The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1339: The fierce duel (one more)

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It didn't take long for Yuan Feng to pull Luo Yan's life back from Guimenguan, but for him, it was really a hand.

The golden energy used by the young man did have a strong ability to corrode. However, in front of Yuan Feng's devouring martial spirit, no matter how powerful the corrosive force, it could only be swallowed honestly Heaven martial arts tame.

Of course, although the golden energy in her body has been cleared, Luo Yan's body was severely damaged by the golden energy, but it will not be able to recover in a short while. To recover, she still needs some time. Conditioning works.

She is very lucky to be able to survive this time. As for the later injuries, there will be a day of recovery after all, but there is no need to worry.

"Hey, I don't know if it's right or wrong to save her, but I've saved it anyway, so I can't make up for her again?"

Looking at Luo Yan's rosy complexion, Yuan Feng's heart was still very happy. Anyway, he just saved a life, which is indeed something to be proud of.

Xiu has reached his current state, and life is a fragile thing for him. With his strength, it is not difficult to kill one person or even many people, but it is definitely not easy to save one person.

"What should I do with her? Leave it here? It doesn't seem right?"

People have been rescued. The next question is naturally how to arrange each other. This is a wild mountain. If you leave the other person here, if no one finds it, it will be dead. After all, with her now The situation has not reached the point where it can recover on its own.

The five strong men of the Louvre have been fighting farther and farther from the three young people. Whether they will come back to find Luo Yan is still unknown. I believe when they want to come, Luo Yan may be gone now!

"Kill and kill, save and save alive. Forget it, left and right have already been shot, let's heal her first, then, after she recovers, wouldn't it be better for her to go home?"

For a moment, Yuan Feng was finally defeated by his good heart. He could not leave the other person here alone. If he really met a bad person, then he might as well save it!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help glancing around, and when no one noticed that he was here, he suddenly moved his mind and directly put Luo Yan into his Qingwu Palace.

In the Qingwu Palace, the avatar took over Luo Yan for the first time, and took out some resources for the other party to recover. Although the resources on his body are also relatively limited, this time it was the young lady who rescued the Louvre. In the future, he will let the other party pay him back.

"Anyway, this woman is an uncertain threat. For insurance purposes, it is better to use some means. Then it will be a big deal to help her lift it."

Looking at the avatar to treat the other party, and the other party's condition is getting better and better, it is estimated that it won't take long to wake up, Yuan Feng's heart can't help but feel a little worried.

Although he saved the life of the other party, there is no basis for it. God knows whether the other party will believe it. If the other party not only does not believe it, but also regards him as an enemy, then with the strength of him and Jiang Qingwu, I am afraid that Exhausted. Therefore, before the other party has fully recovered, he still controls the other party in his hand before talking.

"I'm not in danger. I saved her life. What about controlling her?"

It was a bit shameful to take a shot at a seriously injured woman, but as he said, his life was saved by him, what else could he not do?

Having figured this out, his mind moved directly to let the avatar cast a blood curse on Luo Yan and control the life of the other party in his own hands.

Today, he has made great progress. Both his mind and the martial arts spirit have made great progress and improvement. It is really difficult to control a person in a yin and yang state, especially a yin and yang state who will never resist.

It is not difficult to cast the Blood Curse magic power. Soon, the avatar has completed the control of Luo Yan, and then continues to help the other party recover.


However, just as Yuan Feng helped Luo Yan to recover from his injury, a loud noise came from above the sky, which suddenly attracted Yuan Feng's attention, and waited until Yuan Feng looked away. At that time, his pupils shrank slightly, and the whole person shuddered slightly.

"It's ... it's really killing me!"

In the eyes, the five people in the Louvre have already brought three young men together. At the moment, all three young men have disappeared from the golden light. Apparently, their secret skills have expired and have been used. After the period of weakness, such three people are undoubtedly very dangerous.

Yuan Feng didn't see what happened before. When he looked at it, he just saw that the boss of the three young men was at the top. At the moment, two of the five in the Louvre are in their hands. The long sword, just passing through the opponent's body, Yin Hong's blood, was floating in the air deliberately.

"Brother !!!"

Seeing that his elder brother was pierced by each other, the other two young men could not help but scream, the emotion of anger was almost tearing the sky above his head.

"Second and third, it's up to you, let me die !!!"

The boss of the three was smiling at this moment. He informed his two brothers. He turned back abruptly and grabbed the two swords inserted into his body. His body was burning with a gray flame, and the whole person was bathed in the gray flame.


The gray flame rose, but it flew towards the front in an instant, and the two Louvre men who had just inserted their swords into his body had almost no time to dodge, but were enveloped by this gray flame.


The gray flames shrouded the two powerful men, and in a blink of an eye, the two began to burn violently all over their bodies, almost for a moment, and the two Louvre powerhouses were grayed out. The flames of the fire cracked the body, and the flesh and blood that had been solid had suddenly turned into a gray ash, scattered staggeringly.

"Do not!!!"

Suddenly the two strong men who were caught off guard couldn't believe everything in front of them. They never expected that the man on the opposite side was so fierce, but they burned all their power. This is simply to die with them!

This method that burns all the power, even the potential of one's own life, even if it is the best result, it must be cultivated to be lost, and become a waste person that can no longer be cultivated. In more cases, then Just a death.

"Crazy, completely lunatic !!!"

In the end, the two Louvre powerhouses could only flash through such a thought. Then, their bodies were burning more and more fiercely, and finally they suddenly burned into the sky, but they both fell to the sky. this.

The young man used all his powers and even bet on the attacks launched by his life. The effect was truly extraordinary.

"This guy is crazy, withdraw !!!"

When the young man burned all his strength and life, the other three of the Louvre were almost shocked. They have never seen such a cruel person, but it has all the power and life potential. If they were allowed to do so, they would never be able to do it.

The fire of life is not an ordinary flame. This thing is definitely something that will kill you, so when the other party burns everything and ignites the fire of life, the only thing they can do is to avoid the edge.

"Brush brush !!!"

The strong men of the three Louvre Palaces did not dare to stay, and in a blink of an eye, they quickly retreated. What happened today has completely exceeded their expectations, and at this moment, everything is beyond their control. In six short periods of time, three people of the Promise have fallen, and everything is as unreal as a dream.

"Brother !!!"

The other two young people were scared and silly at this moment. They watched their brother burn all strength and life potential, and they couldn't accept it anyway.

They know exactly what the other person is doing, and they know the consequences of doing so, and because they all know it, their hearts will be even more uncomfortable.

The three of them wanted to survive today, and ensured that someone needed to stand up and sacrifice. Unfortunately, at the critical moment, neither of them had the courage to sacrifice. In the end, it was their brother who stood up.

"Brother !!!"

Leaping forward, the two young men wanted to stop, but unfortunately, the man who burned all his strength and life, could not be stopped at this moment.


With the rising of a gray flame, the man's body finally returned to normal. However, when the flame disappeared, he became debilitated, but his strength was not felt. Arrived.

"Second and third, go !!!"

At the last moment of staying awake, he finally shouted at his two brothers, and then it was dark and fell directly to the bottom.

"Brother !!!"

Seeing that the man was going to fall below, the two came forward almost at the same time, and picked up the other one. Unfortunately, the other person had become an ordinary person at this moment, and even the breath of life was already extremely weak.

"Hurry up, save Brother, save Brother !!!"

When the younger brother took over, the two young men said nothing and raised their hands to recruit everything out of them. Then they didn't want to think about it. As long as they can help the other person to replenish their vitality, they are all in a hurry. It was crushed and turned into pure energy and introduced into the other's body. As for the things that were not used, they were simply thrown aside and there was no time to manage them.

"Third brother, hold on to your brother, I'm in charge !!"

The three strong men in the Louvre just retired for the time being, and God knows whether they will return and return, so the two young people did not dare to delay, and looked at each other immediately to clearly define the division of labor. Responsible for hurrying and fled the right and wrong place directly.

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