The Domestic Hero

Chapter 729: Furious! Red Tank (Leader Gagen)

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(Thanks to the reader of hjz666 for rewarding 100,000 starting coins to become the leader, hereby adding more, why not?)



A drop of cold sweat slipped, the host Sean was stunned on the spot, the heart suddenly jumped at this moment.

What happened just now?

Known as the invincible land battle, the red tank of the undead monster, Cristo Mayev, why flew out suddenly?

Could it be that Arnold's huge bear paw was the strong wind that had just blown in front of him?

At the thought of this, a deep sense of fear rose quickly from his heart.

That bear paw, as big as a door, plus Arnold's own strength to reach the A + level, and a BUFF gain, this slap goes on, let alone his small body, even if it is a fortress made of reinforced concrete, I am afraid You have to smash it!

And the red tank, but the half-step S-class seed player who is famous for his strength, could not even hold this slap. This power is too exaggerated?

The host Sean's face was all white. Just this slap, if there is such a little bit to wipe yourself, wouldn't you be dead? Even if it does not die, it has to hurt the bones and break the skin.

It's terrible. The strength of these world's top powerhouses is really terrible. His host is really not good.

Sean was terrified, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, quietly backed away and left the edge of the ring.

Until then, there was no sound in the surrounding auditorium.

The whole scene seemed to be still.

What happened just now was really shocking.

Originally high above the ground, admirable, and even half-step S-level seed players who might be treated as heroes by some organizations, were even knocked down and flew in an instant. How could this happen?

This has refreshed all their past knowledge.

On the seed seat off the court, Wang Yan also widened his eyes and was surprised.

When he played with Arnold in the qualifiers, Wang Yan found that the opponent had thick skin and great strength. He held his hammer against him, and his arms were numb.

Now this giant bear is even more exaggerated. Under the BUFF bonus of Sun Youmiao's children, all aspects of the attributes have been reduced to the realm of terror.

Wang Yan felt that if he replaced the red tank with himself, he might be unable to withstand the explosiveness of that moment.

It's not just Wang Yan. Those seed players who have really seen the power of the red tank and even played against the opponent feel the real shock.

At this time, Liuwujie and the desert emperor were all sitting upright. The superwoman Vera Denver and the blood wolf Walton were all eyes closed and their faces were incredible.

Although they didn't believe that the half-step S-class red tank would be defeated so easily, the crit damage at that moment really scared them.

Arnold Giant Bear itself has the strength to reach the A + level, and it is only a small step away from the half-step S-level. This time, inspired by Gudruid's powerful BUFF, it has reached one, making these half-step S-level seed players feel terrible.

Now don't say that Arnold's power can be compared to the half-step S-class. Even if you defeat the half-step S-class red tank and win this battle, it is highly likely.

The desert emperor and high priest Berika, the two seed players who have a close relationship with Wang Yan, were all secretly stunned in the seats, and they were terrified.

The flame son Wang Yan is really full of miracles around him. The little girl beside him has such a peculiar ancient magic at his young age. It is really a treasure. It seems that after the competition, this international friendship must be well established.

This kind of power has extremely high effect and value to any country or organization.

At this moment, there was silence in the venue, as was the podium.

The North American Dark United sect, the current leader Charles, was stunned.

Arnold Giant Bear is the North American Druid sect under his command. The youngest elder is strong and strong, but not so strong.

The opponent is a half-step S-class seed player, who is famous for his strength. He said that if he flew, then he flew. Is it possible that Arnold hit the chicken blood and took the hormone?

This kind of power is too abnormal?

The head of the Polar Bear Secret Service, Ivanov, sitting on the other side, with a black face, said nothing.

The red tank is the trump card under his hand. In the future, the pole bear of the Secret Service of the Polar Bears, he has never seen anyone overpower the red tank so far.

But the scene in front of him really made him speechless. Is this elder bear giant really going to be the first promotion player to counterattack the half-step S-class?

How can this be!


On the ring, Arnold Giant Bear stood up a huge bear body and raised a roar that shook his soul in the sky.

At this moment, the air radiates a wave of transparent sound waves and diffuses to the surroundings.

In the sunlight, his huge body, like an ancient monster, cast a large shadow on the ring. In front of this shadow, it was shot like a cannonball and flew out seven or eight meters. Finally, it directly smashed the ground into a big pit and buried the gravel in a red tank with unknown circumstances.

This stark contrast brought Arnold's high body to a high point.

His own heart was full of fighting spirit too, changed the deepness of the past, raised his head and raised his chest, and roared loudly.

At this moment, it was really full of brilliance and unmatched.

The shocking roar and the scene on the ring awakened the stunned audience before.

For a time, the whole venue was boiling.

The name "Arnold" was shouted out loudly among the crowd.

There is no way, this moment is really shocking, it is like playing a game, a poor African player, an arrogant RMB player, instantly burst out.

That kind of fun, only ordinary poor players understand.

It should be known that the crowd watching the game in the audience is all ordinary poor players.

Despite Arnold's method, although a little mean, it was counterattack anyway, and it was still a big counterattack!

On the rostrum, the prince rose slightly raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes slightly glanced at the bright angel who was sitting on the other side, and said: "That little girl is really amazing, your Holy See sends that kind of baby out, Do n’t you worry that the ancient Druids squashed by you in the Middle Ages will re-develop and become your obstacle? "

The strength of the Druid lies in the perception and use of the power of nature. They not only have a wide range of skills and magic, but also use natural power to bless themselves and their teammates, but they are also powerful and comprehensive.

Once this ancient sect, once again rises up, it will definitely become another powerful force in this world.

Of course, it ’s not that simple to be a real druid. Similarly, natural magic only has a strong affinity for nature, will it have a magical effect like Arnold, used in other superpowers, how much effect It will be a bit lower.

The **** of light made Daier glance at the prince of roses, and the voice replied: "It is as if the rise of the Druid sect will not be an obstacle to you. There is also a dark council in the event of the pagan extermination in the Middle Ages.

Although the two of them have different positions and beliefs, there are some gaps, but after the joint recruitment of the Uncle Pao and the Pope ~ the prostitute incident, and after Wang Yan reconciled from the middle, they have got along well.

"It's not like ancient times now. People are civilized and they believe in freedom. In this peaceful era, it is difficult to have people with special intentions to make use of religious beliefs to make waves." The **** of light, Dai Er, set his sights on the venue, a faint voice. He said, "What's more, Xiao Yan promised me, and that little girl's character is also worthy of trust. They will not reveal this lineage casually."

"I, like the pope, believe in Xiao Yan."

The prince rose raised her lips, why would she not be optimistic about the kid?

At this time, the two women stopped talking and returned to the ring again.

"Red tank, Kristo Mayev fell silent on the ground! In the next ten seconds, he had not stood up and was eliminated!"

Moderator Sean ’s excellent professional qualities made him quickly recover from the previous state of horror, stepped on a flying skateboard, came to the edge of the big pit where the red tank fell, and began to count down aloud.



The crowd watching the game around was also very quiet, and only Sean's countdown was left, echoing in the venue.



"Wow la la ..."

When Sean counted to the fourth second, a series of rubble rolling sounds came from the huge rubble pit on the ring.

"Good, really good, so powerful."

A bland but majestic voice came from under the stone pile.

The whole venue was quiet at this moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on the ring.

In full view, the red tank waved away the gravel in front of it, and slowly stood up.

During this process, all his bones came out, the crisp sound of the bone "Gaba", the audience on the sidelines listened to the throbbing of the audience, terrified.

There is no doubt that this sound is the broken bone, the sound of being forcibly reset.

The red tank stood up again, the sunglasses on his face had been completely broken, and he was thrown aside.

It can be seen that at the moment he was shot by Arnold, he also reacted. At this time, the paralyzed left arm and the left body sunk inward are the best proof.

However, in the short time he stood up, the broken bone was forcibly straightened by him, and the sunken body and broken arm were also regaining growth at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Good recovery ability!" Wang Yan at the side of the field looked dumbfounded. "Red tank, is he a monster ?!"

He has never seen anyone who can have such a strong resilience, and forcibly straighten the broken bone. This kind of pain that is enough to die, the red tank's face has no trace of fluctuation.

How strong must his body and mind be in order to do so?

The entire venue became silent again. This change made all the people watching the game unexpectedly, even Arnold himself stunned his eyes wide.

Is it true that the red tank is an undead monster? !

"It was originally intended to face the half-step S-level seed players, and only use this power, but now it seems that there is no way."

The red tank's eyes were as sharp as a torch. After saying this calmly, a violent airflow suddenly burst out around his body. The gravel and gravel around him were all blown in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the red tank became flushed, and extremely dramatic changes took place.

A fierce violent, fierce momentum like a fierce beast of the flood rose from the ring.

Wang Yan took a deep breath off the court and was surprised.

This red tank is not only amazingly recoverable, is it possible that he has a second form? !


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