The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1652: Sitting fisherman

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"Hey, our tactics against Hot Sands Overlord are really easy to use as always!"

The confusing lord stroked his flaming battle axe, hehe smirked, a tricky look.

The use of steel cables and steel nets is exactly the tactic of the Marauder Marauder, dealing with flying species and large creatures. Moreover, a large part of the members of the Flame Breathers were all barbarian veterans who followed Wang Yan and fought against the Yanhu Lake and had rich combat experience.

At this time, when this tactic is put on display, it can be said that the light vehicle is familiar, and the preliminary control of the hot sand overlord is completed in a short time.

This is also in line with the old saying of the earth China, their tactics are more powerful.


The Hot Sands Overlord was flustered, and quickly twisted his body, trying to get rid of the difficulties.

But two or three hundred Hellfire Breath Dogs, and two or three hundred strong barbarian knights, so many people's hard work, coupled with the huge ground nails that hit the mountain and the ground, so many restrictions, With its individual power alone, how can it be easily freed?

Not only that, the Hot Sands Overlord struggled, his eyes swept to the sidelines, and another scene was happening, which almost didn't scare it out.

"Destroy the Dragon Ballista?"

The pupils of the hot sands shrunk, and the large magic cannon loaded with dragon crossbow arrows was usually a strong weapon mounted on the city walls and battleships. But now, why does it appear under its eyelids?

That's right, it is indeed the Dragon Ballista that appeared in front of the Resha Overlord. To be precise, it is a portable dragon ballista modified by Master Hill.

There are now more than a dozen Dragon Crushers assembled by the Cavalry Captain Rock and his friends!

Although this improved dragon-killing ballista has been reduced in order to facilitate disassembly and assembly, its power, shooting and body shape have been reduced accordingly, but it is still a genuine heavy weapon. In addition, in the muzzle, there is a sharp and thick dragon-killing crossbow arrow covered with mysterious inscriptions. Not to mention a hot sand overlord, there are several hot sand overlords. I saw this heavy weapon specializing in dealing with large creatures. I still feel the chill from my heart.

"No! Let go, let go of this overlord! This overlord, can't spare you!"

The hot sand overlord completely panicked, and his mouth let out a desperate roar, struggling to almost crazy.

The dragon breath in his mouth desperately spit out, and when he twisted his body, he set off the storm sand that covered the sky and covered the sun.

However, those who are the Marauder Marauders have been prepared for a long time. Their current position is outside the range of the hot sands overlord. Even if there are occasional storms of sand and dust, the desert emperor who is guarding the side when they rush to them can easily block it with his ability.

As for those infernal steel cables, there is no need to worry any more. These are rare metals with extremely high energy conductivity, plus the specially improved forging combination of the master refiner, and the sandstorms initiated by the hot sand overlord can not break this rare metal designed for large creatures.


At this time, the hot sand overlord has fallen into a frantic struggle and roar. Now it wants to fly, can't fly away, wants to dig into the ground, and can't dig down. The attacks it displays are completely ineffective.

In addition to the deep despair and the last stubborn resistance, only the final demise awaits it.


The Dragon Ballista has been assembled. With Wang Yan's order, many ballistas fired in unison.

The flashing inscription crossbow arrows are extremely powerful, and instantly penetrate the body of the hot sand overlord.

Wang Yan also stretched his wings and led his men for the first time, and launched the final harvest of this legendary ancient dragon that dominated the whole hot sand desert.


The desperate roar of the hot sand overlord began to reverberate over the nest that had become empty.


"Great! Your Highness Demon Flame succeeded!"

"Yes, yes, congratulations Lord Moyan!"

"There hasn't been anything wrong around us until now, and we can feel at ease."

"Yes, we will retreat and return to our voyage when His Majesty sends out a return signal!"

On the precipitous mountain peaks outside the nest, ten eagle body smurfs scouted and heard joyful cries while hearing the destruction of the hot sand overlord, and at the same time passed on their inner joy to their sisters.

"Huh ... The mission is complete."

As the captain in charge of this task, Doyle, the Hawks, stood on the top of the mountain and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is their first actual combat, but also a very critical one. If Her Majesty Her Majesty, who was so gracious to her mountain, was discovered by the forces of the enemy's dark demon domain during the hunting process, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, so far, everything is going well, she can also install this tight heart string.

and many more!

Doyle's eyes tightened, just as she had just turned her head, the glare of the corners of her eyes caught a flash of black shadow, which made her nerves tense.

How can ordinary shadows move? Is she dazzled?

Doyle did not dare to carelessly. This hot sand desert is at the border of the Dark Demon Domain and the Purgatory Demon Domain, and even some areas border the border of the Fallen Demon Domain.

It can be said that any enemy can appear in this disputed area.

Doyle narrowed his sharp eagle eyes slightly, carefully observing every inch of land around him, and at the same time picked up a witchcraft handprint, equipped with traditional investigative witchcraft eagle-eye technique among the eagle body tribes.

However, Doyle's mantra was still available for purchase, and a figure darker than night suddenly appeared from her own shadow.

The law of space?

Shadow Demon Race!

Shadow Demon Assassin in the Dark Domain!

Doyle was shocked, and she knew what kind of enemy she encountered.

Only the peculiar race such as Shadow Demon can fully integrate itself into the shadows. Coupled with this peculiar race, semi-physical and semi-elemental racial characteristics, and excellent talents for space laws, they can move quickly in the shadows, or even instantaneously move at short distances.

The shadow demon assassin just used her to glance at the interval around her, quietly approaching from the shadows of the mountains one by one.

Must warn His Highness and the flames!

This was the first reaction in Doyle's heart, but she hadn't had time to speak out. The shadow demon who had drilled out of the shadow had reached out and grabbed her by the neck.

Perhaps it was the shadow demon assassin who thought that Hawk Doyle was just a group of inferior races with little resistance.

So when he locked Doyle's throat, ready to momentarily silence her uniform, Doyle had an extra sharp dagger sometime in his hand.

Doyle's hand fell, and the arm of the Shadow Demon Assassin was instantly taken off.

The severed arm turned into a mist, and Doyle, who was able to withdraw, immediately fluttered his wings and flew at the same time, and at the same time, a sharp eagle cried out.

Soon there was a cry, and it sounded over the nest, and immediately heard the predatory Hawk scout, and immediately took off. A total of ten eagle body scouts, including Doyle, eventually vacated and fled towards the direction of Wang Yan's army.

"Damn! The mission failed, hurry up!"

The shadow demon assassin who controlled Doyle immediately ordered chase. They never imagined that a sneak attack on a few Hawks would be defeated

A fierce chase immediately took place between the peaks.

If it was not Doyle this time, I kept an eye on it, and discovered the lurking Shadow Demon Clan for the first time, otherwise these Shadow Devil Clan that had infiltrated nearby attacked at the same time. Annihilated.

It is naturally impossible to talk about the early warning of Wang Yan and others. At that time, Wang Yan and others, I am afraid, will be hit by a serious sneak attack!

"Smelly ladies, see where are you going?"

An urn and anger, like the anger of water coming from the water, are coming from a group of black shadows.

Ten Hawks were scouting and were fleeing at high speed. In just a few tens of seconds, it seemed to them a long century.

Behind them, more than a dozen Shadow Demon masters have already worked hard to catch up.

Since it is very close to Wang Yan and others, once they are exposed, it is equal to the exposure of Wang Yan and others. So they don't need to lead the enemy away, but choose to rush back to meet Wang Yan and others as soon as possible, which is also their chance to seek a life.

However, these Hawks are well-trained and captain-level scouts that have been improved by bloodline evolution. Their individual abilities are very outstanding. During the escape, the Shadow Demon Clan is greatly lost.

In just a few kilometers, there are already seven or eight Shadow Demon tribes, tragically dying under the hands of these Hawks. This also makes the remaining Shadow Demon clan, out of anger, vowed to the death of these eagle body banshees!


Just approaching the core area of ​​the lair, already receiving the alarm, the slaying marauder cavalry, who had been ambushed for the first time, fired hundreds of crossbow arrows from the rear of the bunker.

The instantaneous crossbow arrows immediately confused a dozen shadow demons and shot them into a sieve. They didn't even have time to hum, and all died.

Ten eagle body demon scouts quickly fled to where Wang Yan was.

Upon seeing Wang Yan, the eagle body banshees immediately fell to their knees and reported: "Your Highness Demon Flames, yes, are the people of the Dark Demon Realm."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Wang Yan frowned slightly, watching them hurt, and said softly, "You are working hard, go to heal first." Instructed them to withdraw.

As the so-called comer is not good, the good one does not come. Being able to almost break the vigilance of the Hawks, shows that the other party is definitely not a small character. And from the performance of the other party, the other party may have discovered his whereabouts, and intends to kill them all in one go!

What a calculation!

Wang Yan thought, fortunately, they had successfully solved the hot sand overlord, and they had no worries. The huge prey is now behind him, and he hasn't had time to load it.

"Oh, it's not bad, these Hawks are really smart, and even the two teams of Shadow Demon Assassins under the prince's command haven't been able to win them, which is really amazing."

At this moment, a frivolous laughter suddenly came from the ridge outside the nest.

Wang Yan looked around and saw a man with dark-scale armor, gray complexion, and a pair of eye-catching night demon clan, driving a majestic lion, scorpion, and standing on the edge of the ridge, looking toward Wang Yan and others looked casually.

Behind him, Wang Yan found that there were twenty or thirty night demon generals in the row, all of which were legendary, and several of them were legendary peaks.

Behind the generals of the night demons are a large number of lion, scorpion and knights.

Wang Yan had previously only heard of this terrible World of Warcraft in Hell World, but now he can really see it, and is really amazed by the monster's grim appearance.

This body of warcraft is like a lion, with sharp dragon claws, strong dragon wings, and a sharp stinger like a scorpion tail at the tail. The scorpion's venomous spike is exuding a dark purple awn, as if it is proclaiming its extremely toxic properties.

Not only that, these very fierce lions, scorpions and beasts are also wearing heavy armor. The knights on their backs are all strong night demon tribes. These Daredevil knights also wore elite armor, hand-held rifles, and equipped with daggers, hand crossbows, and corroding poisonous ammunition.

It can be said that this kind of lion, scorpion and knight has been armed to the teeth, which is enough to be comparable to the most terrifying dragon slaughter legion under the devil Satan!

This does not count, this noble and prestigious night demon man led the army not only the lion, scorpion and knight.

After the lion and scorpion knight, there are more and more brutal beast cavalry!

The barbarian is a very brutal large omnivorous beast. It looks like a one-horned rhinoceros. It is covered in hard skin. Although they are omnivorous, they prefer meat. Even tamed beasts will also be in the process of fighting between the two sides. In the midst of being unable to withstand the temptation of flesh and blood, they often bite at the enemy and the enemy mount with their mouths open, so for a long time, the name of the murderer is out.

The tamed beasts are also called war beasts. Just like these cavalry cavalry, they are heavily armored, and they are more powerful than the tanks on the earth.

Now the cavalry who controls these war beasts is the demon clan in the dark demon domain.

The demon family is one of the three core races of the dark demon domain, and is also the descendant race of the dark demon **** Mamen. The outside world usually calls them demon.

The demon clan has the excellent bloodline of the galaxy giant beast, which is humanoid in shape, but has the characteristics of a beast, and it can have a little relationship with the demon clan on the earth. However, it does not belong to the same category of galaxy beasts as the blood of the demon races on earth, so the gap is actually very large.

The demons of the Dark Demon Realm are very brave and belligerent, and their individual strength and vitality are no less than the powerful purgatory demons.

The family of heroes composed of fierce and fierce monsters, coupled with ferocious and brutal war beasts, will absolutely bring the words of fierce and brutal to the extreme!

Some of the border guards in Hell World, even if they just heard the name of this unreasonable cavalry, would be frightened.

Therefore, this strong and brutal cavalry is also called a war butcher!


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