The King of Knights couldn't hide the joy in her heart. She, still wearing the blue and white armor, hugged Xia Qing, lifted him up and started cheering.

Xia Qing, who was wrapped up easily by Saber, felt a little dizzy at the moment and said quickly.

"Stop, stop, stop shaking, I'm so dizzy!"

Saber, who was crying with joy, put down Xia Qing and gave him a big hug.

She was just so excited at this moment because she was excited that her wish could finally come true.

Xia Qing, who had his chin scratched by Dai Mao, had a forced smile on his face. The happier Saber appeared at the moment, the more worried he felt.

Because, the truth about the Holy Grail is coming...

Saber had a hopeful look in her eyes, and a bright and innocent smile like a girl appeared on her face.

But at the next moment, she suddenly noticed something, her smile gradually fell silent, and she spoke out word by word.

"Ai, Irisviel...she...has disconnected from me..."


Irisviel opened her eyes and looked around.

I feel very strange now, my consciousness is extremely clear, but I can't think clearly.

It seems that what is muddy and meaningless is not her own spirit, but the world in which she lives.

Many scenery flew past her eyes. Looking at these scenery, she would only feel senseless and unbearable sadness and emptiness.

The scenes reflected in the eyes have nothing to do with joy and happiness. They are just a kaleidoscope of chaotic scenes that are common at this point.

There is pain, humiliation, regretful resentment and lack.

Bloodshed and scorched earth, betrayal and revenge, hard work but nothing gained, this is a costly chain of futility.

The familiar snow scene repeats itself over and over again.

It tells the story of a family that sealed everything they had in the city of severe winter.

At this point, she finally remembered.

What he was overlooking was the Einzbern family's two-thousand-year journey to search for the Holy Grail.

The original "Winter Saint" Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern, and the female dolls created based on her...artificial beings.

A humanoid consumable product created by the secrets of alchemy and used to realize long-cherished wishes that are far away.

Using their blood and tears as ink, their cracked bones and frozen fingertips as pens, they write the frustrated and lost history of the Einzbern clan.

Their sighs and despair made Irisviel's heart tighten.

If there is a place where these scenes can be seen, it must be at the center of all strife, witnessing the interior of everything.

Irisviel finally understood that she was now looking inside the Holy Grail.

Embracing the original Yustisa, is the Great Holy Grail of Mount Enzo.

And all the androids are copies of her as the "Winter Saint", so they share the same pain.

——No, is that really the case?

"Why are you crying, Mother?"

When she came to her senses, Irisviel found herself in her daughter's room, protected by the warmth of the furnace.

Outside the window, there was cold wind and snow, and the strong wind was howling by. The young hands clung to their mother's arms for protection.

"Mother, I had a nightmare. In the dream, Illya turned into a cup."

Despite her inner fear, Illya's red eyes still looked at her with trust.

Although he has the same face as his mother and other sisters, this child is special and more lovable than anyone else.

"Seven very big things came into Illya's body...\

,"Irisviel hugged her daughter tightly, her silver-white bangs wiping her daughter's cheeks moistened with tears.

"It's okay, it's okay... That kind of thing won't happen. You won't see that kind of thing, Illya."

Among the many sisters, only Irisviel has a tragic wish that cannot be shared with others—that is, the love of "mother's love".

Among the artificial humans of all generations, as the first person to give birth to an heir, she was the only one of her kind to possess maternal love, and the fate she bore was also lamentable.

Illyasviel von Einzbern, who is the next Holy Grail, is also a part of the gear that has been involved in two thousand years of delusion and obsession, and this shackles will never end.

The third magic, the Cup of Heaven - this is the only salvation.

Many voices rushed towards Irisviel, and she and countless sisters were singing.

"Holy Grail..."

"Please give me the Holy Grail..."

Deep in the forest, at the abandoned site of used androids, mountains of corpses of compatriots were chanting. The rotten faces covered with maggots were very similar to the face of young Illya, making painful sounds.

Author's message:


ps: Thanks to Flandol* for his monthly ticket*2, Shuke 50291196920 for his monthly ticket*1, and Shuke 6054 for his monthly ticket*2!

Chapter 97 Destruction... or salvation? (3/3)

"It's fine……"

Irisviel held her daughter tightly in her arms with love.

"Illya, you will definitely be liberated from the shackles of fate..."

At this time, a question suddenly flashed in her mind.

If this is the dream displayed by the Holy Grail - since we can see so clearly that the "vessel" inside has taken shape...

What does the shell of myself look like...?

This is like seeing the internal organs of a chick from an egg shell. If this is the case, this is a huge contradiction. When the chick hatches, the shell should break.


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