The Domestic Hero

Chapter 1010: See you! Mother-in-law

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Under Wang Yan's sentence, soon, Anatoly left only a pair of leather shorts. The whole person is almost naked ~ body, like a helpless little girl. Using both hands to protect the vital points, trembling in the cold wind and snow.

Not because of his cold body, but because of cold heart.

Anatoly is one of the most outstanding young talents of the Winter Gods. He has been tall since childhood and has received countless praises. In this life, there has never been such a shameful and disgraceful time.

And that **** child of flames should really be nicknamed "The Son of Greed", his shameless and greedy momentum, really called Anatoly shudder.

In just ten minutes, he Anatoly signed the transfer agreement for all working capital and fixed assets, a portable storage bracelet, a leather of an S-class war beast passed down from his ancestors, and a follower for many years. The pets cultivated by countless efforts were all scrapped to Wang Yansou.

Everything makes his heart hurt like a knife.

If it were not for his high priest's uncle's secret voice, let him stabilize Wang Yan for a while, and then wait for the chance of conspiracy. It's hard to say, even if he did his best, he would bite the child of flame fiercely to relieve his hatred.

"Yo, I didn't see it. You still have a small asset." Wang Yan scanned the storage bracelet with his mental strength, and was very satisfied with looking at some of the treasure materials and cultivation resources.

"You!" Anatoly's heart was dripping blood. Those treasures of heaven and earth were saved by him bit by bit, ready to impact S-level and later. But I never thought, all of a sudden the son of flame.

At this time, Anatoly had no intention of arguing with Wang Yan again. He swallowed all his anger and desire for revenge into his stomach, swearing and swearing in his heart. Son of Flame, this hatred does not report me as a tiger in the north.

"Sister Nanlian, I can't use these celestial treasures of the ice system. You must put it away first." Wang Yan smiled and gave Nanlian the storage bracelet. Most of the things in it were ice. Treasure.

It is better to give Nan Lian than to stay in her hands and get rid of it. Fortunately, she will help her on the road where she hits the S class.

Nan Lian blinked and accepted the object without hypocrisy, and smiled indifferently: "Your money-making skills are truly unparalleled in the world. Even taking a bath can make a lot of money."

"Haha, little meaning." Wang Yan shrugged easily. "Speaking of it, I have to thank Anatoly well. If he had encouraged me to soak in the elemental pool of ice. I was afraid that I wouldn't have enough driving force. The prizes seduce me, I am afraid I ca n’t really stick to the end. "

As soon as this remark came out, Anatoly, who had already pressed her remorse and anger in her heart, couldn't restrain her strong anger and remorse, and she blew out blood again.

So far, Anatoli has vomited three bloods in a short period of time.

He has no face and dare to stay here again. With the support of two younger brothers, he leaves the altar in a state of embarrassment.

This made the Red Tank and Patriarch Cole see it, and could not help shaking his head secretly. Although this son is a rare young man of the winter **** clan, this mentality is really worse.

With this state of mind, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve too much in the future, and it will definitely be difficult on the road to impact the S-class.

At the same time, everyone looked at Wang Yan's eyes full of fear. Don't look at the flame child who usually laughs, it seems that he doesn't care about anything, but once he is irritated, this is really terrible in retaliation.

Especially the red tank, he couldn't help whispering in his heart. The hidden nickname of the boy of the flame is really not a joke. "Son of disaster" and "son of greed". Although there are elements that the enemy deliberately slander, but the guy of the old king is not very good.

He also secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, there was no conflict between the Polar Bear Secret Service and Wang Yan, and the relationship was not bad. Although the old king's guy was cruel to the enemy, he was still very good to himself.

It seems that he has to strengthen his relationship with him.

No matter what everyone thinks, this icy lake event is finally over.

After a short rest for two days.

A crowd passed through the tundra and snowy mountains.

Arrived in front of a vast clear sea.

This sea area is strange to say, the surrounding temperature has clearly reached about minus fifty or sixty degrees, but the sea area is still clear and clear, without freezing.

Berissa said that this is the sea of ​​winter goddess, which is not frozen all year round, to facilitate the winter goddess to take a bath.

In the sea of ​​goddesses in winter, there is a tradition of prohibiting flying.

Everyone got on the ship of the Winter Island Temple and drifted across the ocean. Three days later, I finally arrived at the mysterious and beautiful Dongdao.

That island is long and narrow, with dozens of kilometers and square kilometers.

The island was covered with a piece of white snow, and the cold wind screamed, and the goose feathers and snow were still falling. At the highest point of the island, a large group of palaces is built against the mountain.

Those palace groups are old and magnificent, like the crystal heaven palace in ancient mythology.

Upon arriving at this winter island, the people of the winter **** clan, such as Berissa, showed great respect and excitement. This winter island is a holy place for the winter gods. Only a few years of a reincarnation of the Winter God sacrifice, some excellent tribes and elders, are eligible to enter the Winter Island worship goddess.

Wang Yan and Nan Lian walked side by side, and her face was pale, her body shivering slightly, and she grabbed her Rouyi to comfort: "Sister Nan Lian, don't worry. I believe this time, you will definitely see aunt."

"I know." Nan Lian's voice trembled a little. "I have some feeling that my mother must be on this winter island. But, because of this, I am very nervous."

"Sister Nanlian, I understand your feelings." Wang Yan smiled clear and sunny, and gave her a warm hug, softly comforting, "Otherwise, because I have a thick skin, I will help you to explore first. Pathfinder, just give you a buffer time. "

Nan Lian looked at her with joy, and hesitated slightly: "If so, would it be too difficult for you?"

"How come." Wang Yan said solemnly, "You are my girlfriend, I should go to meet the future mother-in-law."

The words of the mother-in-law made Nan Lian laugh slightly, the cowardice in her heart dissipated a little, and she made up her mind: "That's fine, it can make me feel less anxious."

When Wang Yan just nodded, Nanlian suddenly said nervously: "But say it in advance, you are not allowed to do some unbelievable exaggeration."

Wang Yan dripped cold sweat and said without interest: "Sister Nanlian, that is my future mother-in-law. What exaggeration can I do?"


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