The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1790: Each with thoughts

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Huo Qi is extremely excited about the opportunity given by the disciple of Liuhedian to himself. People of this status don't really have too many requirements and expectations, even if it is a small opportunity for him. It's enough to be excited for a while.

Of course, the main thing is that the rise of Yuan Feng has made him see his hope for the future. Once Yuan Feng grows up, he who has promoted him from an ordinary new disciple at first can definitely get the best care. .

Having said that, from the situation in front of him, it seems that he does not need to wait too long, because at this moment Yuan Feng seems to have stood at a very high height, a height that requires him to look up.

Yuan Feng's eyes looked at Huo Qi as soon as possible. Frankly speaking, although this Huo Qi's help to him, although it can't be said at all, it's really not too big. However, no matter how much the other party helped him at first, at least, this person had helped him at the beginning, and he must shed water, and Yongquan reported it.

This is his criterion and his way of doing things. As for how to help the other party, he didn't think too clearly about it. Maybe after the start of the business, he will have a shot.

"This Huo Qi can be carried in the future, but the Li Xian and Bai Ling don't seem to have any repentance. These two people will be a scourge sooner or later, but they can be dealt with earlier."

Although he didn't deliberately observe anything, Yuan Feng's mind was already including all the people present, including Wang Zhong. Not to mention other people's every move, even the slightest change in Wang Zhong's demeanor can never escape his perception.

Huo Qi initially invested in him, which only shows that the other party has vision, but it is not speculative. But what about Li Xian and Bai Ling? He didn't intend to make a fuss about these two guys. How about these two guys, they didn't mean to be humans with their tails. In this case, it's no wonder that he didn't care about his fellow students. Friendship.

"Brother Yuan Feng, there are a lot of teachers and brothers present, even if I introduced them, I'm afraid you can't remember them for a while and a half. In this case, I won't introduce them to you one by one. If I have time, You will have more contact with everyone, and it will not hurt you. "

Just as Yuan Feng thought, Wang Zhong's voice sounded again, but he was ordered to Yuan Feng.

There should be no one who doesn't know Yuan Feng anymore, and by then, his purpose has been achieved. You know, these people can recognize Yuan Feng. As for Yuan Feng, it is not necessary to write down these named disciples in detail.

After all, there is still a big gap between the disciples of Chuan Chuan and the registered disciples.

"Strictly follow the orders of my brothers. Some of them are so, and the younger brother will step down first." Yuan Feng was also an understanding person. After Wang Zhong's words fell, he couldn't help but arch his hands at the people around him. As soon as she moved, she returned to her previous position.

This time, no one dared to have any doubts about where he stood. There was no way. The strong swordsman in the realm of yin and yang would never be worse than any big disciple.

The crowd didn't say anything. When they saw Yuan Feng arching to himself and others, they all hurriedly returned their salute. The respectful attitude was no different from that of Wang Zhong, a great disciple.

"You, Shicai is an episode, the next time, let's get back to business!"

When Yuan Feng stepped down, Wang Zhong's look became serious again, apparently with real events and serious things to say.

The master of the Liuhe Temple gave him the task, and he would naturally complete it beautifully. If not, he would spend the pains of the master of the Liuhe Temple!

"You, Master, is sitting in the swallow-winged palace right now, and his elders have already spoken. This time we will send five legendary disciples and ten named disciples in the past. In the next time, we will finalize these fifteen places. Then unified into the Five Elements Hall, and went to the Yanji Palace with the Lord of the Five Elements Hall. "

The instructions of the master of Huadai Palace are very simple, that is, let him arrange fifteen strong disciples, and lead some ordinary disciples to the Yanji Palace, bite the big cake of Yanji Palace, put a bite In the mouth of Liuhe Dian.

Everyone knows that Ziyun Palace has won the two major forces of Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace. These are absolutely two big cakes. At this time, no matter who is in these two forces, it will inevitably be Get unimaginable benefits.

Therefore, going to these two major forces this time can be said to be a beautiful job, it depends on who can get this opportunity.

"Brother, my younger brother is not talented. Over the years, I have been responsible for many matters of my Liuhedian. I also have some business methods, and I hope that my brother can be regarded as a younger brother."

Just when Wang Zhong's voice had just fallen, someone immediately stood up and asked for it.

At this time, of course, you have to sharpen your head and rush up. After all, there are so few places. Once you miss it, you will miss a great opportunity!

"Okay, Brother Zhao Jing is very famous in my Liuhe Hall. When I go to the Yanji Palace, you count one, and there are three places for preaching disciples, but there are people who volunteer?"

Nodded, but Wang Zhong directly agreed with Zhao Jing. Zhao Jing did have some qualifications in Liuhe Palace. Speaking of which, even before the selection of newcomers to the Ziyun Palace, he participated in representing Liuhe Palace. Yuan Feng's addition also had some credit for him. Therefore, Wang Zhong naturally will not brush his face.

Wang Zhong himself must occupy one of the five rumored disciples' places. Others do not even need to question it.

"Brother, count me as one. The younger brother is used to going north and south. I will definitely do everything I can to fight for the greatest benefit for my Liuhe Temple."

As soon as Wang Zhong's voice fell, someone immediately stood up again, and this time it was not others, but Li Xian who had a festival with Yuan Feng.

For Li Xian, this time is definitely an excellent opportunity. On the one hand, this operation may get unimaginable gains. On the other hand, he speculates that, based on Yuan Feng ’s current situation in the Liuhe Temple, this operation, In all likelihood, Yuan Feng will join, and if Yuan Feng joins it, he will undoubtedly look for opportunities to kill Yuan Feng.

No matter what, he really does not want to let Yuan Feng live in this world. As long as there is any chance, he will not let it go easily.

"Well, Brother Li Xian is also a very knowledgeable person. This trip is yours."

Wang Zhong doesn't have any opinion. In fact, no matter who he chooses to go to the Yanji Palace, there is basically no difference. After all, everyone's strength is similar. Who went to the Yanji Palace, basically Can also complete the task well.

His principle is actually very simple. No matter who he is, if he takes the initiative to ask for help, and he is in the front, then he will basically not refuse. This is his way of doing things. Now it depends on everyone who is more confident and can seize this rare opportunity.

"Thank you, Brother !!!"

Li Xian's complexion lightened slightly, apparently he did not expect that he had gotten a chance so easily. He thought that it would take a lot of effort!

"Brother, I want to go too. I haven't seen Master for a long time. Besides, Master his old man hurts me most, and he must also miss me."

Li Xian had already called for his death, and had also obtained Wang Zhong's consent. At this time, of course, Bai Ling on the side would not hesitate again. She and Li Xian have always been mixed. Since Li Xian has already dispatched, of course she is not far behind. Moreover, this trip to the Yan-winged Palace is bound to be profitable. It is a pity to miss it.

"Ha ha ha, sister Bai Ling, you really can't refuse to do this for your brother. Well, since sister Bai Ling also wants to go for fun, then you are considered good."

As the only female disciple in Liuhedian, Bai Ling is basically one that everyone likes very much, especially the master Huali in Liuhedian. She is very fond of her. No one will argue with her.

"Thank you, Brother, rest assured, I won't humiliate the Liuhe Temple."

With a sweet smile, Bai Ling behaved very well at this moment, but this sister who everyone liked very much was actually not a good bird in secret, but unfortunately few people knew about it.

The number of five passers-by disciples was determined in the talk room, and the next time, another passer-by disciple pre-emptively spoke and took the last one. , The next time, it is time to choose a named disciple.

Registered disciples are distinguished from others, naturally they must be placed behind the disciple disciples. For the selection of registered disciples, Wang Zhong also uses the principle of whoever speaks first. The only exception is Huo Huo. Qi up.

Huo Qi has done great work before. No matter how he chooses this time, he must occupy a place. This point, everyone has no objection. Moreover, Huo Qi's strength was extremely powerful among the registered disciples. Even without credit, few registered disciples dared to compete with him.

Five disciple disciples, ten named disciples, and soon, the quota for the Yanji Palace was finalized.

"Okay, the students who have no quota, you will stay in Liuhedian, and the students who have got the quota, now go back to gather 30 people each, and come here after three hours."

After the quota was finalized, Wang Zhong waved his hand and directly issued an order for demobilization. In the next time, he also had to prepare something to see who was going to take to the Yanji Palace.

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