The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1052: Everything is forced by you

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According to Murphy's Law, the worse the possibility will often occur with greater probability. The conjecture of Ice King Oro and Goddess Running Dog Ace is quickly becoming a reality. I saw that the dead body of the Black Demon Lord was decaying rapidly, and the flesh and blood were rotting at an incredible speed, revealing the bones.

"Let me go! This is too disgusting."

The ice king Oro and the goddess running dog Ais, both felt scalp numbness, glanced at each other, said, "Black Demon Venerable, you play slowly, we will not disturb. Goodbye!" , Oro and Ace quickly exploded in speed, skimming in the opposite direction, the action was simple and courageous, and there was no slight drag on the water.

It's really worthy of being an S-class powerhouse, and the speed at which they burst out is amazing.

Although the two of them are frivolous, they are not stupid.

The current situation is already very obvious. The Black Death Demon King fights to the end, and he still has a scary backhand. Perhaps that backhand may not be able to reverse the situation. But in reverse, tidying up the two of them should not be a problem.

Do not run at this time, when to wait?

"Jin Jie ~ even want to run? The deity tells you that no one wants to run today." The rampant laughter of the Black Death Demon King suddenly exploded in their ears. As soon as the boneless body shook, they stood in front of them like lightning. The eyes of Sen Ran Kong, staring at the ice king Oro, straight hair.

"I depend!"

The ice king Oro was suffering bitterly, mother, originally wanted to take advantage of the remnant blood of the Black Demon Venerable, and rushed to pick a cheap one. But he didn't want to, but he kicked a hard iron plate.

They smiled bitterly, and I said, "You are going to blaze, you are going to kill and vent your anger. What are our brothers doing?"

You have patience, and have the ability to go to the son of flame, do not take you like this, pick the soft persimmon.


Black Skeleton Demon's bones grow barbs, a large amount of black flesh, and scale armor. He seems to be completely mutating his body in a horrible way. At the same time, the black vortex shrouded in the sky began to spin violently.

Those dead or undead monsters that have never died have turned into bone **** and bone powder. One of them seemed to be energy, as if it were a soul-like black light, like a flash of rain, falling into the black vortex. Those weird evil negative energies are twisted through the vortex and transformed into more pure energy, which is transported into the body of the Black Demon Lord.

There is a lot of energy supplement.

At a very fast rate, the Black Devil Venerable is transforming itself into an inhuman state. Scale armor, bone spurs, horns and other changes indicate that there must be genes of other powerful races in the Black Death Demon Venerable.

"Wow wow ~ After the residual blood of BOSS, enter the second stage." An An pointed at the Black Death Demon Zun with the mobile phone lens, she exclaimed, "It's ugly, but it looks so imposing, very strong. . "

"An An, be careful, don't get too close."

"Principal Wang refueled, exploded the big boss, and picked more top-quality equipment to go home for a good year."

"Woo, distressed the headmaster of my family. Both the headmaster and I expressed concern."

at the same time.

Wang Yan carried the Flame Warhammer and frowned when he saw this scene. The Black Death Deity is really an old monster, an old devil, and various means are really emerging. The appearance of that monster, Wang Yan has never seen before, is not like a **** creature, nor an abyss creature.

"It's an extraterrestrial demon!"

The ice goddess of winter in the hands of the ice queen Nanlian shouted in exasperation, "Wang Yan, Nanlian. You must be careful, this is a terrifying extraterrestrial demon. No wonder, no wonder the Black Death Demon Club Stare at me. Maybe, it was a member of the army that was blocked by me. "

Extraterrestrial Demon! ?

Wang Yan burst into his heart.

There are many types of extraterrestrial demon, not only the abyss world, but also the purgatory world, all of them are called extraterrestrial by the people of the earth. It is a general term, which refers to all creatures that come from outside the earth and have powerful invasiveness.

Obviously, the extraterrestrial demon that can make the winter goddess so dreadful and furious is most likely the extraterrestrial demon that caused the indigenous gods of the earth to fall. Their danger is probably still above purgatory and abyss.

At the beginning of the battle, the **** of fire Zhurong fell, the sun **** La fell, and even the winter goddess has only left a residual soul.

"No wonder!"

Wang Yan suddenly figured it out. No wonder this Black Demon Venerable will stare at the Starry Sky Academy, the Ancient Flame Demon, and even the Winter Goddess. Obviously, it was the remnant party at the beginning, and perhaps only left consciousness, and then cooperated with the Black Devil.

Alas ~

It's really a wave of waves, and a wave of waves.

The threat of the abyss is still in front of us, and now a celestial demon outside the ancient territory has run out.

The only thing that is thankful is that this demon outside the ancient domain should be a separate individual, and it is in a very unhealthy situation, not better than the winter goddess. Otherwise, the earth will usher in a huge disaster.

"Wang Yan!"

The voice of the winter goddess sounded in Wang Yan ’s mind, and it sounded very anxious, “That ’s a huge scourge, do n’t let it run away. Otherwise, once it recovers its strength, there may be a way to contact its own ethnic group. With our current strength, it is simply impossible to deal with that level of disaster again. "

Is n’t that nonsense?

Wang Yan squeezed the Flame Warhammer tightly and vomited in his heart. Now in this situation, even if he wants to let the Black Death Demon King stand for a horse, it depends on whether others want to let Wang Yan go. The various grievances that have been entangled by both sides so far are absolutely endless.

All things actually happened in a very short time.

Wang Yan settled his mind and shouted, "Nan Lian, the tank, this battle is not over. Let's go!" After that, he took the lead, morphing into a flame and shooting star toward the Black Demon Venerable. As the saying goes, taking advantage of his illness and killing him, Wang Yan can't be stupid and wait until the Black Demon Venerable completes his transformation.


The red tank exploded with muscles and ran away on the ground. That momentum, compared to the ancient Tyrannosaurus predator sprint, it is still domineering and brutal many times. Really worthy of being the king of marine warfare, as long as it is on the ground, it is difficult to imagine any human or species that can bear the red tank.


The ice queen Nan Lian also turned to the Black Demon Venerable like a icy storm after humming. Wherever they passed, water molecules in the air condensed into ice and snow, and fell one after another, extremely beautiful and magnificent.


In the eyes of the Black Death Demon Venerable, Black Mang shines coldly, "Son of Flame, you forced me, everything you forced me, you forced me to give up the human body and soul. I will definitely let You paid a terrible price ~ "


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