The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1504: Complete abuse (four more)

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The battle between the two brothers Jiang Xun and Jiang Xu ended up with dramatic changes. Except for the two ancestors of the Jiang family, no one else understood what happened. In short, they disappeared in Jiang Xu Afterwards, everyone saw Jiang Xun attacking there in the end, and in the end, it seemed that even Jiang Xun was already frustrated.

On the high platform, Jiang Shang's face, Jiang Shang's face, was already gloomy. By now, he had almost seen that he was inseparable. Obviously, his son seemed to be in serious trouble, but his father could not help him at all.

"What's going on? Where did that Jiang Xu go? This is cheating at all!"

Jiang Shang was really angry at the moment. Although he didn't know what kind of trouble his son had encountered, one thing he knew very well was that it was really difficult for his son to win the battle.

This is not a question of strength or weakness. Right now, the biggest problem his son is facing is that his opponent ca n’t see the trace at this moment. Even if his son spends a lot of effort, in the end, it is a tie with the opponent. .

Maybe a draw like this is at least better than defeat. However, judging from the situation at hand, he simply did not dare to guarantee that his son could draw with each other.

Jiang Xu's body must have a special technique of concealed figure, and such martial arts is undoubtedly part of his strength, so even if he is the head of the Jiang family, there is nothing wrong with it.

The situation is not yet clear. At this moment, Jiang Shang can only follow the rush, but can't help anything. At this moment, he seems to be able to pray for his son a lot, hoping that his son will eventually win.

"Ah !!! Jiang Xu, get out of me !!!"

At the time when Jiang Shang's owner Jiang Shang was worried, Jiang Xun's patience was completely polished.

Time has passed for more than a full quarter of an hour. During this time, he has searched the entire high platform no less than dozens of times. Unfortunately, no matter how he searches, he eventually fails to find Jiang Xu, and now However, his golden mages have reached the edge of failure.

Once Jin Yi's magical powers fail, then what will be waiting for him, no one knows better than him. Once Jin Yi's magical power fails, then even if he has the means to reach the sky, he will not have the power to perform. In the end, he might as well not use the magic skill of Jin Mao, but use other means from the beginning to win Jiang Xu in one fell swoop.


Almost just when Jiang Xun's roar fell, around his body, the golden light finally dissipated as much as possible. At once, Jiang Xun's whole body was like a discouraged ball, all at once Become sluggish.


As the golden light disappeared, Jiang Xun suddenly looked up and issued an unwilling roar. He knew that this time he had completely defeated the competition, and Jiang Xu, the previous gamble, obviously won.

Too many unwillingness flashed through his heart, but unfortunately, no matter how unwilling he was, he was destined to lose, and he lost abnormally completely.

"Xuner !!!"

When the golden light of Jiang Xunshen Zhou disappeared, the heart of Jiang's house owner Jiang Shang was almost frozen as if it were frozen.

The most worrying thing, I am afraid that it will appear soon. At this moment, he really does not have the courage to face everything that is coming. If there is a choice, he now wants to regret it and cancel the family inheritance ceremony this time.

"Look at it, look at it. The golden light around Master's body has disappeared, hissing ... Master's condition doesn't look very good!"

"What's not so good is too bad. This is obviously the performance of physical overdraft and exhausted oil. It seems that the Jiang family is about to undergo a major change soon."

"Why don't you see cousin Jiang Xu? Is he really no longer on Wutai at this moment?"

Through the energy hood, the strong men of the Jiang family have all seen the situation above Wutai, and when they saw Jiang Xunyang roaring, they could all see that at this moment, the scale of victory was obviously already Back to Jiang Xu.


Almost at the time when everyone was talking, a gorgeous light suddenly flashed on the high platform. Then, a figure familiar to everyone on the scene suddenly appeared on the edge of the high platform.


When this familiar figure appeared, everyone hadn't had much time to say yet. A huge punch was going straight to the Jiang Family Master Jiang Xunbang. At the moment, Jiang Xun was in the weak period of Jin Mao ’s magical power. Where else is there the power to dodge such a rapid offensive?

"Well !!!" With a muffled sound, Jiang Jun, the young master of Jiang Family, was directly blown away with a punch, and finally fell on the energy shield, then fell heavily to the ground.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "because when the figure fell to the ground, Jiang Xun's complexion slammed white. Then, the blood of the big puff came out from his mouth. Minor damage.

Jiang Xu's strength is not his own. At this moment, under the blessing of someone's strength, his punch is almost stronger than the power of the Jiang family's homeowner. This punch can absolutely require any one. The yin and yang realm is dead.


When Jiang Xun vomited blood on the ground, a huge handprint caught him directly, and then, his breath was not even, he was caught by the huge handprint and directly lifted.

At this moment, Jiang Xun, the eldest son of the Jiang family, is almost like a chicken, letting the unreal big fingerprints hold his neck, but he looks inexplicable.

"Xuner !!!"

Jiang Xun, the owner of Jiang's family, still couldn't sit still. Although he had guessed that his son would lose, he still did not expect that the other party would lose so thoroughly and so miserably.

Seeing Jiang Xun was blown away by the other's punch, spitting blood in a big mouth, and now he was grabbed by the other with his neck around his neck.

"Drive me !!!"

At this moment, Jiang Shang couldn't control that much anymore, and his son was pinched in the other's hands. He even believed that at this moment, as long as Jiang Xu's heart was killed, his son would die.

A sharp punch punched the energy shield, while Jiang Shang wanted to break the energy shield directly and rescue his son from Jiang Xu's hands.

"Well !!!" However, Jiang Shangjing was anxious, but forgot a very important thing. How did the demigod performer use it to break it?

With a muffled sound, Jiang Shang's figure was directly bombarded. If it were not for his strength and arrogance, this one would be enough to hurt him.

"Well? Hum, are you anxious?"

Among the energy shields, Jiang Xu was holding Jiang Xun at the moment. Naturally, he saw Jiang Shang being bombarded by the energy shields at the first time. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help pulling his lips, and his face was full of irony. Color.

Jiang Xun was held in his hands by now. If he wanted to, then he could wipe out the other person instantly. However, killing the other party is obviously not the best choice. Maybe it will be more useful for him to save the other party's life.

"Om !!!"

When Jiang Shang was bombed, the entire space suddenly trembled. Then, the energy shield covering the entire central platform disappeared instantly, and the shapes of Jiang Xu and Jiang Xun were completely Appeared in front of everyone, without any barriers.

"Oh, everyone, if I read correctly, then I should have won this battle, right?"

When the energy shield disappeared, Jiang Xu still grasped Jiang Xun's neck, while taking a few steps, he smiled in all directions.

No doubt, someone at this moment is absolutely very happy. It almost killed Jiang Xun by himself, and lost the Jiang family owner Jiang Shang. He can be said that this battle was a complete victory.

Either Jiang Xun or Jiang Shang is undoubtedly the main culprit for his mother to bear the pain. Now, he has crushed the two men's dreams with his own hands. This feeling is really refreshing.

"Put my son down !!!"

Jiang Shang's body went back and forth. He was just bounced off by the energy shield before, but he was not harmed. However, the situation at the moment of Jiang Xun was actually the greatest damage to him.

While his body was flashing, Jiang Shang had already come to Jiang Xu's opposite side to stand and shouted at Jiang Xu with exhausted hissing.

"Do not be afraid to be the master, I will not hurt cousin Jiang Xun, but in front of everyone, I still hope that the master will come forward and make a notarization for me."

Seeing Jiang Shang's return, Jiang Xu was not scared by the other's momentum. While talking, he couldn't help but hold Jiang Xun's neck tightly, but he did not intend to let go.

"You won. You won this battle. Hurry up and drop my son."

His complexion changed, and Jiang Shang originally wanted to use the owner's name to order the other party. However, after seeing the indifference on the other party's face, he really worried that his son wouldn't survive, so he finally announced it honestly.

"Hahaha, thank you, Lord. Since the Lord also feels that I have won, then the Lord is ready."

After getting Jiang Shang's own announcement, Jiang Xu no longer hesitated, and with a loud smile, Jiang Xun was thrown to the other side, just like throwing a piece of rubbish.

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