The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1332: To one thousand (two more)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

Five old men came out of the crowd and came around the three young people. Obviously, these five people were naturally the pioneers of this action, and they were definitely the five strongest guys.

Standing out from the crowd, the eyes of the five elders were slightly dignified, and they were all super strong. It was not fake, but at this moment, they were known by three young people, which is undoubtedly a loss. In a game, you know, they used to think that they could mix in the crowd and wait for the opportunity!

"Good guy, this, this is ..."

When the five elders stood up, the three young men were not too surprised, but the hundreds of thousands of strong men in the yin and yang surroundings were surprised at the moment.

"Feng Jiafeng Bai Yu, Yan Jia Yan thought, the one is Guo Jia Guo Yan, and the two ... When did these five appear among us? Have they always been above the auction?"

"Oh my dear, these five are all well-known super-powerful men. I didn't even think of bringing them all in. They are all infinity without enemies!"

"Well, there are pioneers this time, but I don't know if they have eaten meat, can they give us some soup?"

"What to drink, these five are the famous strong men in the major cities. Since they have disregarded today, it must be that they are ironclad and want to make a lot of money. I am afraid these people will fall again. To see the excitement! "

"It's not necessarily. You see that the three guys are not nervous at all. They should rely on them. Maybe these three guys can carry the attack of these five guys. Maybe we still need our help."

"I hope so, okay, let's read it first."

Thousands of strong men in the yin and yang realm are a little dignified at the moment. They all think that they and other talents are the protagonists. Now it seems that the protagonist has already had someone else!

Many of the five old men who stood out were very familiar. These five are from different cities, but their fame has already spread to the surrounding ten miles and eight cities. People who know them are definitely more than those who do not know them.

"Three boys, until now, don't hide them anymore, how much skill you have, now show them all, don't wait for the five of us to die, then no one wants to show up."

Among the five old men, the old man on the left took the first step forward, and the breath belonging to the Promise without any concealment was obviously to put some pressure on the three young men in the middle.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

As his strength soared for the second period, the other four elders also learned from each other and released their own breath. Obviously, these five people are naturally infinity without enemies.

In fact, they are not very familiar with each other, but they have heard of each other. When they met together, it was considered a temporary union. Anyway, they have the same goal.

"Why not, five of the Promise Powerful, the people who came forward to the yin and yang realm, you really deserve our three brothers."

When the five elders released their breath, the three young men in the middle did not show any fear, but became more excited.

Among the three, the oldest man also slowly took a step forward, but still did not reveal his breath.

"You guys, you are coming all the way today. You must have a purpose to come. Come and come. Whatever you say, see if the three of us can satisfy you."

There was a faint smile on the young man's face, but this smile was very embarrassing. Obviously, he was asking it knowingly, and wanted to see how these people answered.

"Well, what are we going to do, don't you three know? Nonsense, give me all the things you got at the auction today, and you must have Yinyang stone and Wuji stone, All of them should be handed in together, otherwise, you three would not be able to leave today. "

Another old man stood up, but did not hide his purpose. Listening to what he meant, it seemed as if they were coming here to rob, and it seemed like a normal thing, and those of them had become a party to justice.

"Well, that's the case. It turns out that this friend is looking after our darlings, everyone, so are you?"

The one who spoke was still the longest of the three, and now he was no longer as soft as before. These years, robbery can be so straightforward, he really doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Oh, everyone understands people, why do you ask more of this? Young people, hand over your stuff, that's good for us all."

Another old man stepped forward slowly, and this old man looked much more gentle than others, but the purpose was no different.

"Haha, you guys are really good enough. You are doing bad things, but you just like to be a teacher of justice. I have really served you."

Of the three young people, the youngest third is really unable to listen, and faintly, his killing intention is somewhat uncontrollable.

"Well, it's not helpful to say more, everyone, you should know what the three of us are. Of course, there are some you don't know. So, what do you fancy, then take the shot and grab it. It's yours, but I can remind you that if there are any consequences, I will not be responsible. "

The headed young man twisted his neck, moved his wrists, and spoke quietly to the people across from him. Obviously, he is ready to shoot.

"Well, it seems that I want you to surrender on your own initiative, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. In this case ... everyone, see the true chapter under your hands !!! Everyone, take the baby, everyone will be divided equally!"

When it comes to this, obviously it is determined by fists. In the final analysis, this is still a world that speaks with strength. Without a fight, no one knows who is strong and who is weak.

"Brush brush brush brush !!!"

The five elders had already been prepared, and with the order of everyone, each of them immediately took out their own spiritual soldiers and surrounded the three young people rigorously. Not only did they take out their own spiritual soldiers, the strong men in the yin and yang surroundings also acted one after another and prepared themselves well.

The old man ’s shout just now obviously included them all. Obviously, the five old men did not want to be all-inclusive. After all, these thousands of strong yin and yang are not the ones who say they do n’t care. Just leave it alone.

"Very good. It's been a thousand, this kind of thing hasn't been done for a long time, second brother and third brother, have fun!"

Seeing that the other party was in position, the three young men no longer hesitated. As soon as they raised their hands, each of them had an extravagant golden lance. Three rifles just appeared. The space is full of killing breath. Obviously, these three spiritual soldiers are definitely not ordinary.

"Hahaha, old guy, it's most displeasing to see you, die for me !!!"

The spear was in hand, and the three young men didn't say much. In the time of speaking, the youngest young man no longer hesitated. When he was in shape, he went straight to kill one of the old men.


The presence was super strong, everyone was battle-hardened, and naturally no one was afraid of fighting. With the young man's shot, the five old men moved at the same time, and there were thousands of yin and yang strong men outside. They are also hordes, surrounded by surroundings, launching attacks secretly, killing three young people.


The youngest of the three young people has the fastest speed, and in a blink of an eye, he has already encountered the target, and opened a world-wide shot, as if he carried the power of the entire world and directly blasted the target old man. .

"Boom !!!" No one can describe the style of this shot, and no one can see how mysterious this shot is. Everyone only saw the young man shot a shot. After the shot was shot, everyone When I went to see it again, I saw the blood swaying in the sky, like the falling rain, and sprinkled into the jungle below.


The scream came from the old man's mouth. Everyone was taken aback by the scream. When everyone looked at the scream, they just saw the old man's arms fluttering high. There are many wounds all over the body, and every wound has blood slowly flowing out, which looks very scary.

"What? This ..."

Seeing that the old man was broken by an arm with one stroke, the whole body was embarrassed. All the people present were stunned, apparently frightened by this scene. This old man is a famous strong man in Heji City, named Yan Sidao. In his hands, I don't know how many people died, and his fierce name was built on the skull of countless people.

However, no one expected that it was this ruthless man who had his arm wasted as soon as he shot it, and obviously suffered minor injuries.

"Everyone cheered up, they had problems with their marksmanship."

The arm was abolished, Yan Sidao's body flickered, and he was directly out of the circle of war. While leaving the circle of war, he couldn't help running his power and grew a new arm. However, although the arm grew, his heart was But it beat hard a few times, and it was difficult to completely calm down.

"Well !!!"

With Yan Sidao's lesson learned, the remaining four old men are aware of the strength of their opponents, and no one dares to have any idea of ​​underestimating the enemy.

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