The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1570: Separate politics (three more)

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The disciples recruited by the Ziyun Palace, of course, cannot just be for its cultivation to enhance its strength. The Ziyun Palace is so large, there are too many places that need manpower, and everyone who joins the Ziyun Palace has It is Ziyun Palace's reserve forces for the future, and of course, these reserve forces must be of sufficient strength and means.

Cultivation behind closed doors is of course a good way to improve strength, especially in places like Ziyun Palace, where there are too many resources available. It is definitely not too difficult to improve strength.

However, strength alone is certainly not enough. What Ziyun Palace needs is not only a strong disciple. Strength is important, but in other aspects, it must be improved together.

The newcomers and disciples are people who came out of the major families. Their foundation is very good, and what Ziyun Palace has to do is to deepen on this foundation so that everyone can be promoted in all directions.

Of course, in the final analysis, strength is the premise of all actions. If you want to have a place in the Ziyun Palace, you must first have strong strength.

There are many ways to improve your strength. Cats are only the easiest to practice in the Ziyun Palace, but they are definitely not the best. Because such a tepid and no danger to improve, you ca n’t let the warrior at all. With comprehensive development, real power can only be honed in battle.

After completing three basic trainings, Huo Qi will obviously not let everyone continue to live happily. If he really trains the newcomers like this, then the newcomers in this session will probably only stay in the Ziyun Palace in the end. Now, it is impossible to carry any great responsibility.

"Everyone, you all understand that although the Ziyun Palace can provide you with a flying opportunity, it depends on the value of cultivation. Although everyone is still excellent, it is not in line with the key cultivation of the Ziyun Palace. However, I still do n’t know the standard until I see it, so I ’m afraid that the next practice will be more difficult. It ’s even better to say that it ’s better to test it than to call it practice. ”

Huo Qi's complexion is getting more and more serious. Although he has been trying to give everyone a kind and friendly image, but now he obviously cannot continue to follow the peaceful line.

The next test can almost be said to be killed accidentally. If he does not let everyone feel danger and pressure, then it is these people who are unlucky in the end.

A lot of newcomers and disciples obviously understand this principle, so when Huo Qi's words fell, everyone's complexion slowly became a little dignified, obviously also aware of the seriousness of the problem.

They all know that the Ziyun Palace will never keep idle people. Like the previous three spiritual practices, they have exceeded their expectations. In fact, in their hearts, they thought that they would have to endure various tests. And experience it!

Therefore, although Huo Qi said very embarrassingly, but everyone was mentally prepared early in the morning, he would not feel unacceptable.

"My Ziyun Palace is so huge that the Liuhe Temple alone is inextricably linked. The power is spread across Ziyun City and the numerous large ponds around it. Everyone only sees the invincible side of Ziyun Palace, but in fact, there are many Ziyun Palaces. In the crisis, many people are trying their best to get the idea of ​​Ziyun Palace, but they are more hidden. "

As the named disciple of the master of the Liuhe Palace, and one of the most powerful disciples among the registered disciples, Huo Qi was able to access some secrets of the Ziyun Palace.

Over the years, he has not been sent out by the master of the Liuhe Diandian to perform the task secretly or secretly. Speaking of him, he can have today's achievements and status, which is also spelled out little by little, not the big stuff falling from the sky cake.

"The so-called big wind, many people will think that if the Ziyun Palace is overthrown, then you will definitely get endless treasures and resources, and under the desire to smoke, there are too many irrational people."

Huo Qi apparently wanted to say a few more this time, while talking, he started in front of the crowd.

"There are many small families and small forces that can't stand the temptation and are bought by those large family forces. They secretly want to compete with the Ziyun Palace. These family forces think that we don't know their careful thinking, but actually The Ziyun Palace ’s intelligence network is spread all over the thousands of Dacheng Pools around it. What else can it hide from the Ziyun Palace? ”

Speaking of this, Huo Qi's face flashed involuntarily, because what he said was true, what crooked idea he wanted to make in front of Ziyun Palace, really no one can play turn.

Those who can fight against the top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace are only qualified for each other. As for outsiders, it is simply the old star who hangs himself and has a long life.

Some time ago, he heard that there were several major forces who wanted to play the idea of ​​Ziyun Palace. Unfortunately, when the ancestors of several family forces gathered, they were forced by Ziyun Palace. The author found and killed several of them, and all of the remaining strong demigods escaped.

"So much to say, next, I will tell you about the training tasks arranged for you. This time, the training tasks may need to be reduced to zero and completed in small units. , I want everyone to know how dangerous it is. "

The voice echoed throughout the hall, and speaking, in the hands of Huo Qi, a nanocrystal ring slowly appeared.


After the Najing ring appeared, the first time it radiated a light, and as the light came on, a dozen of jade cards appeared in his hands.

"Well? This is ..."

Everyone's attention was focused on Huo Qi. At this moment, he suddenly had an action, and of course it was immediately discovered by everyone, and everyone had a dozen jade cards that appeared in his hands. A touch of consciousness.

Compared with their previous families, the difference between Ziyun Palace is that Ziyun Palace is more powerful, and some things will be arranged more rigorously. In fact, Ziyun Palace and other big families are powerful in many aspects. Are very similar.

Everyone naturally saw such jade cards when their respective family forces were in power, so even if Huo Qi didn't say it, they already had some guesses.

"If you want to come, you should know what these jade cards are. Yes, this is everyone ’s next task. It is also an opportunity to exercise everyone. Can you gain a foothold in Ziyun Palace and whether it will shine in the future? This moment has just begun. . "

Huo Qi glanced at all the people present and saw that everyone seemed quite calm, so he continued, "These jade cards have different tasks recorded. Some tasks may be relatively simple or some tasks may be a little more difficult. However, in general, these tasks are tailored for you, so you don't need to have too much pressure. "

While cultivating newcomers and disciples, he never let himself rest. In the meantime, he has been preparing for the tasks for everyone, some of them are Liuhedian ’s own, and some are from others Exchanged in the palace, in short, each task has the effect of experience, but it will not start.

The ten palaces compete with each other, but in many cases, we still have to take the overall situation into consideration and take a holistic view.

"You are already a member of the Liuhe Palace in Ziyun Palace. From now on, you can go in and out of Ziyun Palace freely. Don't worry about being troubled by yourself. Now, I will distribute the task card for everyone. After getting the task, there will be Any content and the number of people required to complete the task will be grouped by themselves according to the number of people on the task card. "

He wanted to group people for you before, but in the end, he tried to help you group them. It seems that they can't compare with these people to group themselves, because the process itself is the ability to communicate and unite and collaborate with everyone. Kind of cultivation.

"Brush brush !!!"

The words fell, and the jade card in his hand was directly thrown to the crowd, but the two sets of people in the yin and yang environment and the habitat were obviously not the same. After all, the habitat and the yin and yang environment There is too much difference between them, and it is impossible for everyone to complete tasks of the same difficulty.

The training tasks are all done by one person, that is to say, although everyone is free to form groups, everyone has to complete their own training tasks, but when they complete the tasks, everyone plays a different role.

When carrying out their own training tasks, of course, they must take the lead in themselves, and the other team members have become auxiliary roles.

There are too many and too many tasks in Ziyun Palace, which are awkward to say. Maybe some strong people in Ziyun Palace need a spirit grass, and they will be given to many disciples as a task, so let alone be a thousand Even if it is one hundred thousand and eighty thousand people, as long as they want to do the task, they can have one.

Not long, everyone got their own task, and began to search carefully. Some people seem to have simple tasks, so of course they are smiling, and some people may get some tasks. Of course, you will frown, but in general, everyone ’s response is quite satisfactory.

"Okay, the master leads the door, practice is personal, what to do next and how to do it all depends on everyone, if you do n’t understand, you can come and ask, if there is nothing wrong, then from now on, you can Act as you think. "

After speaking, he took a step backwards, completely handing over the power to everyone's own hands, and he became a spectator.

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