The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1027: Me, I am your maid!

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If you shoot a sequence of terrible things in this world, there is no doubt that Wang Yan's etc. should be ranked very high. Every time it comes out, it will cause a wave.

Berissa, and the red tank watching the ceremony not far away, all fainted. This guy, Lao Wang, has it started again? For a time, they even had some sympathy for the tiger in the north.

I was originally a very qualified person, a young and promising guy with a promising future. It's just that you are alive and dead, but you have to fight against the son of flame. In the end, he was abused so badly over and over.

Based on their understanding of the past record and personality of the Son of Flame, once this guy speaks and so on, it is often the beginning of the enemy's disaster.

Especially Berissa, she feels that the possibility of inheriting the blood of the goddess this time is very low. If Anatoly got it, she was even more unwilling. Now that Wang Yan started to make trouble, she simply let go of her mind and began to watch a good show.

Anatoly, who had taught Wang Yan and so on, also shuddered, his eyes froze, and his tail vertebrae were chilling. He stared fiercely at Wang Yan. Although he doesn't think in his heart that things have reached such a level, what other means can Wang Yan have to counter.

According to his information, the Dianyi Staff artifact is the treasure most needed by the winter goddess. If she can absorb the original force of the ice, it will be very good for her injury recovery, at least about 10% of the strength can be restored.

Don't underestimate the power of this success. For a god, the power is infinite. The power of 10% is already terrible. Anatoly even suspected that the winter goddess is afraid that even the most powerful force in the heyday is far from being there.

Otherwise, why did she stay in this country all the time, and refuse to move her nest.

As a result, even if Wang Yan jumped again, the result could not be changed.

Based on the relationship with Wang Yan, after Wang Yan's cry and so on, the winter goddess' voice suddenly stopped, and a wave of spirits sounded in Wang Yan's consciousness sea: "Xiao Yan, this is not a willful time. I It is really needed, that root is according to the staff. "

"I know you need it, but let's wait, we won't suffer anymore, won't we?" Wang Yan took the time to use his mental fluctuation to summon, "Can you tell me first, why do you want the broken one with your strength, Master? Artifact Staff? Maybe, I can do your best to help my wife. "

After a lot of effort, Wang Yan's consciousness sighed in the sea of ​​consciousness: "That was a long, long time ago. At the beginning, your master led the crowd to meet the extraterrestrial demon. I didn't follow. Actually, it was not It ’s because I do n’t think about love, I ’m selfish. But that year, I got the news that there was an extraterrestrial demon preparing to raid our parent star, so I decided to stay with my parent star personally, just in case. ”

Extraterrestrial demon?

Could it be that at that time, a group of primitive and powerful lives on earth had already begun to fight the abyss demons? Instead of asking too much, Wang Yan chose to continue listening.

"It was just at that time that I had some misunderstandings with your Master Zhurong." The voice of the winter goddess continued to ring in Wang Yan's mind, "In addition to his hot temper, and I am also stubborn. Therefore, I decided to do my own thing. I believe that when the dust settles, he will understand me. Unexpectedly, I will never see him again. And myself, after killing the extraterrestrial demon, It almost fell, and the remaining strength is less than one. It can only seal itself and enter a long-term dormant state. Until thousands of years ago, I trained the Winter God Clan. "

Her voice was a bit melancholy.

But it was so thrilling in Wang Yan's ears. Whether it is Zhu Rong leading the crowd to meet the enemy, or the winter goddess staying behind to snipe the enemy. It sounds ordinary, but in fact, it was two unimaginable battles.

This made Wang Yan pay more respects to Su Rong who had never met, and the winter goddess. It is these old predecessors who struggled for their parent star, so that the earth can continue to multiply and prosper, until human beings are born, it is the situation now.

At the current level of Wang Yan, it has long been known that the universe is definitely not a safe place. If there is not enough strength, it will be occupied by colonies, and it will be directly looted and slaughtered.

This is by no means sensational. If you think about how the Europeans treated indigenous peoples on all continents, you can understand the truth.

"It turns out that you were seriously injured for the mother star of the earth." Wang Yan summoned with emotion, "In this case, it should be that the mother and sister want to recover some injuries by using the staff."

"Yes." The voice of the winter goddess said with a bit of sigh. "Actually, when I woke up, I trained some humans to become the winter gods. I also wanted to train some masters out. I hope they can help me recover some injuries, but so far the effect is still not high. Of course, I also hope to have more people and subordinates. At the beginning of the war, I suffered a loss because I was too arrogant and weak. "

"It turned out to be so." Wang Yan also had some emotions. In his mind, he imagined the scene where the teacher and the mother were alone, besieged by countless elite extraterrestrial demon. Although she tried her best to destroy all the enemies in the future, she also paid a huge price for it. She slept for at least millions of years, and Gouyan was panting to this day.

"Xiao Yan, I know you don't want me to give my blood and inheritance to the cunning people." The winter goddess sighed, "It's just that there is no way for the princes and sisters, they want to restore some strength as soon as possible to find the whereabouts of your lord. Since he If you can find a way to pass on the blood to you, then it shows that he is still panting and lingering. So, Xiao Yan, I can only apologize. "

At this moment.

Anatoly saw that Wang Yan and the winter goddess communicated with spirit, and it seemed to be endless. He immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Son of Flame, you still have endless time? Even if you delay, it will not help. Dian according to the law The stick is an ice artifact, and there is only one thing in the world. You can't win me. I advise you to admit your fate early and give up. "

"Who said that?" Wang Yan glanced at him sideways, then calmly calmly said to the winter goddess, "Sister, your appeal, Xiao Yan has already understood. Now, please listen to me."

After a pause, Wang Yan said: "First of all, the sister-in-law is going to find a master. In fact, even if you restore some strength, it is difficult to fly through the universe. In fact, I am building a spaceship, and it will soon It will be fine. At most one or two years, we will see Master Zhurong. "He added a sentence to his heart, of course, provided that Zhurong God did not hang up.

"Really?" The voice of the winter goddess was full of surprises.

"Naturally is true." Wang Yan said solemnly, and then said, "Why should the lady and the mother want to recover from the injury? How can you stay close to the distance? How can the broken artifact be comparable to the extreme Yang Qi of my body as pure as the sun?"

"Use yin and yang to pay ~ Thai to heal?" The winter goddess shuddered suddenly, shy and annoyed. "No, no. I, I am your teacher."

Wang Yan sweated a bit, where did you want to go?


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