The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1681: Qi Ren worrying (four more)

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Yuan Feng was posed by Bai Yinan of Xuecang Palace. In this regard, the people of Ziyun Palace were inconvenienced to say anything, but no one thought that at this time, the masked woman in Yuanji Palace stood up in indignation. , Hugging this injustice for Yuan Feng.

However, the matter was important. Although the masked woman wanted to change the situation on the stage, in the end, she sat back under the persuasion of Elder Peng Ji from Yuanji Palace, and did not really manage it to the end.

Without the interference of the masked woman, things can obviously return to the right track, but at this moment, Yuan Feng above Wutai is half a wordless, and his attention naturally falls in Yuanji Palace. Of the masked woman.

"This woman ... why is it more and more familiar as I look at it, do I really see her somewhere? Why can't I remember it at all?"

Yuan Feng was really puzzled at the moment. First, he borrowed his sword openly, and now he was arguing with so many people. It can be said that what the masked woman did was basically with everyone present. Right.

From the middle world to the boundless world, he thought about it all, but in the end, he didn't think he had such a friend. However, from the other side, he could really feel a familiar feeling, which really made him curious.

"Isn't this girl helping me like this because I've helped Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun? Then, a little bit of grace, why is it worth her to oppose all the people in the world? Besides, Zhao Zijun and Jing Tian shouldn't Tell me about it. "

This may be the case, but it is not very reasonable. Until now, he could not think of why the masked woman in Yuanji Palace wanted to help him.

"Brother Yuanfeng, how are you thinking?"

Yuan Feng was not given too much time to think, because at this moment, Xue Cang Gong Bai Yi Nan on the side, once again opened his mouth and asked Yuan Feng *.

The sudden appearance of the masked woman undoubtedly made him startled for a while, and to tell the truth, why didn't he know that this approach was shameless, but in order to complete the task, what's the big deal? History is written by the victor. As long as he wins, he can say whatever he wants.

"Let the White Brothers wait for a long time. There is no problem with the proposal of the White Brothers. In the next time, please ask the White Brothers to temporarily arrange the mysterious array. After the mysterious array is completed, they will have a few tricks with the White Brother.

Hearing Bai Yinan's words, Yuan Feng just smiled casually, and he raised his hand to signal that the other party could move.

"Ha ha ha, okay, brother Yuan Feng is really a refreshing person. In this case, you are welcome at the next step. Brother Yuan Feng is also asked to wait a little later."

With Yuan Feng's consent, Bai Yinan was overjoyed. He knew that his purpose had been achieved. As long as he arranged the mysterious array, he had to see how Yuan Feng could be his opponent.

Yuan Feng was very face-to-face, and she retreated aside and gave Wutai the other side to arrange it, but she didn't have any worried expression.

"Brush !!!!"

Bai Yinan was not polite. After Yuan Feng let him go, his eyes flashed a smile first, and then he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, pieces of spar were like raindrops. Scattered in all directions towards Wutai, each spar has a specific position, and disappears in a blink of an eye.

"What? This, this array ........."

Bai Yinan started the formation, and just when he shot, the five major demigods on the side of the Ziyun Palace changed their looks, and their eyes were filled with blood.

"What a skillful arraying method, this son turned out to be an incredible master of the mysterious array?"

"Well, what do you mean by becoming a monk halfway? You only know the fur of Xuan Zhen, but in fact it is a Xuan Zhen genius. How can this be true? It is simply such a reason!"

From the perspective of Bai Yinan's cloth formation methods, where is the other Xuan Zhen enthusiast who is a half-way monk, this is a very rare Xuan Zhen genius who has been immersed in Xuan Zhen since he was a child!

Predictably, how could such a genius figure of Xuanzhen become a monk halfway? In addition, the mysterious array he arranged, I am afraid that even the people in the yin and yang realm can only drink and hate them. As for the person in the habitat of Yuan Feng, shouldn't it be slaughtered by anyone?

"Good guy, Xue Canggong's disciples are actually proficient in Xuanzhen? This method of arraying is really an ingenuity."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, such an exquisite array technique, I estimate that the mysterious array set up by this son is enough to destroy the strong men above the yin and yang realm. This time, the kid in Ziyun Palace must be useless."

"Yes, yes, it must be useless. Then again, the boy at Xuexue Palace is really cunning. What did he say at first? If it was all at all, who would dare to say that he would be in battle?"

"This time, a few guys in Ziyun Palace must be furious!"

The people at Ziyun Palace were angry, but the people of other major forces were inexpressible. They also don't care about the process. Besides, the shame is Xuecang Palace, which has nothing to do with them. Right now, they just want to see Bai Yinan soon to destroy Ziyun Palace disciple Yuan Feng, first in the habitat. Let Ziyun Palace eat at one level.

"It's a very delicate mysterious array, one attack and one defense, plus one fantasy and one sleepy. This son's means of array is really very good."

Wanling Fairy is an expert in Xuanzhen. Naturally, she can see Bai Yinan's array strength at first glance. After seeing each other's array, she knows that Ziyun Palace is afraid to lose first.

Bai Yinan's method of arraying, even among the legendary disciples of the Ziyun Palace, may not find a few, and even the prodigious powerhouse, breaking this array, I am afraid it will have some difficulties.

"All souls, but how can you help?"

All the strong players present knew that Wanling Fairy is very proficient in Xuan Zhen. At present, it is only she who can help Yuan Feng. As for other people, even if there is no matter how strong they are, they are useless. !!

"Hey, what can I do in the eyes? Blame me that this little guy in Ziyun Palace is too conceited, even I can agree to this request, now ......... hey!"

There is really nothing to do with the fairy of all spirits. Although she has a good Xuanzhen method, there are so many people staring at her now. If she shoots from it, then Ziyun Palace is not as simple as losing the first one.

"This this……………"

Hearing the words of all spirits, the remaining four strong are gritted, but there is nothing they can do.

"Master, elders, please be calm and restless!"

However, when the five strong men such as Wanling Fairy were anxious, but helpless, a soft voice passed into their ears suddenly.

"Well? Baihua?"

Hearing the sudden noise, the Fairy Fairy couldn't help but look a little, then turned her eyes to a group of preachers, and just saw her disciple Baihua Fairy.

The other four main hall masters all heard the voice of Baihua, so they also focused their attention on the latter, and some doubts were unavoidable.

"Baihua, do you have anything to say?"

Although the mood is not very good, for his disciples to pass on five to them at this time, the fairy spirit believes that the other party will never be targeted.

"Hehe, master, four masters of the palace, don't worry about Yuan Feng, I think, that disciple of Xuecang Palace, this time I'm afraid that I will be ashamed and lose."

The Baihua Fairy didn't want to stand up, but when she saw her master's anxiety, she finally didn't control it, so she stood up and passed on the sounds to the powerful ones.

She is very clear about Yuan Feng's Xuan Zhen means, let alone the Xuan Zhen arranged by the Xuecang Palace disciple Bai Yinan, even if it is the Xuan Zhen that her master lays in the Wanling Garden, Yuan Feng can easily break it. As for Bai Yinan's method, I'm afraid Yuan Feng is too lazy to even look at his right eye!

Others only thought that Yuan Feng would worry about it anxiously, but she found it out long ago. Until now, Yuan Feng's eyes only have contempt and contempt. Where is the worry?

Bai Yinan set up a mysterious array in front of Yuan Feng, which is like playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong's door, not to mention whether he can hurt Yuan Feng, as long as he can not hurt himself, he has to thank God.

"Baihua, do you know what? Do you think Yuan Feng might win?"

The more the fairy Baihua said, the more curious the fairy and other people became. They all believed that Baihua couldn't make fun of such a thing, but no matter how they looked at it, they couldn't see where Yuan Feng's odds were.

"Hundred flowers, is it possible that you have a way to help Yuan Feng?" The Master of the Heavenly Temple was also really anxious, but he mistakenly thought that the fairy Bai Hua had a way to help Yuan Feng.

"Uncle Shitian looks down on his disciples. Master and her elderly have no choice. What can I do? However, several uncles and masters can see. My uncle Yuanfeng has any fear and worries. ? "

Too many situations, she did not want to explain, after the results appear, everyone will naturally understand.


After hearing the words of the fairy of the hundred flowers, the five strong ones were all stunned, and then they looked at Yuan Feng one after another, and after seeing Yuan Feng's expression, the five of them were all at a loss. His look also changed immediately.

As the fairy Baihua said, Yuan Feng's face was indifferent at this time, and her eyes were full of disdain. Where was the slightest worry? It seems that some of them are worrying!

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