The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1087: Shiva day map

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She wears a veil on her face and wears ancient and traditional Indian clothing. The whole person is very gorgeous and beautiful, especially standing so cutely and fully showing the style of an exotic style beauty. However, her eyes full of anger are destroying some beautiful pictures.

Wang Yan glanced at her cell phone, and then looked at the goddess Shiva, but she felt a little embarrassed. I just watched the phone so fascinating that I forgot to stir the ripples in space and form a certain stealth effect.

Moreover, the appearance of the phone just now fell into the eyes of Lord Shiva.

"Oh." As soon as Wang Yan turned around, he put away his phone calmly and greeted Shiva with a warm face. "Miss Indira Brahmin, I haven't seen you for a long time since the Youth Conference."

"Humph!" Indira Shiva, the goddess of fire, said coldly, "The son of flames is really forgotten by the nobleman. When you battled Gu Sheng with me, I also stood for you."

Wang Yan immediately laughed and said, "Yes, yes, I almost forgot. Sorry, that time was too chaotic and tiring. I was really embarrassed. But this time Her Royal Highness came to our school, I must let me do my best as a landlord. "

"Son of flame!" Goddess Shiva snorted, and her eyes widened, "Go away with your landlord's friendship. The night before yesterday, were you the remote commander on the Leihong phone?"

"Yeah." Wang Yan shrugged in disappointment when she saw her boom, "You also know that Brother Bong is shy, so ..."

"You **** ~" Shiva Goddess screamed angrily, her teeth creaked, "Son of flames, you stink rogue, you, how can you humiliate me like this?"

"Uh ... humiliation?" Wang Yandong looked away inexplicably, "His Royal Highness Goddess, I would like to ask. When and where did my Wang humiliate you?"

"You, you rascal!" The goddess Shiva was so angry that she burst into anger and said, "Son of flame, you are the most rogue person I have ever seen in my life."

"You think I'm a rogue, just a rogue." Wang Yan wanted to talk to her at first. After all, she was also the girlfriend of her brother. After all, she was just so unreasonable to make trouble. The photos yawned and said, "I don't know who it really is. It's the real rogue. Seeing my brother looks handsome and drunk, he seals himself and himself in a villa. Ha ha, The long night is long, alone men and widows, God knows what shame will happen? Oops, it is really shameful. "

"You ..." Shiva, the goddess, was so stunned that her whole body was crumbling. "You, you, son of flames, you are blood-spraying." She is ashamed and annoyed, the whole body is not Stop trembling violently.

In fact, she did accept Lei Hong, and she was ready to dedicate herself. But I never imagined that things would evolve to that extent in the end. This made her unable to even refute the words.

"What kind of blood-spraying people? This picture has the truth, okay? I didn't edit it, I just said you guys and widows are in the same room, and you didn't say what you really did? Maybe you are Open his eyes and watch Lei Hong fall asleep for a night. "Wang Yan has always been someone respecting himself, he respecting others. But whoever doesn't give him a good look, he won't bear the kind of person who swallows.


The goddess Shiva was stabbed by Wang Yan to vomit blood, and what made her cheeks blush. Lei Biao's two goods were real Haba Haba slept for a night, but she had to stare at the side for a night.

I have to admit that Wang Yan's guy really opened his mouth and said what.

Seeing her like this, Wang Yan seemed to have never been more enjoyable. Holding a mobile phone, he sighed and said, "I said, Your Royal Highness, you have done this kind of thing. Please cover it up and be more cautious. How could you be so careless and photographed by the paparazzi? It ’s okay to mention your own reputation, but my brother has a face. "

"Son of flame, you're so deceiving." Indira, the goddess of Shiva, was nearly fainted with anger, her whole body exploded, and even the third eye narrowed a half, "In short, today, not Your death is my life. "

As a goddess of Shiva, she was originally a carefully selected figure of the entire Indian nation, almost one in a million. Coupled with Shiva's spiritual practice, "Shiva Tiantu", this is one of the most top-level cultivation practices on earth, and its level is not inferior to "Pure Yang Divine Skills".

In order to lead the way among the younger generation, the entire Shiva devotion devotes all efforts to cultivating the Shiva goddess Indira, which allows her to be promoted to S rank in a short time.

It's just a pity that the Shiva goddess is still a bit slower than Wang Yan, the son of flames.

But even so, it does not mean that the Shiva goddess is not powerful. Her momentum is powerful and full of the domineering power. Her breath is revealed and covers the entire college in an instant. Even the clouds in the sky are quietly hiding. Got up.

"Oh, it's already an S-class, no wonder dare to be arrogant in front of me." Wang Yan said with a calm face as usual, squinting slightly, "OK, we didn't have a chance to discuss at the last youth meeting. Since you If you want to fight, my son of flame will go crazy with you once. "

Wang Yan has never been afraid of fighting, especially since he practiced pure Yang Divine Skill, even his blood is hot, and he is very interested in fighting. What's more, Shiva Goddess practiced "Shiva Sky Map", which is one of the four major, no, five SS-level exercises on the earth today. Wang Yan also wanted to personally experience its power.

In the college, the collision of the two major S-class masters naturally caused a lot of changes, and everyone was surprised.

At the same time, the villa area of ​​Huahai City. In the living room, a man and a woman sat side by side. The man's beard and **** are middle-aged men, while the woman is beautiful and enchanting.

This couple, of course, is one of the tallest pair of masters on the earth today, Princess Jiuwei Tianhu Linghu Yaofei, and Yanzun Cao Jinglue.

"Wife, come on, good, you drink a million years of ice crystal water today, I am afraid to hurt your stomach, drink some Wanzai Fire Lotus Seed Soup to warm your stomach in Hawaii." Uncle Cannon flattered his face and scooped it with a spoon The lotus soup was delivered to Linghu Yaofei's mouth.

When people reach middle age, the crisis is still alive. Uncle Cannon couldn't help but feel a bit emotional, thinking that at the beginning, he was also a piece of fresh meat. But now, in just seven or eighty years, it has become old bacon.

But his wife is still pink and flowery and charming, which gives Uncle Cannon a strong sense of crisis. Later, he will only get older, and his wife is still young and beautiful. He always felt thrilled and the green light appeared on his head.


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