has been stumbling in the boundless world for a while. Naturally, he won't look too far away when looking at people.

"Wait a minute, when the power of these two people has fallen below the semi-god realm, when I took the control of them, I had the support of them, and Waner's seat should be It can be determined! "

His eyes narrowed, at this moment, he was full of longing for what was about to happen.

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