The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1118: Pair of live treasures

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Wang Yan and Shiva Goddess are both outstanding in the younger generation.

And they all cultivated to the legendary level, mastered the power of the law, and the movements are all terrible existences that can level a mountain and destroy a town. The two of them flew over the sky, and the mere breath of breath was already suffocating.

The two legendary strongmen are engaged in battle, which can be different from the B-level and C-level small people. Once they are serious and desperate, the destructive power they can exert on the environment around them is nothing short of extraordinary.

People with weaker strength may even be attacked by the aftermath and pond fish.

In the sky, two flames showed their powers, colliding with each other, and a wave of amazing heat waves rippling in the air. The students exclaimed, the tutors also evacuated the students with a complexion of faces, the scene was messy, like the end of the world.

"Wang Yan! Indira!" Linghu Yaojue also flew into the air and hurriedly stopped, "Don't be impulsive either of you two, now is not the time to make trouble."

"Director Linghu, don't worry." Wang Yan laughed aloud. "I don't know where I offended Indira. She didn't look at me everywhere. Since that's the case, it might as well be a fight." . If she wins, I will hide from her in the future. If I win, huh, huh, she will go down the wind, and she will do nothing against me in the future. "

"Sister Linghu, the son of flame said well." Lord Shiva also said aloud, "There will inevitably be discord and conflict between people. Since everyone is a superpower, use the superpower to solve it. Okay. I said just now, whoever loses, who is a puppy, will hide from each other later. "

Inviting the Moon Sword Gao Mingyue, listening is also a drop of cold sweat. The characters of Wang Yan and Indira are really different. When they touched together, it was a lot of friction, and they looked at what the two of them said. What's this about? It's like two little children playing and playing with each other.

What do you mean who lost is a puppy?

How old are they? naive!

"Director Linghu, if they love to fight, just let them fight. Anyway, with their strength, it is not easy to kill each other." Gao Mingyue couldn't persuade the situation now, and said simply, "But , If you two want to fight, go to the stratosphere to fight, less here, everyone. How old are they, so they are so uneasy. "

"Go, go!"

The goddess Shiva was a little out of thin air, and the whole person flew into the sky like a meteor. Her gorgeous costumes slammed in the headwinds, and the speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, only a small black spot remained There was a rumbling sound like thunder, "Son of Flame, I'm waiting for you in the sky, not a puppy."

And Wang Yan was not willing to show his weakness, rising up like a missile, and dragging a long flame tail behind, arrogant and pulling the wind to the extreme, the sound was also rumbling: "Oh, from now on, I let you see you I will detour. "

The voices of two people, one is more arrogant, the other is more powerful. Linghu Yaojue and Gao Mingyue looked at each other, but they were helpless to each other, but they were helpless to the two of them.

After a while, the distant stratosphere could see the fire surging. After a while, I could hear the rumbling sound again. Everyone looked up at the sky and secretly guessed that the battle was wonderful and terrifying.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

After more than half an hour, the two legendary powerhouses still haven't got a difference.

In the cloudless, frozen and stratospheric stratosphere, Wang Yan and the goddess Shiva were in full battle. The two of them were faintly disturbed, and they both thought that it was no problem to clean up each other with their own strength.

Unexpectedly, it was only discovered in actual combat that they underestimated each other. From some reservations to the end, the endless means emerged one after another, and the battle situation has become more and more escalating, but it is still just a fight.

"It really deserves to be the true descendant of" Shiva Sky "." Wang Yan held the fire hammer in one hand and fluttered in the air, with emotion in his heart. "Sure enough, the ancient and mysterious way of cultivation cannot be underestimated."

The core exercises of Shiva Tiantu are only passed to one person per generation, and that is the contemporary Shiva goddess. The rest of Shiva people are only qualified to practice some of the exercises, not the core exercises.

Prior to this, Wang Yan had also seen Shiva goddess fighting, but the feeling at that time was far less profound than it is now. Now that Shiva Goddess has practiced to a legendary level, this is truly the power of Shiva's Sky Map.

The power of destroying Skyfire is that even the flames of Wang Yan's strength are faint. Different from the pure masculine direction of pure yang real fire, the destruction of sky fire is full of violent and destroying atmosphere.

The only reason why that kind of flame exists between heaven and earth is to destroy everything. It will destroy the elements to the extreme.

As a result, pure destructiveness is slightly better than pure Yang's true fire. However, it is not as good as pure yang in flexibility. The pure yang true fire not only possesses the power of destruction, but also possesses powerful vitality, and even can give birth to life in the flame.

The power of Wang Yan ’s law of flames and the rule of law of the flame monarch have very limited effect on the containment of the violent and hostile flames that destroy Skyfire.

The two were fighting each other as if no one could help anyone.

The goddess Shiva became more and more angry, and at the end she sneered. "The son of flame, this goddess really underestimated you, and the pure yang **** is one of the four great gods in the world. This goddess made another last move. If you can bear it, the goddess will detour after seeing you. "

"Oh, then please don't be merciful to Her Royal Highness." Wang Yan also laughed out loud, "Otherwise, if you really can't take me, you will have to play with your nose."


The Shiva goddess was trembling with anger, and her body was trembling. "The goddess has been playing with a crying nose? Don't talk nonsense, if you can take the trick of the goddess, you can do whatever you want."

Between the words, she flew and danced in the air, no, to be exact, she danced. Note that it is really dancing, her dancing graceful and full of ancient mysterious charm.

I really deserve to be an Indian, and I really can dance anytime, anywhere. But not to mention, this dance is pretty good, gorgeous and beautiful, mysterious and ancient. As she danced, suddenly in the stratosphere where there was no cloud, the wind and cloud suddenly changed unpredictably.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird and terrifying, and a vast atmosphere of destruction immediately enveloped the square circle.


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