The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1303: Broken line (one more)

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The analysis of the situation has already occurred in all situations in the middle world, all of them came to Luo Yun five people, and they took the five people to several places where they might find the target, but the results were conceivable.

After spending half a month on searching, Luo Yun and his team had to give up because they had realized that the target they were looking for was already out of the Qianguang Realm.

If you think about it, the other party did such a terrible thing, and snatched a space-time boat, and asked, no matter who it was, it didn't go far away in the early days? It's been several months since the incident, and for such a long time, even if the other party goes to the world without boundaries, it is obviously enough.

"Huh, Yan Yan, this time letting go of the goal, everything is your responsibility. When you return to the boundless world, you will wait for the punishment of the Lord Lord! Huh !!!"

In the long universe, Luo Yun counted the look in his eyes, but his heart was full of anger.

It took such a great deal of effort to run to the middle world, and the result obtained was like this. How could he be willing? The master of Hua Di Palace said it well. As long as he can get back what he wants and bring back the five people, then he will be promoted to Deputy Master of the Palace and enter the secret environment of the Ziyun Palace to practice.

But now it seems that he can't bring back the main things of Hua Di Temple, and all of this is because of the look in front of him, and he made a very stupid decision.

"Master Luo Yun, the disciples knew that they were wrong, and the disciples did not check for a moment. I also hope that after returning, Lord Luo Yun will be able to speak for the disciples. The disciples are absolutely grateful!"

Yan Yan also fully realized his mistake. He knew in his heart that everything has developed to the present because of his carelessness. If not, the goal would not be able to escape the tracking of so many masters.

It ’s like now, if the target is still nearby, then with Luo Yun ’s horrifying power, is n’t it easy to find people?

Unfortunately, at the moment, it is almost certain that the goal is definitely to steer the space-time boat. I do n’t know where I went!

"Well, say something for you? What qualifications do you have for this seat to speak for you?"

Listening to Yan Yan's words, Luo Yun was out of breath, and his great future was lost in the other's hands, let alone speaking for the other side. If you don't add jealousy, it is the care of Yan Yan. .

"Hey, Yan Yan, you really let us down."

"That is, letting go of the goal is not only your own shame, but also the face of my Ziyun Palace."

"More importantly, you lost the treasure that the Lord Lord wanted to get back.

Many people pushed against the wall. Of course, for the analysis and analysis of this very promising Ziyun Palace genius, other people will certainly not miss this opportunity to sink in the rocks. Obviously, after going back this time, his life can already be imagined.


Yan Yan really wanted to refute two sentences, but unfortunately, where does he have that qualification now? Moreover, the wrong copy was in him, and any rebuttal of him was nothing more than justified quibble.

"Well, shut up for me!"

Luo Yun didn't want to listen to anything at the moment. He missed a huge opportunity. His heart was the most unpleasant. Now, he even has the urge to kill. Of course, he doesn't want to hear these guys quarrel.

"Let ’s go, it ’s a waste of time to stay, or go back and tell the Lord the situation, everything is still arranged by the Lord Lord."

After searching for so long, it is obviously impossible to find the target. In this case, even if they want to stay, it is useless at all. It is better to return to the boundless world as soon as possible. It is better to be bound by the laws of heaven and earth here.


Raising his hand, Luo Yun's space-time boat had already appeared, and with a moment of thought, he threw everyone into the space-time boat, and then everyone immediately embarked on the journey of returning to the boundless world.

A return without success was undoubtedly a failure experience for Luo Yun, but his heart became clearer that he had not been able to complete the account of the Lord of the Palace of Healing. From now on, I am afraid Eighty-nine will be beaten into the cold palace again. At this moment, he can only pray that the Lord of Hua Di Temple is reasonable and not to spit his energy on him.

The five strongest men are controlling the space-time boat, and one of them is a tyrannical, infinitely prolific powerhouse. The speed is certainly conceivable. It took him more than a month to return to the boundless world, and this was the result of his failure to use all his strength. You should know that if he tried his best, he would return for a month. There is no delusion ...

Among the huge palaces surrounded by clouds, Luo Yun was in front, and the other four were behind, standing carefully at the base of the hall, while on the side, the genius of Ziyun Palace looked down, while kneeling on the ground, facing Huaying The house owner asked for sin.

"Waste, all waste !!!!"

Luo Yun had told the master of the Huadai Hall, and Yan An also reported in detail on the details. No doubt, after listening to these situations, the anger of the Master of the Huadai Hall can be imagined.

"The master knows his life, and the disciple knows that he is wrong. He also asked the master to read his life with filial piety."

"Well !!!"

Yan Yan's head was slammed **** the ground. Unfortunately, his body was too strong, so he could not bleed at all. Otherwise, it should be more effective.

"Save your life? What is the waste like, what use do I keep you for?"

The Lord of Hua Di Palace was really angry, but he guessed that Yan Xi and others had an accident, but did not expect such an accident. Frankly speaking, for such a result, he really could not accept it.

This time once again lost the four **** crystals, which made him feel that the four **** crystals did not seem to belong to him. Perhaps, in this life, he may not be able to make up the five five element **** crystals.

"It's all you, you waste, die for me !!!"

The master of Huadai Hall turned his face and didn't recognize anyone. His disciples were so many, and there was not a bad look, not to mention that the other party has now fallen into the realm, and it is useless to keep it.

Thinking of this, the master of Huadai Palace raised his hand and shot a huge flame palm directly to Yan Yan.

"Master Rao ..."

"Oh !!!!" The huge flame palm print took the face directly underneath, but hardly waited for the other party to shout. The huge flame palm print directly burned each other, even a trace of ashes. No ash left. A former super-strong yin and yang creature can't even die like this.

"Master Lord is slow !!!"

Seeing the Lord of the Huayin Temple when he shot, Luo Yun hurriedly shouted and was ready to stop the impulse of the Lord of the Huayin Palace. Unfortunately, the master of the Huayin Palace was much stronger than him Too much, and by the time he stopped talking, Yan Yan was dead.

"Hey, Lord Lord, why are you doing this? Kill Yan Yan, this time we don't even know what the target looks like!"

Seeing Yan Xia fall, Luo Yun could not help but sigh. Judging from the current situation, only one person has ever seen the enemy. As for the others, there is almost no hope.

Now, when Yan Yan dies, their clue to the target can be said to be interrupted. How will they find an escaped enemy in the future?

"Eh? Huh, he broke such a big thing for the owner of this temple. It is not a pity. As for finding a goal, I will think of a way myself."

Hearing Luo Yun's words, the eyes of the Lord of Hua Di could not help but flash a little annoyance, but there was no impulse to admit his own.

He did have some regrets. He had just been stunned by anger. He even wiped out the only clue. Now it's okay. He doesn't even know who the four **** crystals fell into. The vast universe. As long as the other party does not fiddle with the four **** crystals for a long time, he will not be able to sense it at all.

"Luo Yun, all of you will go down, remember, no one is allowed to mention this to anyone else, otherwise, the owner of this hall will be ruthless."

This action is a shameful action for Liuhedian. If you let outsiders know about it, you won't laugh at big teeth. Moreover, it is a matter of great importance to Shenjing, of course, the less people know, the better, he doesn't want to let others know that the five five-element **** crystals that were in the beginning are now in the world.

"Master Lord, rest assured, we all know how to do it. After we go back, we will retreat for a while and listen to Lord Lord's mission at any time."

Hearing the words of the Lord of Hua Di Palace, the five of Luo Yun hurriedly bowed. At this moment, the master of Huadai Temple was angry. At this time, of course, how can he reassure the other person, especially the four young disciples, who saw with their own eyes that they were as strong as they were, and even stronger than them? At that moment, they all felt that their necks were a little cold.

"Come on !!!"

He waved his hand, but the master of Huadai Palace didn't want to say more, just wanted to be clean for a while.

"Subordinates retired !!!"

The main body bowed again to the head of the palace, and the five hurriedly backed away, then disappeared one by one. This moment is definitely a moment of nervousness for them. If the Lord Lord changed his mind and gave them a killing, they would really have nothing to say.

"Hey, I didn't think there would be such a change. Who actually took the **** crystal of the owner of this temple. Is this intention to oppose me?"

The mind was turning, and the master of Huadai Palace was thinking in his heart who would be against him secretly, but just thinking about it, he really couldn't think of someone secretly making trouble.

"Try again, I hope these four **** crystals can be revealed again."

Shaking his head, he can only continue to run the means, sensing the position of the other four **** crystals. However, he missed the best time, and he has already awakened the other party. He wants to feel the place of Shenjing again. I am afraid it is not that easy.

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