The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1616: Red signal

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In the cave, Zhao Zijun woke up with Jing Tianxian step by step, and in the following time, she said a few words to Yuan Feng. However, it can be seen that her alertness is indeed very strong. Although Yuan Feng is her life-saving benefactor, she still does not want to be too close to Yuan Feng.

Having said that, Yuan Feng can say so much to Zhao Zijun. This is already the other person's face. In fact, when Zhao Zijun was in his martial arts, except for a few people who could talk to her, there was basically no How many people can be so close to her.

"Mrs. Zhao, this wild and wild forest is too dangerous. Although you and Jingtian are not as good as each other, such a place is really not suitable for two. I advise the two girls to leave here earlier. So as not to have more trouble. "

Yuan Feng is also a familiar person. After contacting Zhao Zijun for a while, he found that although the other party felt very cold, in fact, her heart was obviously not bad, it was just the type of cold and hot outside. Nothing more.

Such people are generally difficult to get along with, but once they get acquainted with each other, they can basically go deep into the other person's heart. It might be an exaggeration to say this, but the feeling that the other party gave him at this time is indeed the feeling.

"Thank you, Mr. Yuan Feng, for reminding me that Shimei and I rarely went out for training before. I came to Ziyun City and heard that this wild forest area has a good training effect, so I came here to experience training."

Was so reminded by Yuan Feng, Zhao Zijun's heart was slightly warm. She has always been used to being strong, and it is because of this strength that few people dare to take care of her affairs. Naturally, there is less concern for her.

This time she was saved by Yuan Feng, and she was reminded by Yuan Feng so considerately. Her heart was really touched.

"There is nothing wrong with the exercise book, but it must be done within its means. Everything must be done step by step. The starting point of the wild forest area is really too high."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be speechless. He knew that the two women seemed to want to improve their strength sooner, but the more anxious they couldn't eat the hot tofu, the more dangers they would face.

"Miss Zhao, if you have extra words, I will not say more about how to choose. After the sweet girl Jing wakes up, the two of you will discuss it."

Yuan Feng knows that the origins of these two women are not ordinary. From the perspective of Zhao Zijun's words, the other party should not be a person from Ziyun City, but judging by the strength of the two, the forces they belong to will never be Ordinary forces, maybe they have a fight with Ziyun Palace.

Of course, these situations are not something he can ask casually. This is self-knowledge, obviously he still has.

"Well, I will tell her when the sister wakes up."

Nodding his head, Zhao Zijun also understood that she could make the decision on her own behalf, but Jing Tian's life and death were undoubtedly beyond her authority. It was a bit selfish to let Jing Tian take risks with her, but she did not protect the strength of the other party.


Almost as soon as Zhao Zijun thought of it, Jing Tian, ​​who had been in a coma for a long time, was finally moaning softly.

"Huh? Oh, she just mentioned her, and she woke up so soon."

Hearing the moaning voice from Jing Tian's mouth, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly and looked at Jing Tiandao. He could feel that Jing Tian shouldn't be a big deal at this moment, and his task was obviously completely completed!

"Shimei !!!"

Hearing Jing Tian waking up, Zhao Zijun immediately looked happy, and then approached the other side, shouting slightly excitedly.

This time, the two of them were wandering on the death line, and they were almost buried in the swamp. Now they can escape safely and continue to fight side by side in the future, which is obviously a very happy thing.

"Sister ..."

Jing Tian's eyes opened slightly, but his eyes were exhausted. Her foundation is not so solid. Even if her body is not affected, she must rest for a while. When she wakes up, she will feel a little tired.

When I saw Zhao Zijun in front of me, Jing Tian's eyes flashed first, but there was a trace of doubt.

"Sister, me, this is ........." I subconsciously glanced at the surrounding caves, and Jing Tian's heart was indeed a little surprised.

In her memory, she should have been swallowed by that dragon, but the cave in front of her looked nothing like the dragon's belly, and she could feel that there was no more on her body. The problem, whether it was the injury or the poison, seemed to disappear.

The sight in front of her was very real, but the situation in her body was not real at all. At this moment, she was really dizzy.

"Sister Sister, Sister Sorry for you. Sister Sister was incompetent before. This puts Sister Sister in danger. If Sister Sister really has three strengths and two weaknesses, even if I die, I will definitely not take aim.

Putting Jing Tian in her arms, Zhao Zijun's eyes can't help but be a little fuzzy. She is really full of self-blame. As a sister, if she doesn't even look good at her sister, then she is really not worthy of being a sister. Already.

"Sister, me, are we still alive?"

Zhao Zijun was in his arms, feeling the temperature from the other side of the body, Jing Tian was shocked, his face was incredibly authentic.

She did remember that she had been swallowed by Warcraft, and at that time, she was already very toxic, almost impossible to save the immortal, but now she lived well and had no problems at all.

"Ha ha, of course you are alive, wouldn't it be that you think **** here?"

When Jing Tian and Zhao Zijun were hugging each other, with a look of astonishment and a look of sadness, a long laugh came suddenly, breaking the atmosphere created by the two women.

"Eh?" Zhao Zijun apparently knew who was laughing, so she didn't care too much, but Jing Tian didn't know that there were people around her. When she heard the laughter, she couldn't help shaking her body, and then hurried Looked in the direction of the sound.


The eyes caught the voiced person for the first time, but when she saw the laughing person in front of her, her cheeky face was suddenly full of indescribable complexity.

Back in her memory, she suddenly remembered that the moment she saw that she was going to be swallowed up by Warcraft, she seemed to see a light, and then a man's figure appeared in front of her, and removed her from Warcraft's Saved in the mouth.

Originally, she thought that everything was her imagination, but now it seems that everything is not her imagination. Obviously, everything she sees is real.

"you you…………"

Staring blankly at Yuan Feng, she didn't really know what to say for a moment.

"Hey, sweet girl Jing, right, in Xia Yuanfeng, this one is polite!"

Seeing Jing Tianan staring at him as if she had seen the most incredible thing, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile and greeted the other party.

For this woman who does not seem to be deeply involved in the world, Yuan Feng's impression is quite good. Before being in the swamp, Jing Tian's courage was definitely not comparable to ordinary women. Fortunately, he rescued the other party at a critical moment, otherwise, it would definitely be a loss to the entire world.

"You, you ... I, I ..."

Hearing Yuan Feng talking to herself, Jing Tian's face flashed a bit of confusion, and her pretty face was slightly reddish.

Before, when she was about to end her life, she thought she saw the hero in her heart. When she wanted to come, the figure of the man was the most ideal figure in her heart.

However, at this moment, she actually saw the living with her own eyes, and no one could appreciate the feeling.

"Sister sister, this is Yuan Feng's son. Yuan Feng had rescued you and me from the swamp before. Don't you thank Yuan Feng's life-saving grace?"

Seeing Jing Tian's speechlessness towards Yuan Feng's branches, Zhao Zijun's eyes flashed with doubt, she really didn't know why Jing Tian had such a reaction. However, she couldn't tolerate much thought at this moment, because the situation shown by Jing Tian seemed to be a little disrespectful to the life-saving benefactor.

"Ah, Jing Tian, ​​thank you for your help."

As reminded by Zhao Zijun, Jing Tian hurriedly stood up, respectfully owed him indignantly towards Yuan Feng.

"Jingtian Girl doesn't need to be polite." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng waved her hand at Jingtian, and then continued, "Jingtian Girl, your foundation is worse than that of Zhao girl, so the next time , You must not take the shot easily, otherwise, I am afraid that it will affect future development. "

It should be reminded that Zhao Zijun's situation is slightly better, but the sweetness is not optimistic. In the next time, she will have to rest for at least 10 days and a half months. If she tries to force her, it will definitely affect her future achievements.

"I, I see!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jing Tian's cheeky face became more rosy, and her eyes were somewhat dodged, so she didn't dare to look at Yuan Feng.

"Well? This ..."

For Jing Tian's answer, Yuan Feng just smiled and nodded. However, aside, Zhao Zijun, who had been observing his sister and sister, could not help but change his face slightly.

She knows her little sister too well. From the reaction of the other side, it seems that she is sending a very bad signal to her!

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