The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1829: Reunion (four more)

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In Qingwu Palace, a secret room of the Central Palace, at this moment, Jiang Qingwu, the nominal owner of Qingwu Palace, and the two young ladies of Qingwu Palace are busy.

For the three women with the highest status in Qingwu Palace, their authority in Qingwu Palace is incomparable to anyone. This is not only because of their great strength, but more importantly, they are It is the closest person to the detached existence. To put it plainly, the main reason for the existence of Qingwu Palace is because of them.

Speaking of which, although in name, Yuan Feng's wife only has Yun Mengchen, but everyone knows that Mu Yuner is actually nothing more than Yuan Feng's personal recognition, but this kind of thing usually comes naturally Things, there is no need to say anything about Yuan Feng!

In places such as the Unbounded Realm, the strong should have enjoyed this kind of treatment. They do n’t need to say anything at all. Instead, countless women will come to the door. Like Yuan Feng, he only loves two women. There are too few people.

Everyone knows Yuan Feng's strength. After all, in the entire Qingwu Palace, except for some of his relatives and friends, the rest of the Promise is controlled by him, and he can control these Promise. Naturally you can imagine how strong his strength is.

The three women of Jiang Qingwu stayed together on weekdays. Their cultivation has reached the state of the limitless state, but the cultivation on weekdays can help each other, and they can also study some new things that they don't usually touch. , Such as Xuan Zhen.

No, recently, the three women were fascinated by the powerful technique of Xuan Zhen, and have been immersed in Xuan Zhen's research. They have not left the closet for a long time.

"Mother, this two team of ice and fire, the three of us have finally learned almost. After a while, we can call Yuan Feng's avatar and let him see what we have achieved!"

At this moment, a piece of soil in the middle of the three daughters of Jiang Qingwu is a scorched black at the moment, but in this scorched black, there are some blue ice crystals. This kind of scene is exactly showing The scene after the fire and ice ceremony.

"Oh, don't be in a hurry. The power of the two teams of ice and fire should be far more than that. The three of us have been practicing till now, but we have only made the two teams of ice and fire into a small group, or wait to bring them together After that, let's call Fenger's clone. "

Hearing Yun Mengchen's words, Jiang Qingwu shook his head and denied the other party's proposal.

Before, they asked for a few basic mysterious arrays from Yuan Feng's avatar and practiced under the guidance of the avatars. Not to mention that the trio's talents are still pretty good, at least they will get started soon. .

The ice and fire two ritual arrays can only be regarded as extremely basic mysterious arrays, but even with such basic mysterious arrays, it is quite difficult for three people to cultivate successfully. And since you can cultivate the basic mysterious array, if time goes by, you can cultivate a stronger mysterious array.

"Oh, what Auntie Wu said was that we have just practiced Xuanzhen now, and if I said, we will practice all these Xuanzhen to Dacheng, and then let Master Yuan Feng's clone take a look and let him Look at us. "

Mu Yun'er also smiled sweetly at the moment, clapping his hands to agree with Jiang Qingwu's statement.

Speaking of them, all of them knew that Yuan Feng had an affair, and also knew that it was Yuan Feng's avatar that remained in Qingwu Palace. As for Yuan Feng's deity, I didn't know where to go now. Too!

Although the avatar is good, and the deity is actually Yuanfeng himself, for the three women, the avatar will never replace the deity. When facing the avatar, they will naturally have a feeling of discomfort. Therefore, if nothing is going on, they will rarely touch the avatar too much.

This makes Yuan Feng somewhat helpless. In fact, whether it is the deity or the avatar, it is Yuan Feng himself in essence, but Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner always feel that the avatar is not real. For this, he also has no way.

Having said that, the avatar does have a slight difference from the deity. At least, the avatar does not have the special breath of the deity, and this special breath is only a few people can feel. This is natural. Including Jiang Qingwu and Yun Mengchen.

"Yeah, since this is the case, let's continue to practice the ice and fire ritual array until we reach the level of pure fire and fire, and then take Yuan Feng's avatar as a pointer."

Yun Mengchen naturally does not have any opinions. Anyway, they have so much time. Sooner or later, they can practice this team of ice and fire to the end.

"Hey, unfortunately, there is no news about Brother Yuanfeng's deity, and he doesn't know what happened after he went to Ziyun Palace."

Mu Yuner apparently didn't have much cultivation mind at the moment. When talking about Yuan Feng's avatar, naturally, she reminded her of Yuan Feng's deity. After a few years, Yuan Feng had no news at all. If you don't worry about it, it is of course false.

Fortunately, there are two people sitting in the light dance palace, always telling them that Yuan Feng's deity is safe, otherwise, they may not even have the cultivation mind.

"Hehe, sister Yun'er, you don't need to worry about Yuan Feng. He has so many good ideas and has so many powerful methods on his body. Didn't he listen to the avatar before? At the seventh turn, even the strongest in the demigod can hardly hurt them! "

Seeing Mu Yuner start to worry about Qi Yuanfeng again, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but step forward, comforting each other. Of course, although she speaks lightly, in fact, she is obviously comforting herself by saying so.

"Master Yuan Feng is the best. Now he only has the realm of yin and yang, but he has the strength of a person who is demigod. When he reaches the limitless state, he can easily defeat the demigod. Is that right? "

Speaking of this matter, Mu Yun'er's spirit came in an instant, and her expression began to flutter, as if Yuan Feng's strength was her own strength.

Before Yuan Feng was promoted to the ninth turn of Xuan Gong, the avatar naturally got the news at the first time, and in order to make Yun Mengchen's three more assured, the avatar informed the news to them, and even added Adding vinegar to the oil, he literally boasted Yuan Feng to the sky.

"How can you think so exaggerated, how easy it is for a demi-god to be defeated, but if Fenger really reaches the limitless state, then the demi-god is a strong man, and it should be completely out of him. . "

Hearing Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner praise Yuan Feng, Jiang Qingwu shook his head and said with a smile. She doesn't know much about Yuan Feng's Nine Turns Xuan Gong, but to say that relying on a refining skill can make Yuan Feng's immortal body in the yin and yang realm, which doesn't seem to be so real.

"Ha ha ha, my mother looks down on the baby too, right? If you really advance to Promise, the baby should be able to defeat the demigod."

Just when Jiang Qingwu's voice had just fallen, a long laugh came suddenly from outside the closet. The laughter didn't rest. A young figure was the space barrier that had passed through the closet. It's in front of the three women.


Suddenly, the laughter made the three women stunned slightly, but when they saw the person coming, the three people's faces were full of inexplicable excitement.

"Yuan Feng?"

"Master Yuanfeng?"

Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er first came back to God. Without saying a word, they both exclaimed. Because they have seen it, at this moment, it is Yuan Feng's deity, not Yuan Feng's avatar. In other words, Yuan Feng, who made them think for a long time, actually returned.

"Fenger !!!"

Jiang Qingwu also immediately recognized her son. Seriously, when it comes to understanding Yuan Feng, she is definitely not as good as Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner. After all, the latter two have followed Yuan Feng for too long too For a long time, she was not comparable at all.

"Mother, Mengchen and sister, I'm back, hahaha !!!"

The figure stood at the entrance of the secret room, Yuan Feng's eyes swept across the three women, and then she couldn't help laughing.

After a long separation, I saw his mother again, as well as his two confidantes. Of course, his mood was also exciting. Although there are avatars sitting here, the three of them are somewhat repulsive to the avatars, and they are not allowed to get close to each other at this time. Of course, they can stand together face to face, and of course they feel completely different.

"It's Fenger, Fenger is back !!!!!!"

Speaking of worry, who can be compared to a mother's worry about her son? Although Jiang Qingwu didn't say it on her mouth, in fact, she was the most worried about Yuan Feng.

"Baby has seen his mother, and his filial piety has worried his mother."

Between body movements, Yuan Feng naturally came to Jiang Qingwu in the first place, and then bowed down respectfully and respectfully.

No matter how powerful his strength becomes, Jiang Qingwu will always be his mother, and in the presence of his mother, he must naturally maintain this respectful attitude.

"Fenger, you don't need to be courteous anytime soon." A few steps forward trembling, Jiang Qingwu personally lifted up his son, the smile on his face was full of love.

This is her son, the son that made her proud. Now that the mother and child are reunited, the taste in it is really not humane.

"You child, it's been so many years since you walked away, it's really worrying to die." He reached out and gently stroked Fu Yuanfeng's head, Jiang Qingwu's eyes couldn't help but flash a bit of blame, but for the This kind of blame, Yuan Feng is quite enjoyable.

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