The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1042: King of Pit King

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Nan Lian, after stunned for a while, slipped with a drop of cold sweat. I have to admit that Xiao Yan did not feel ashamed or ashamed. She all blushed for him.

"Go!" The winter goddess is only in the state of gods and souls, and naturally it is impossible to spur blood. Had to suffocate a scrolling word and yelled, "What do you think of the God of God? Is your housemaid? The call is coming, the wave is going? Besides, you are going through a catastrophe. Of course, people know that when they go to Heaven Tribulation, others ca n’t help, otherwise they will only multiply the power of Heaven Tribulation. Even with the God of God! ”

"The others can't help, but you can still do it," Wang Yan said calmly, "because you are not a man, sister."

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about?" The winter goddess was furious. If she could, she really wanted to teach Zhu Rong a good student.

"Sister-in-law, you have to be calm. According to the rules of the universe and heaven, using weapons and armor to defend against the sky-tribulation is not to let outsiders help." Wang Yan said leisurely, "Sister-in-law, you live in Dianyi Staff, and you can basically be identified. Because it is a spirit. Sister Nan Lian uses her own staff to defend against Sky Thunder, and naturally will not cause a backlash from the Law of Heaven. "


This theory suddenly caused the winter goddess to take a breath. Even Nan Lian on the side was shocked.

This seems to make sense.

The goddess of winter was so angry that she could not choke back in a single breath, and it was spirit! Those two words, like the explosion of thunder, stirred back and forth in her mind and could not dissipate for a long time. Indeed, her current identity, but the spirit of Dian Yi staff.

In theory, it really does not cause a backlash from the laws of heaven and earth.

But the theory goes back to the theory, but the winter goddess was so upset by Wang Yan ’s remarks, she said angrily: "Even if the **** can help Nanlian, but the **** is unwilling, you can help How about me? I'm so mad! "

"Sister-in-law, it's okay if you don't help." Wang Yan had expected it for a long time, and said with a smile, "Sister Nanlian and I coexist with each other. After we die, this whole Dongdao can't be saved. You The hard-earned foundation has been looted, and your elderly will definitely fall into the hands of the Black Death Demon King. "

"This ..." The Winter Goddess was dumbfounded. That's right. If Wang Yan died, she would definitely be captured by the Black Death Demon King.

"Sister-in-law, you have also seen the shamelessness of the Black Death Demon King." Wang Yan sighed, "That guy is not only a metamorphosis, but also a psychologically distorted metamorphosis. If you are caught by him, the consequences will be unimaginable . "

Wang Yan's tone is full of associativity. Suddenly the winter goddess shuddered, and his expression was somewhat distorted. Although Wang Yan's fellow talked about infiltration, he had to admit that the consequences were indeed serious. Now all the chips have been put on Wang Yan and Nan Lian.

If they die, no one will have a good result.

"Okay, you won!" The winter goddess said helplessly, "The gods made it difficult for him once, and blocked Nanlian for a day. This is not to look at your face. Anyway, Nanlian has absorbed a lot of my blood. He Gong information is also considered to be a blood relative of God ’s goddess, so it ’s time to protect her. ”

"That's the case, then trouble your maid," Wang Yan said to Nan Lian. "Sister Nan Lian, don't you quickly recognize Dian according to the staff?"

"What? Recognize the Lord?" The winter goddess shuddered. "Good, what do you recognize?"

"Sister-in-law, it's better to use the weapon of the staff or something. It's better to recognize the Lord's use." Wang Yan said solemnly, "Our chance is only once. In case of failure, we don't have to play anymore. What are you afraid of? If you do n’t recognize the Lord, you ca n’t come out of the Dianyi Staff. If you recognize the Lord, there are many benefits, that is, you can absorb the extra chaotic energy from Sister Nanlian to replenish your strength. Come out for a while. "

For a time, the winter goddess was stunned. Although Wang Yan's words all sound reasonable, she still feels that something seems wrong.

Wang Yan on the side, while the winter goddess was stunned, urged Nanlian to drop a drop of essence blood on Dianyi Staff. At the same time, the benefits of the winter goddess who confessed to the Lord for a while are constantly being fooled. And the urgency that the sky is about to fall.

The winter goddess, who was lingering in the Dianyi staff as an instrumental spirit, really recognized the Lord, and a feeling of blood connection appeared between her and Nanlian, as if she had reached a point of communication. .

Nanlian and the goddess of winter are originally the same blood line. After Dianyi Staff absorbed the essence of Nanlian and recognized the Lord, the sense of close connection between the two sides was very strong instantly.

Suddenly, it was at this time.

In the dark cloud sky, the first sky thunder crashed down.

Compared with the thunder experienced by Wang Yan at that time, it was not weak.

Nan Lian hurriedly pinched her fingers, Dian Yi staff radiated a strong light, heading towards Tian Lei.


The electric light overflowed, and Dian shivered violently according to his staff. However, under the auspices of the winter "Goddess" super super "spirit", this sky thunder is barely able to stop it. Immediately afterwards, the second Sky Thunder was brewing rapidly.

"Wang Yan, my wife, I can't do it anymore, hurry up, hurry up ~" The winter goddess only felt that there was a feeling of soullessness and hurriedly vented her emotions towards Wang Yan.

Wang Yan, a drop of cold sweat, ma'am, ma'am, can you notice some ambiguity when you talk? This will cause everyone to misunderstand.

Fortunately, both Wang Yan and Nan Lian still have some chaotic air that can't be used up. Although it is not the kind of pure and supreme chaos, it is already a rare natural force in the world. They joined together to send a chaotic gas into it, and immediately, Dian Yi staff radiated a mighty light.

"Sister-in-law, come on!"

Wang Yan said, "It's hard for you. Sister Nan Lian and I create more chaos."

The winter goddess who has just regained some vitality, is so hung up. Feelings, the two of you can continue to go to Yin and Yang, and use Yin and Yang to synthesize chaos. You have so much fun and hi, but the old lady wants to force Haha to block the thunder for you?

Such a bitter haha, just enjoy some chaos to eat? Should God be the pet of war?

For a time, the winter goddess had a feeling of being miserable by Wang Yan, full of broken thoughts, but she had to top it again! Otherwise, once something happened to Nanlian. The situation is bad.


The second day of thunder came as expected. The winter goddess "Jiaoshou" was trembling and numb, feeling deeply in her heart that the son of flame is really a king of pit kings! Her dignified winter goddess was suddenly pitted to such an end.


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