The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1535: Lihuoyuan (second more)

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Millions of geniuses in major cities gathered in Ziyun Palace. Unfortunately, Ziyun Palace finally provided the opportunity, but there were only 300,000 places. When these 300,000 places were full, others It is obviously impossible to enter the mysterious channel again.

Ziyun Palace recruits disciples, and it is not just strength that is examined. You must know that Ziyun Palace has no shortage of masters. What they lack is a group of potential and endurable newcomers. The existence of Ziyun Palace It is to train such a newcomer into an outstanding superpower.

Every effort to win these 300,000 places is undoubtedly also a quality and an attitude of the candidates. Imagine that even if you can't bear this investment, how can you go too far on the road of the strong?

Of course, there are definitely a lot of 300,000 places. Among these 300,000 people, in fact, the real potential people account for about 80% or 90%. As for the missing genius, will the answer be? Yes it is.

However, the omissions are missed. The Ziyun Palace only recruits 10,000 new disciples, and the missing genius is bound to go, but for the Ziyun Palace, this is nothing at all!

Numerous people are still gathered in front of the gate of the entire Ziyun Palace. Although 300,000 places have been filled, those who have failed to catch up with the election are not willing to leave for a long time.

All of them can be described as missing. Some people have even approached the light curtain and watched the light curtain disappear from their own eyes. The feeling of being close but out of reach is really letting them Feeling ashamed.

Most people are stuck in the millennium for about 1,000 years, and there is still a hundred years before the next admission of Ziyun Palace. By the time of the next admission of Ziyun Palace, they may have already exceeded it. It ’s been over a thousand years, so if you miss this opportunity, you will never have another opportunity.

Of course, some people may practice for less than 900 years. In this way, after 100 years of adoption in the Ziyun Palace, they will also have the opportunity to participate again, and most of these people do hold on to this. This attitude did not go too far into the core area of ​​Ziyun Palace.

With another 100 years of practice, they will not just get a place in the primary election. Maybe they will get the final official place and become a true member of the Ziyun Palace.

"Ah, it's a pity. I can get in so little. I knew that before. I had to do my best to kill a few people. In that case, there may be some opportunities."

"Okay, it's okay not to go in. You still have a chance. Next time, we saved enough money and waited directly in the core area. We will eventually become disciples of Ziyun Palace."

"Disappointed the ancestor, disciple ashamed!"

"Anyway, this is also the first time you have participated in the selection of newcomers to the Ziyun Palace. Our Liang family has participated in the election many times, and no one has been able to enter the Ziyun Palace for a long time. You are the most promising. The next time, it is definitely possible. "

There is such a dialogue everywhere. Those who have not been able to get a place in the primaries are all barefooted, and the elders who lead them all shake their heads and comfort, but there is no way to be too harsh.

After all, these young people have not been able to get a place, and their reasons also account for a large part, so if they are looking for responsibilities, their responsibilities are also great.

"Forget it, we can't get a place. Let's look at others. We don't know who among those 300,000 lucky people will be."

Everyone slowly returned from the anxiety. Since it is no longer possible to enter, it is useless even if you are sad and sad. At that time, you still have to look at the situation of others honestly. Be considered an eye addiction!

The people slowly restored their tranquility, and the top ten preachers of the Ziyun Palace were all talking about Tianer on the platform, and they had nothing to do now, as long as they waited for three days to come to fruition Appeared, and then returned to the Ziyun Palace with the selected 10,000 people, and finally selected some people ...

Just as the outside slowly calmed down, a world full of crimson flames was lively at the moment, totally different from the outside.

This is a world full of flames. In the eyes, there are red flames everywhere. Some flames spew from the ground, and some flames fall from the sky from time to time. Some flames suddenly appear out of thin air, seemingly special. The air was inadvertently ignited.

The whole world is vast and boundless. Here, you can't tell where the southeast and northwest are. There is no clear sky. The only thing you can see is the endless fire, burning this hot world.

"Ah, it's hot, it's hot. What a ghost place, I'm going to be burnt soon."

"Damn, I practice the wood-based exercises, and I most taboo about this kind of firework environment. Why, why does Ziyun Palace choose such a place? Is this what God wants to do with me?"

"Too perverted, where is the apprenticeship in Ziyun Palace? This is clearly a life-threatening situation. For three days, let alone find a token, even if you can survive, I am afraid that it is impossible to say at all. what!"

There were crazy noises everywhere. Obviously, before entering this place, no one would have thought that the admission of Ziyun Palace would be in such a horrible environment.

From Huoyuan, this is a Jedi in Ziyun Palace. It is said that this Jedi was created by a superman in Ziyun Palace during cultivation, and later became a disciple of Ziyun Palace. A training place.

In order to make this training place more challenging, Ziyun Palace has renovated and arranged this Lihuoyuan many times. Throughout the entire Ziyun Palace, Lihuoyuan is a completely trained place. It can be said that the number one is in the top row, and many people returning from the Ziyun Palace who have experienced this experience are now flying yellow.

Of course, compared with the disciples of Ziyun Palace that soared from Lihuoyuan, the number of people who died in Ziyun Palace among Lihuoyuan will be higher.

However, after numerous Ziyun Palace disciples' training, today's Lihuoyuan is long gone, and for Ziyun Palace's disciples, they have even lost their training effect. However, although there is no effect of practicing Ziyun Palace disciples, such an environment is no doubt a very suitable place for selecting new people.

It is conceivable that the newcomers who can survive from this fire can be said to have some means, but if you can find the target token here and guard it for three days, it will be even better.

"Yu, it's really energetic here. Ziyun Palace has made such a desperate situation to select new people. Those who can pass this selection are really qualified to be Ziyun Palace disciples."

Here is a blaze of flames and flames, the fiery flames that burn the surrounding stone walls to redness, and in such an environment, ordinary people in the habitat may be burned to ashes in minutes. However, at this moment, in this fire cave, a young man was standing casually in the flames, and let the flames burn, as if there was no feeling.

Obviously, those who can have such ability in the habitat have no delusion, and I am afraid there is only Yuan Feng.

"The flame temperature here is really not low. Speaking, if it can be burned in such a flame for ten or eight years, it should be of great benefit to my nine revolutions."

Gaze swept over the surrounding fire, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help showing a smile. Others may be afraid of these flames, but he likes them very much. Frankly, the feeling of being burned in the flames is as comfortable as an ordinary person taking a hot bath.

After coming to this place through the teleportation channel, he just loved the flaming environment, and even he was thinking, after joining the Ziyun Palace, see if he can come here to cultivate for a while, maybe Really can make his Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong enter a certain stage!

To tell the truth, he did not expect that the selection of newcomers at Ziyun Palace would create such an environment. He could see that in such an environment, some people who feared flames were actually living. However, for three days, the damage caused by each other's scramble for tokens will be counted. At the same time, 300,000 people, I'm afraid to say that there must be two or three of them here!

"Hey, there is no free lunch in the world. Now that you choose it, even if you lose your life, you can only bear it yourself. There is nothing to say!"

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng set aside the feelings of compassion for the time being, and his eyes began to look around.

"Token tokens, let's find the token first. The 10,000 people who get the most tokens can become disciples of Ziyun Palace. Am I going to do the one that gets the most tokens?"

It is certainly not difficult for him to find a token in such a world. As long as he wants, all the tokens must be his.

At this moment, he already felt it. The people who were subdued by him almost all entered this world of flames now. Now that they have come, then the 10,000 places that Ziyun Palace has accepted this time, he Of course you will not be polite.

This is the world provided by the Ziyun Palace. He obviously did not dare to continue to conquer other people here, and even some of his means, he could not easily reveal it, so as not to be noticed by the people.

"Come step by step, it's a big deal to pay more attention to it. If there are really superpowers watching here, then you really have to be cautious."

Looking around, Yuan Feng didn't think too much, and when he was thinking, he started to look for the so-called token.

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