The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1221: Super Big (three)

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As the master of the celestial palace, Hong Haitian's methods are really endless, even when it is difficult to continue fighting, he has used the horrible disintegration method.

Gorefiend disintegration *, this is a very powerful martial art without arrogance. Those who practice this martial art can completely transform the body into a mass of flesh and blood, and spread out in all directions. Divine power, and as long as a group of flesh and blood can survive, it is able to restore the former glory.

Of course, this magical power is absolutely unusable when it is absolutely necessary, because once this magical power is used, the person who uses it does not know which part of him can be stored. If it is his cave world The flesh and blood in which he lives is okay, but if not, then all of his existence will cease to exist.

Hong Haitian obviously had no choice but to use this method. He saw it very clearly. Today, if the disintegration method is not used, he has no chance of getting out. No way, that is the two powerful combat powers at the level of good fortune. What can he do to deal with the serious injuries?

However, just when Hong Haitian thought he could have the last glimmer of life, the thing that made him desperate happened again.

The explosion of flesh and blood scattered, however, before the flesh and blood were completely dispersed, the whole portal city shook slightly, and then everything was shrouded in a super mysterious array.

A huge mysterious array covering a city has been formed, which can be said to be unprecedented in the French phase. When the huge mysterious array was started, Hong Haitian ’s flesh was also controlled by the mysterious array. Fleeing everywhere, but as long as the mysterious array is indestructible, there is no time for them to escape.


Xuan Zhen opened, and the figure of a young man finally appeared in the center of Xuan Zhen. As the young man appeared, the giant Xuan Zhen giant, and Jiang Qingwu with a long sword in his hand, immediately It came to his right and left, guarding him in the middle, carefully protecting it.

"Hahaha, Hong Haitian, no matter how much you can do, this time, don't even try to escape!"

After showing her appearance, Yuan Feng immediately laughed and laughed. He could feel that the flesh and blood transformed by Hong Haitian was still scrambling around in the unknown at this moment, and he didn't seem to realize that they had been enveloped by a huge mysterious array.

And the fact is exactly the same. After Hong Haitian's disintegration of Blood Demon *, he is actually an unconscious existence. These flesh and blood only have the instinct to escape, and they cannot feel where they are.

"Fenger, we have won."

Seeing his son appear, Jiang Qingwu was excited beyond words. From the beginning to the end, they have eaten every means of Hong Haitian. Although Hong Haitian's method is really good, but in the end, they are still on the high end, and finally Hong Haitian * has to be disintegrated. Method, but even so, the opponent still has no chance to escape.

Everything is under the control of Yuan Feng. It can be said that this is a perfect action. To tell the truth, before this moment, she never thought that the calculation of Hong Haitian could be so simple. Originally, she had already prepared for serious injuries, and she wanted to end up with Hong Haitian.

"Hey, it's a little too early to win the victory, mother, please take the shot, seal these flesh and blood of Hong Haitian, and find out the flesh and blood that contains his part of the cave world."

Yuan Feng's face also had a smile that couldn't be masked. Frankly, this time the action was really smooth, and every time he grasped the rhythm, he was all in control. Of course, Hong Haitian's self-confidence also cost him a painful price.

The lord of the star palace would never think that when Jiang Qingwu met Yuan Feng and knew that her son had grown up, she had already taken the affairs of the Jiang family very lightly. If it was before, she Will really be affected by the mood, but now she is only thinking about making Yuan Feng better, how can she be affected at this time?

Unfortunately, for these, Hong Haitian is not clear at all, and Jiang Qingwu's plan will be taken into account, eventually hitting him by surprise, making the situation unimaginable change between electric light and flint.

"Relax, Hong Haitian has disintegrated. Now he is not qualified to threaten me at all." With a slight smile, Jiang Qingwu was simply indescribably relaxed at this moment. When he was in shape, he started. Seal those flesh and blood in the mysterious space.

Although Yuan Feng's Jiuqu Yellow River battle, she could not perform it, but with Yuan Feng's permission, she could move here freely, and with her strength, she seized all of Hong Haitian's flesh and blood, obviously not What a difficult thing.

Jiang Qingwu started to be busy, while the Xuanzhen Giant, at this moment, was still standing by Yuan Feng's side, just like a towering Optimus Prime, giving a strong sense of security.

"Well, it's not bad. I can't think of going back in time, but I can still play like this. It really made me see."

Looking at the giant mysterious giant in front of him, Yuan Feng couldn't help but be filled with relief. He had originally wanted to bring all the Dongtianjing subordinates together to perform a joint battle of the ninety-nine return to the real formation, but later he knew that the original nine-nine return to the real formation had such a trick.

The four hundred and ninety-six house-level powerhouses each control a node of the mysterious array, and there are seven hundred and sixty-three cave heavenly powerhouses interspersed among them, and there are cave heavenly warcraft as a source of strength, providing a link of links It can be said that this Xuan Zhen giant is a horrible existence that has only been created by merging all the super strongs in the French Realm and the Mora Realm.

Perhaps in terms of mobility, the Xuanjin Giant is a little worse, but in terms of strength, the Xuanjin Giant at this moment is definitely the level of good fortune.

"Let's stay like this, wait until Hong Haitian is completely resolved, and make sure there is no danger, then you will spread again."

It is not a simple task to arrange these strong men into the giants of the mysterious array. This method of manufacturing the giants of the mysterious array requires not only that everyone must trust each other, but also that the breath of these people must be connected, and the position of the mysterious array is connected. It must be absolutely precise. In order to create this giant Xuanzhen giant, Yuan Feng spent a lot of thought.

It can be said politely that in the entire middle world, only Yuan Feng can create such a mysterious giant. Others, don't even think about it.

"Let my mother be busy alone, it seems that I can't make sense, big guy, go, let's go together !!!"

Although Jiang Qingwu is very powerful, the number of flesh and blood burst from Hong Haitian is too much. If Jiang Qingwu is to be busy alone, it may take a long time to collect all the flesh and blood.


The Xuanzhen Giant yelled, and then, along with Yuan Feng, began to grab pieces of flesh and seal them.

Each of Hong Haitian's flesh and blood has great power, but even with great power, in front of Jiang Qingwu and Xuan Zhen Giant, there is simply no power to fight back, even Dong Tian Yuan Feng, who is in the middle of the eighth sky, can also easily seal these flesh and blood, one by one, in the independent space of Qingwu Palace.

Adding all the flesh and blood of the formidable realm together, it is conceivable how huge energy it will be. While collecting these flesh and blood, Yuan Feng's heartbeat can't help but slightly speed up.

Finding Hong Haitian's cave world is definitely the most important thing, but these physical energies of Hong Haitian are also a huge energy resource for him.

Time passed, and for a whole half day, in a blink of an eye, it quietly slipped away, and until the end of this half-day, Yuan Feng, Jiang Qingwu, and the Xuan Zhen Giant stopped.

"It's finally done. This Hong Haitian is really awesome. He even divided his body into so many parts. Fortunately, I started the Xuan Zhen relatively quickly. If it is later, I am afraid that this guy will have a chance to escape. "

When Hong Haitian's last piece of flesh was captured, Yuan Feng finally finally felt relieved, and at the moment, his eyes could not help but flicker with excitement and expectation.

All the flesh and blood of Hong Haitian has been sealed. Obviously, among these flesh and blood, there must be one of the most important pieces of Hong Haitian. Here, there will be his spirit and his cave world. Just find out this piece When the flesh comes, then everything in the other party ’s cave world will become his, including the **** crystal that has never been met.

"This time, Fenger's shot is decisive, otherwise there is really a big hidden danger." Jiang Qingwu also smiled slightly at the moment, and his eyes were a little excited too.

She also knew what was going to happen, and naturally she wanted to get that hand soon. In that case, they would have three gods in hand.

"Fenger, go back first, I will check all the flesh and blood of the seal, and find the flesh and blood of Hong Haitian's cave world."

The expectations under her heart made her not want to wait any longer. When she raised her hand, she let out all the flesh and blood of the seal.

Each piece of flesh and blood is a small ball, and the brilliance flowing above it looks very beautiful. After these small blood cells appeared, Jiang Qingwu immediately began to investigate these small blood cells.

"Mother, come on, Dongtian World, the main owner of the Star Palace, really wants to know what treasures there are."

Yuan Feng couldn't help at the moment. While staring at Jiang Qingwu's movements, he also took out all the blood cells collected by himself and the Xuanjin Giant, and let Jiang Qingwu investigate one by one.

Jiang Qingwu checked it very carefully. No matter how small the blood cells were, she would conduct a serious investigation as long as she could see it. When such an investigation lasted about half an hour or so, it was Stopped in Jiang Qingwu's excited smile.

"I found it !!! That's it !!! Chixiao Sword !!!"

A low drink spread from Jiang Qingwu's mouth. The red Xiaojian that had not been returned to Yuan Feng between words suddenly appeared in her hands. The time between the words, the sword fell from his hands, directly facing A slightly larger blood cell was chopped down.

"Well !!! Boom !!! Wow !!!"

With a loud bang, this group of blood cells exploded directly. At the same time, the heavenly baby, like the heavenly girl scattered flowers, was instantly filled with Yuan Feng's mysterious array space.

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