The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1864: Good and bad

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Chapter 1864 Fortune and Fortune Interdependence

Hua Tian Xing really invested all his possessions in order to let himself devour a perfect Waner. Not only that, but in order to make Wan'er's nihility become a reality, he can also be promoted to demigod, and he has consumed his own power to help Wan'er improve his strength.

The power of the demigod of the demigod is not endless, especially when he is helping Waner to get things done. All the power is consumed. If these powers are consumed too much, it will affect the He had extremely bad effects.

However, Hua Tian Xing's heart knew that no matter how much he paid, as long as he swallowed Waner, all his efforts were actually spent on himself, and there was nothing to lose.

Wan'er's situation is full of unknowns. No one knows whether she can successfully achieve nothingness, and no one knows if she can promote cultivation to a terrible demigod state, but no matter what the situation is, as long as it is If nothing unexpected happens, she is afraid that she can't escape the fate swallowed by Hua Tianxing ...

At the same time Waner was struggling with the higher and stronger realm, Yuan Feng did not rest at this moment, but the situation he was facing was not very optimistic.

"Well, a dwelling hall for the demigods, this really makes people puzzled. If I go on like this, even me, I'm afraid I'll lose my head!"

Yuan Feng's figure constantly shuttles between these faults in the confused space faults, but although his speed is very fast, but such a long time has passed, he has found nothing and is still in an unknown space Inside the fault.

Wuying's magical powers are working to the extreme. At this moment, Yuan Feng has merged with the surrounding space. Not to mention the person of the Promise, even if it is a person of the Demigod, if he does not know his existence, he will not He dug out of the space.

"This Huatian Xing is really careful. With so many spatial faults, I want to put his dojo in the deepest part of these spatial faults, but what can I do to find his place? Is it possible to keep going like this? "

A bit of bitter smile slowly climbed up to his face, and now he really felt some trouble.

How amazing is Xiaoyao ’s magical power, as long as he moves, he can shuttle through several spatial faults, but in this palace, there are too many different dimensions of space, and in such a place, he ca n’t help it. Identifying the direction, I do not know if I have arrived in a new heterodimensional space, or I am still in the same space.

If it is outside, he can also use some Warcraft eyeliner marks to identify the direction and determine his own course of action. But in a demigod's palace, if he really did that, he would be the one looking for death!

He can hide himself with shadowless magic, but those Warcraft eyeliners obviously don't have that ability.

"Hey, this is not the way to go. You must think of an idea and find Waner and that Huatian Xing as soon as possible. If you continue to do so, sooner or later I will faint!"

Stopping for a while, Yuan Feng at this moment couldn't help thinking about feasible ways.

Although he was not afraid of trouble, he had too much time, but the situation was very urgent at the moment, and it was not something he could afford to delay, because for every second, Waner might be in danger.

However, it is a pity that although he usually has many good methods, at this moment, he really can't think of a very good idea. It seems that apart from continuing to chaos and try his luck, he really has no feasible way to think of!

"Well, anyway, it is certain that Waner is in a different dimension of the palace at this moment. In that case, I will try to sense it here. If it is found, then It is possible that it might lead to Huatian Xing, or even provide me with the opportunity to discover Waner! "

After thinking about it, he could only think of such an idea. No matter what, now he and Wan'er are in the same hall. The distance between them is the closest. This situation is better than that. He was anxious outside.

Having figured this out, he simply sat down in a different dimension space, and then carefully released his mind and explored in all directions.

He is quite confident about his own mental strength. He believes that even if he is a strong man in the semi-god realm, as long as he does not deliberately explore the surroundings, it should be difficult to find his mental exploration.

And here is Hua Tianxing's own palace, outside can be described as a layer of strong guards, Hua Tian Xing should not be idle and okay, look around with heart and soul to see if anyone invaded?

The mind is floating, but it is blessed by the swallowing martial spirit, and this intensity of mind is indeed no longer under the power of the demigod. It is a pity that this palace now has too much space of different dimensions. For a while, he couldn't spread his mind into every space.

The next time, Yuan Feng was constantly changing the space like this, and then he was swinging toward his surroundings endlessly, searching for the location of Huatian Xing and Waner.

This was a very challenging process, and it was a process that filled him with expectations. To tell the truth, he really hoped that he could suddenly find the familiar figure at a certain moment, and then went straight to the front without saying a word. , Take Waner's girl away from the Yuanji Palace.

Time passes, but in Yuan Feng's body, he can't feel the existence of time. He wants to find Waner until there is an exact result. Before that, he won't let himself stop. .

I do n’t know how long it has been, Yuan Feng has almost felt a bit powerless, but just when he almost gave up, a faint wave of energy suddenly broke into his mind, letting He felt a little strange.

"Well? Energy fluctuations? There are traces of energy fluctuations !!!"

For such a long period of time, there is nothing unusual. The sudden energy fluctuations suddenly made Yuan Feng's heart shake, and then he looked happy.

Here, it seems that there is no one else who can make energy fluctuations. Maybe, after so long, I can finally get some rewards!

"Whether it is Waner or that Huatian Xing, it finally made me look forward to it !!!"

The mind carefully determined where the energy fluctuations came from. Yuan Feng worked hard to calm himself, because he knew that the more such a time, the more dangerous it was. God knows that the energy fluctuations have been released from Hua Tianxing? If it is Hua Tian Xing, then his situation, I am afraid, will not be too optimistic.

Of course, at this time, he couldn't control so much. After determining the general direction of the energy fluctuations, he was in shape and slowly approached the direction in that direction. At the same time, he His mind was also connected to his subordinates in Yuanji Palace, and secretly began to arrange.

Everything must be planned and then moved. Now that something is found, there may be a hard fight. If that is the case, of course, he must be prepared for the battle. After all, even if Waner is found, he You also need to let yourself have the power to escape. If you simply die with Waner, then this trip will not make any sense.

The magical skills of Xiaoyao and Wuying are working to the extreme. At this moment, he is like a breeze in the space. There is no strangeness in the past, and if no one knows his existence at this time, it is I will never find his position ...

As Yuan Feng rushed towards her target position, at this moment, Waner, who had been working hard with the help of Huatian Xing, also ushered in a pivotal turn in her life.

In the fantastic space, Hua Tian Xing, the master of the Yuanji Palace, had already stood up and stared intently at the jade jar not far away. In the jade jar, the one who originally sat in it and practiced it Waner, now there is no trace at all, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

However, although Waner's figure was no longer visible in the jade jar, there was a horrible wave of energy in the jade jar, and it was suddenly spreading out in all directions.

The horrible energy fluctuations spread out in all directions, but the level of energy fluctuations has completely surpassed the level that the Promise should have, and continues to rise upward.

"Natural body masterpiece, cultivated for promotion to demigod realm !!! This is nothingness body masterpiece, cultivated for promotion to demigod realm, success, this girl turned out to be really successful !!!"

Hua Tian Xing was almost excited and jumped up. Speaking of which, he was indeed full of expectations for Waner's cultivation, but he was not sure, Waner was able to successfully complete the nothingness and impacted the demigod. The state of the state, after all, whether it is to achieve the state of nothingness, or to achieve the state of the demigod, both are too difficult.

However, at this moment, Waner not only reached the realm of nothingness, but also saw that she was about to be promoted to a demigod state. The two gains combined were a joyous event for him.

For many years, when Waner was brought back to the boundless world, he was looking forward to this day. Now, his long-cherished wish for so many years will finally be realized!

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