The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1632: You're done

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"Zoe, can barbarians evolve now?"

Wang Yan turned around and asked, it was not too late for the matter, and there was not much time for him to prepare.

"No problem, as long as it is a creature, you can use this evolution key to evolve life!"

Speaking of this treasure, Zoe was energetic, "As long as we obtain the corresponding data and parameters from both sides, we can modulate the necessary source of life according to the ratio and use it to promote evolution."

After obtaining Wang Yan's affirmation, he set about setting parameters and related materials and reagents immediately.

As the chief alchemist under Wang Yan, Zoe has not been idle since this time. Barbarians, ogres, purgatory demon races, succubus, eagles, and other races have all collected corresponding racial information. In addition, she is already familiar with various materials and resources, and soon will be able to configure Wang Yan with the corresponding secret recipe suitable for the evolution of barbarians.

"Rock, go in, it will be fine." Wang Yan raised his chin, indicating that the barbarian captain Rock could go in. "As long as you can succeed, you will be my first flaming predator!"

The scorching marauder, but under the command of the devil **** Satan, the army of the Royal Marines, is powerful enough to frighten everyone.

It is undoubtedly a terrifying feat if we can now transform an ordinary **** dog into a combination of a barbarian warrior and a flaming marauder! Even Wang Yan can have a top-level army comparable to the **** in the world in a short time! And the loyalty and discipline of this army are unquestionable.

This method of promoting biological evolution is really important. Of course, all this must be based on the premise that the next rock test is successful.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Seeing Wang Yan's expecting eyes, the barbarian squad leader Rock immediately banged his chest and shot, "Rock believes Master Moyan! Rock will not live up to Master Moyan's expectations!"

That's the Flame Breaper, the strongest marine unit in the Purgatory Demon Race! As a lowly barbarian, Rock dreams of wanting to become a top warrior comparable to the Yan Marauders, and even beyond the Marauder Marauders!

What's more, once the evolution is successful, he can get a breakthrough and a new life like his mount **** dog!

To know that the barbarian warriors have strong fighting power, but the adult barbarian soldiers are usually only B-level in strength. Only a few elites can reach the A-level. S grade.

As for the S legendary barbarian warrior at the apex, it is a top strongman who can become a tribal leader, known as the barbarian king.

Every barbarian warrior is eager to become the most powerful barbarian king, and his rock is also very eager.

But he is currently in the half-step S-level stage, for many, many years. Now that he is about to enter middle age, if there is no possibility of promotion, then in his life, I am afraid that he can only reach the point in front of him. Afterwards, he will grow old and weaker with the passing of time. This can be said to be the most feared nightmare of every fighting race.

Therefore, even if there is only one ten thousandth of hope, he, the barbarian captain, is willing to try it. What's more, Lord Master Moyan has said that there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

He trusted the Lord Mo Yan more than himself.

"Very good, I understand your loyalty. Go in. After success, the Divine Son will definitely reward you."

At the direction of Wang Yan, Rock, the barbarian captain, said nothing, took off his upper body armor, and stepped into the third compartment.

Then Wang Yan personally selected a legendary barbarian kernel for him. The race of the barbarians was born to fight, and has excellent physical fitness. The evolution of the physical direction is very suitable for this race.

However, there is no complete barbarian blood and flesh for genetic supplementation, plus the exaggerated race, so only one core needs Zoe to add additional auxiliary reagents and purification neutralization reagents.

This can complete the original genes of the wild beast. Although the preparation work is very tedious and the operation is very troublesome, it is indispensable. Otherwise, the success rate and degree of evolution will be affected accordingly.

Fortunately, Zoe has made a lot of preparations for the evolution of the barbarian, so the operation is fast now.

After a while, the evolutionary operation of the barbarian squad leader began.

Perhaps it was the first time a human body test was performed, and Zoe was obviously nervous, and his expression was more focused.

Although in terms of evolution, humanoid races and other species actually share the same path, there is no difference. But after all, the humanoid race is on the same level as herself, so that her tension will emerge.

At the moment, Wang Yan is also focusing on every step of progress.

Since this is the first time human trials have been conducted, it is impossible to say that there is no risk of failure. As long as it concerns the evolution of species, there are bound to be many unmanageable risks. What's more, under the circumstances of human intervention, it is natural to carry out mandatory optimization, in which risks are naturally necessary.

Of course, using this treasure is much safer than Wang Yan's bloodline evolution alone. But as long as there is a trace of instability in it, Wang Yan cannot rest his mind completely.

Not only Wang Yan and Zoe, but also the master refiner Hill and the other two masters, also stared at all of them intently.

This is the moment to truly test their achievements. Whether their hard work and endless hard work can ultimately succeed, all of them fell on the barbarian soldier at this moment.

As long as there is a little change in the rock of the barbarian captain, they will immediately alert them.

In this way, after a period of time, the refined source of life finally began to converge on the upper level of the third cabin.

This is a green liquid full of rich life and exudes vitality. It is shining brightly in the cultivation tank on the upper layer of the cabin, letting people understand at a glance that this liquid is full of vigorous life force.


In the third compartment, the barbarian rock leader suddenly groaned in pain, and the syringe extended from the top of the compartment finally plunged into his body.

The evolution of this barbarian team leader also began at this moment.

"Rock, don't let me down."

Wang Yan secretly lamented that once there is nothing wrong with this test, then the strength of his men can get an overall improvement, and then the superpowers of the entire earth plane will also get a qualitative leap!

This matter is crucial and must be done. At the thought of getting such a major breakthrough, Wang Yan will feel bloody. Whether or not all of this can be achieved falls on the rock in front of us.

Under the eyes of everyone, the time seemed to be extremely long.

Just when everyone held their breath, and when the third cabin, all the vigor of the original green power was transformed into pale white mist.

Suddenly came from the cabin, "Bang" murmured.

In the next moment, the cabin door was opened in response to the sound, and the strong air pressure inside it rolled up layers of water mist and sprayed out.

In the mist of the mist and the smell of sweat, a strong and powerful body stepped out and appeared in front of everyone.

"Success, success!"

Zoe jumped happily.

On the other side, the master refiner Hill and the two master spirits also smiled and clapped their palms.

"Hahaha, okay, that's great!"

"Master Magic Flame, we succeeded!"

"Our hard work is finally complete!"

Wang Yan looked at the body as if it were steel, and the rhythm was like a rock like a mountain, and finally he was relieved. It can be said that basically, all of Wang Yan's previous research and the key to the evolution of the anti-treasure tool created after repeated experiments have been truly completed!

"Master Moyan, me, I feel my body full of power!"

Rock clenched his fists in both hands, feeling the powerful vitality that filled every cell in the whole body, and the whole person was a little excited.

But just when he took his steps and walked out of the cabin, wanting to thank Wang Yan, a thunderous thunder came suddenly and suddenly sounded above everyone's head.

"It's a punishment." Wang Yan spoke slowly.

This barbarian squad leader has evolved through blood, and has indeed broken through the shackles for many years. Now he is officially stepping into the realm of legend. At the same time, what followed was the heavenly disaster after the promotion.

In the following period, Wang Yan and others watched the official promotion of the barbarian rock leader.

The rock that has been optimized for blood veins and has greatly increased physical strength. In order to show Wang Yan his strength and courage, and to avoid damage to Wang Yan ’s property, he jumped on the roof of the workshop in one fell swoop The strong body made of steel and iron casts hard against the thunder that has fallen this time!

Attracted by the countless barbarians and ogres shouting at it, one by one envied.

Who are these low-level races who do not want to soar? So how can we soar in the **** world of weak meat and strong food? Naturally, he rushed to the legendary realm in one fell swoop, and achieved the leader's general!

After a period of time, as Lei Yun dissipated, the barbarian rock captain finally completed his promotion.

He screamed in the sky, venting his accumulated emotions for many years, and the spirit of rebirth in his heart.

The countless soldiers below are eager to envy. It wasn't until the rock fell in front of Wang Yan, the respectful kowtow gratitude, that the hustle and bustle around gradually calmed down.

"Rock, remember, as long as you know that you have succeeded in the promotion of the legendary realm, how to break through the promotion, don't leak out." Wang Yan stared at the rock, the seriousness in his expression was beyond words.

Although Rock is a rude barbarian, but he is not a fool, he understands Wang Yan's meaning, and now he kowtows to guarantee: "The subordinate understands that this is a big secret. Even if the subordinate is dead, he will not reveal half a word! "

"That's good, hold it, this is for you."

Wang Yan raised his hand and lost a hundred magic crystals to the rock, and said, "Let's take your mount down first. New equipment suitable for you. The Divine Son will look back and distribute it to you."

"Thank you Lord Moyan for your reward! Thank you Lord Moyan for your kindness! Every word spoken by Lord Moyan is remembered by your subordinates!"

The rock took over a hundred magic crystal coins, and immediately threw his heads excitedly, thanking Dade again, and then took the brand new Hellfire Breath Dog mount and walked out of the workshop with his head upright.

At this moment, he felt that he had almost reached the peak of his life.

Hundreds of magic crystal coins are almost worth the salary of his five-year captain. This is the high salary given by Lord Mo Yan! And this Hellfire Breath Dog is one of the top mounts in the Purgatory Demon Clan. Only the real nobility can usually enjoy it. If we use the words on the earth, this Hellfire Breath Dog mount is like a shiny Lamborghini!

At the moment, I have been a rock of poor cockroaches for many years, and I have gained super strength, a huge fortune, plus a top mount, and later there is a distribution of top equipment. Such a generous welfare treatment, he felt that at this moment, he was really about to be happy.

But he was very clear in his heart that it all came from the respected Lord Mo Yan.

Lord Mo Yan gave him the kindness he could not repay in his life. Even if he gave his life for Master Mo Yan in the future, he would never say no, no regrets!

After the rock was gone, Wang Yan put this crucial machine into the secret realm left by the starry sky god.

This secret realm is sealed in the title page of the Book of Stars, where it is self-contained, no matter how noisy it is inside, the outside world cannot perceive it.

Although the site he currently owns is completely under his personal control, there are occasionally a promotion under his staff.

Can ten, one hundred, one thousand men all need promotion? By that time, it will inevitably attract the attention of the outside world, and even a glimpse of it.

Although paper can't hold the fire, before this secret leaks, what Wang Yan has to do is to strengthen himself as much as possible, as well as the strength of the earth superpower.

Including at any cost, to create a new **** for the earth!

By that time, no matter who they dare to glimpse Wang Yan and the precious wealth of the earth, they will have enough power to defend their own interests.

"Zoe, report to me. How many consumables did you just need to help rock evolution?" The people gathered together again, and Wang Yan asked first.

"Helping a half-step S-class powerhouse evolve is much more expensive than an A-class **** dog."

Zoe took out a small book, and after writing all the notes, the report said, "According to the principle of equivalent exchange, if you want to help a half-step S-level strongman evolve, then you need a legendary core, the best It is a complete flesh and heart, and the effect will be better. "

"In addition to that, it is necessary to purify and neutralize the potions. If these are converted into magic crystals, plus the power supply of about tens of thousands of magic crystals ... rough calculations will prompt a half-step S-class strong man Evolution, I am afraid that it needs to consume 20,000 straight magic crystals of about 25,000. The main legendary core is really rare, the price fluctuates greatly, and it is not easy to obtain easily, so the price will also fluctuate greatly. "

When Zoe calculates consumption, he also takes into account the market of supplies. Because the higher the evolution, the energy consumption is a trivial matter. The key is the legendary core and other advanced consumables necessary for evolution. The higher the level, the more valuable the market is, and it is difficult to obtain. Therefore, this price will also cause considerable fluctuations due to supply and demand factors.

"If it is to help the evolution of the legendary lord's life, the resources that need to be consumed are about ..."

Zoe carried out a series of calculations and then replied, "If it is a legendary lord, I am afraid that the magic crystal energy that light needs to consume will require more than 20,000 or 30,000 pieces! Plus rare advanced cores, and rare auxiliary Material ratio ... The minimum consumption must be at least 100,000 magic crystals. "

This is still Zoe's conservative estimate. It is important to know that a legendary pinnacle core and flesh body are often necessary for the manufacture of secondary holy items and even holy items. You can casually fry up to 70,000 to 80,000, or even more than 100,000 magic crystals. If it is a legendary peak core with better quality and outstanding attributes, the price will be even higher.

The corresponding auxiliary materials are not counted, the core of the legendary peak alone has to spend so many magic crystal coins to buy, it is conceivable that the more evolved, the lack is not the ordinary energy supply, but the more advanced rare Resources.

"Senior Demon Flame, this is just a preliminary estimate. The actual situation may require more magic crystals to be consumed ..." Zoe told the general consumption in detail. Later, her pretty face was slightly dignified.

Because if her master, Her Majesty, wants to build a top-level army and uses all evolutionary techniques, then the cost is too great, too big!

"It takes only two thousand magic crystals for an A-class elite to evolve into a half-step S-class elite?"

With only two thousand magic crystals, a class A soldier can get a qualitative leap, which is also very cost-effective!

But Wang Yan secretly estimated that he immediately took a breath.

He now brings in a handful of tens of thousands of people, basically all are carefully selected A-class elite soldiers, only a few hundred are half-step S-class elites.

If you let them evolve once, or even twice, and then equip them with new equipment and materials, this trivial resource-consuming trivial matter is not counted. The funds used in evolution alone are enough to make him completely ruined. Not enough.

But this is very worthwhile, very worthwhile, what the magic crystal is left in the hand is just the magic crystal. Only by turning them all into strength, and truly loyal to his Wang Yan's strength, can better development be achieved.

Uncle Gun's plan for their abyss trip was only half successful.

There is not much time left for him.


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