The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1636: This is really a fraud! !

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The sudden change of Satan, the devil, made Wang Yan slightly stunned, especially staring at the other party's sorrowful gloom, and an ominous hunch could not help rising from his heart.

"How much fraud can there be?"

Wang Yan asked with some anxiety. Could these three demon gods be so delicate in their thoughts, and could they be cheated?


Satan, the devil, mentioned this, and was very depressed. "For the father, I thought that the two demon gods were in a very embarrassing position, so they had to make a decision to break the balance and let the father defeat one of the forces. And let the remaining party get a breathing opportunity. "

"In addition to having your baby son as the father, the **** conference is bound to defeat the other two parties and win the conference championship. With the conference award, the two parties will be weakened again. After that, you and my father and son will join forces and count on it, let alone defeat One demon god, it is easy to unify the whole **** in the future! "

The devil **** Satan narrowed his eyes and was ambitious, but in a blink of an eye he lamented again, "But I never thought that the father was counted by the other two devil gods!"

"The reason they dare to increase their chips at the Hell Conference is not only to break the balance of the **** world and take advantage of the opportunity to defeat each other. In fact, their biggest purpose is to defeat their father and make them fatherless!"

Satan, the demon god, sighed, and immediately made Wang Yan "chuck" in his heart.

"Absolutely, affirmative? What, what affirmative?"

Wang Yan was stunned for a moment. When the reaction came, he could not help but take a breath.

Isn't it the so-called descendant of the Devil God?

He is now regarded as the dear son of Satan the devil, and he is still the only son. After letting the devil Satan die, wouldn't he want him to finish playing completely?

"Son, care for your father."

Devil God Satan reached out and patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, with a sad expression on his face, "According to intelligence information, in the other two Demon God camps, there has actually appeared a semi-god-level young strong!"

"The Dark Demon God and the Fallen Demon God have been weak for many years, but they did not expect them to hide their humiliation and secretly cultivate two peerless geniuses. This has never been the case in the past!"

"Exactly this time, for your father, you just got your wonderful son. Obviously, the two **** deities, now dare to increase their big chips, just to lure you to compete in person, so as to wait for the opportunity to kill you, let you Completely disappeared in this world! "

Under the sorrowful eyes of Satan the devil, Wang Yan was dumbfounded. The dark Satan was really a dad. Is this simply pitting him to death?

It didn't take Wang Yan to think too much, and something that made him collapse came.

"In the camp of the two demon gods, if there is only one more semi-god-level youth genius, don't worry about being a father. Raise the young talents and be confident for the father. No one can match my son. Just ... "

The devil Satan stopped talking and paused, and then he was depressed, "According to intelligence, these two semi-god-level youth geniuses are just a lieutenant general, who really represents the two devil devil gods in the competition, in fact there are other others."

What, what?

Hearing this, Wang Yan was a bit stunned.

No wonder the devil **** Satan died before his son earlier, aside from those sons' own problems, this demon **** Satan is not only a pit son, it is simply pushing his son into the fire pit?

The two half-god-level youth geniuses are only means on the bright side, so is the real hole card hidden under the hands of the dark demon gods and the fallen demon gods, is it even more terrible than these two half-god-level youth geniuses?

"My father, are you pushing your child to the cusp of the storm and becoming a live target for everyone?"

Wang Yan was cold and sweating, and his mouth was bitter.

Now because of the arrogance of the demon **** Satan, he directly pushed Wang Yan to the center of the vortex of the three demon gods.

His reputation as the son of the demon **** Mo Yan, Wang Yan, has gone out. Indeed, his scenery is infinite. As a result, he has become the target of the two demon **** forces. The dangerous degree can be seen in it.

"Hey, good son, how can you be willing to push you to the cusp of your father and mother? Obviously, those two demon gods are not things, and it is abominable to want to murder me!"

Demon God Satan was angry, and punched on the armrest of the seat beside him, and the whole temple shook it suddenly.

Wang Yan was speechless for a while, and said that he finally knew why Satan the devil, and why he had a doppelganger buried in the earth.

In addition to the platoon formation with him and Uncle Gun, the arrogance and defiance of Satan, the devil, was also one of the great factors. Just like now, it is clear that because of their high self-esteem, they not only pit themselves, but also bring him Wang Yan.

"Son, do n’t worry, for the father already knows their plans, naturally he will not watch you murdered by others. Even if the father tears his face with the two demon gods and fights completely, he will surely protect you! "

Satan, the demon god, was afraid of being such a good son. But the words are changing again, "But good son, this **** conference is now, you have to participate, and you must win the championship, otherwise your life, and the fate of the infernal demon, Will be seriously threatened! "

What, what?

Woller go!

Wang Yan couldn't help but burst a swearing in his heart, this demon **** Satan is really a crater, a crater!

Say to protect him from Wang Yan and Zhou Quan? But the result must also participate in the **** meeting, otherwise not only his Wang Yan may die, even the fate of the entire Purgatory Demon Clan will be threatened.

Wang Yan will naturally not care about the fate of the Purgatory Demon Race. But his own life, he did not want to be buried here, he still has many important things to do, for him, those important things are more important than his life.

"Ah! Father and Emperor, you really hurt the child." Wang Yan sighed in a hypocritical manner. "Forget it, I understand, this is the destiny to be a son of the devil."

In fact, as Wang Yan said, becoming the heir of the devil Satan will inevitably be targeted and suppressed by the hostile forces of all parties.

This is like the earth society, the heirs of the ancient kingdom, from ancient times to Chinese and foreign, which prince will not experience the **** storm before taking the position? Even in some modern commercial empires, who will not experience the targeting of all parties? There are countless bright, dark, foreign, and internal.

Since the moment Wang Yan became the son of the demon god, he has become the focus of attention in the entire world of hell, let alone the internal forces. The other two demon gods, if they do n’t do something for Wang Yan, it ’s really strange. Too.

After knowing this situation, Wang Yan soon relieved himself in addition to vomiting inwardly.

While he gains many benefits from the Demon God's Son, various crises and targeting will follow.

"Mo Yan is worthy of being a good son of the father, thanking my son for understanding."

Devil God Satan was so moved by Wang Yan that he was so moved that he almost cried. He was busy and kindly persuaded, "It's not good to say that it is the father, but since you are the only son of the father, the **** of the **** world, you are doomed Yes. Fortunately, we already know the enemy ’s movements, and then we must help you to prepare the **** meeting for your father so that my child can be invincible! "

"It seems that the period of **** turmoil has really come. I hope the children can survive the disaster with their father and adults." Wang Yan pretended to be pessimistic and continued to talk to Satan the devil.

But right now, as Satan the Devil said, he has to participate in the Hell Conference until now, and he must win the championship.

First of all, he became the son of Satan, the demon god. In the world of hell, he has basically become the dark demon **** and the fallen demon god. These two demon gods are nailed in the eyes and stabbed in the flesh. The two demon gods and their forces must want to get rid of it first and then quickly.

These two weaker demon gods have long been hiding in secret, and now they have accumulated all their strengths, in order to work hard in this venue of the prison conference and break the deadlock of the entire **** world.

Now if Wang Yan does not attend the **** meeting because of fear, then the forces of Satan, the demon god, will definitely lose the ability to win the championship.

In this way, the other two Demon Gods, no matter which side wins, can use the championship right to make a wish to Demon God Satan and let Demon God Satan kill the only son Wang Yan.

If Satan the Satan agreed, Wang Yan would not be able to survive. Not agreeing is to break the contract. In addition to being swallowed by the oath, the two demon gods of the two countries have enough reasons to join forces and directly fight the devil **** Satan.

Devil God Satan is indeed very powerful and powerful, but with one enemy and two, I am afraid there is no advantage. Coupled with the oath, it can be said that it will be defeated.

After the development of the situation to the end, I am afraid that Satan himself and his Wang Yan may be cut off by the other two demons.

Once the Devil God Satan and the Purgatory Demon Clan are under devastating blows, and the world of Hell is fighting again, then the plane base located on the Purgatory Demon Clan's site must be affected, which will indirectly cause the Earth's defensive circle and an irreversible blow.

So until now, Wang Yan, who has become the son of the demon god, can't escape this matter. He can only choose to participate in the **** conference, and he must win the championship.

Otherwise, if he does not have god-level strength, it is difficult for him to escape smoothly when the two demon gods shoot at the same time, and the earth's defense circle will be destroyed as a result!

In addition to the above-mentioned factors that have to be done, in fact, the dangerous **** conference is also full of many opportunities, which is another reason why Wang Yan needs to attend.

If Wang Yan can seize this opportunity, then he can achieve many of the urgently needed goals.

At the Hell Conference, being able to get close to other Demon God forces in order to obtain the news of Uya Ange, naturally this need not be said.

In addition, the earth is threatened by the abyssal forces. While improving the overall strength of the earth superpowers, a god-level strongman must be in town, so as to ensure that the earth's defense circle will not collapse.

How to become a god-level powerhouse? Wang Yan found a way to strengthen his bloodline genes to the extreme. With the fire energy of life he had previously absorbed, he might have the opportunity to impact the god-level strongman. This requires a more powerful god-level life factor to complete.

The source of this divine-level life factor must not be overwhelming, otherwise Wang Yan's current body may not be able to bear it, and eventually it is counterproductive. The most ideal source is an avatar from the devil.

Wang Yan has already used the demons of Satan, so he needs to obtain them from the other two demons in Hell World.

It happens that the Hell Assembly finally rewards this, which can be used. In this way, if you want to save your life, find Uya Ange, and seek a way to impact the god-level strongman, you must participate in this **** conference and win the final championship!

Thinking of this, Wang Yan is under great pressure, but the whole person has been more serious than ever.

As of today, he has to go without going, and he has to win if he doesn't want to win. This is already a road without turning back.

"Son, I have a request for you from the father. You must come to the temple of the father every day in the future, and for the father to personally direct you to control the power."

After roughly talking, Satan, the demon god, took care of him, "And all your slave legions are disbanded. You know that your father lived a hard life in the past. You can only rely on those slaves to expand your army. Next to the father, let ’s switch to his father ’s inferno massacre and heavy guard. These two armies have excellent combat effectiveness, and each one is enough for you to pull to the **** conference and fight with the enemy. "

Although the Hell Congress requires youth participation, it is perfectly possible to select carefully some young talents from among the several royal armies.

"It would be better if my father and father would give me personal advice. The children would come regularly every day. But as for the dissolution of the slave corps, the children thought it was a good idea."

Wang Yan first politely agreed to this matter, but soon after he was promoted to a demigod, this is almost a human limit for a human being. It's very, very difficult to get a level of improvement in a short time, even if there is a devil's guidance, it is unlikely.

However, in terms of strength control and combat skills, if a demon **** personally gives instructions and even has the opportunity to simply move, Wang Yan's strength will definitely be improved qualitatively.

Once the two are in the same state in battle, the difference between the two in their control of strength and the combat skills and experience will immediately cause a huge gap between the two's combat power, which will directly affect the outcome of the battle.

But when it comes to dissolving Wang Yan's current slave corps, Wang Yan still politely refuses.

There are several reasons. First of all, Wang Yan and members of the existing legion, get along with each other, know each other and trust each other, and understand the advantages and disadvantages of various races, Wang Yan himself is also aware of it. Knowing what your opponents understand is very important in a battle, and often determines success or failure.

In addition, all of Wang Yan's men are elites who stand out from thousands of horses and horses, and have been carefully tuned by Wang Yan himself and all his generals. Those low-ranking men are hard-working, and each member has a common goal. They are training hard every day.

Therefore, Wang Yan ’s men have outstanding fighting abilities and strict discipline, and the team cooperates in a tacit understanding, which is no worse than the pure blood purgatory demon. There is such a trusted arm that is familiar with each other, trusts each other, and has a strong combat power. Why should he be replaced by a completely strange Demon army?

In addition to this, the most important first point is loyalty.

Wang Yan ’s army is only loyal to Wang Yan, and his cohesion is very strong. Many of the slaves ’men even regarded Wang Yan ’s barracks as his home and the place where he struggled for his whole life. It can be said that these men who are loyal to Wang Yan, even if they betray Satan, the high devil, will not betray him Wang Yan.

How can Wang Yan find such a loyal man?

In addition, if Wang Yan is comfortable, he directly uses Devil God Satan ’s legion to participate in the Hell Conference, then the army ’s combat power and equipment are indeed very good, but invisible Wang Yan will fall under the supervision of Devil God Satan This outweighs the gains.

Therefore, Wang Yan would rather continue to spend his thoughts and build his own army, rather than take over the army directly under Satan.


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