There will be no failure or humiliation. He is now with the king. As long as he believes and runs on the road to the overlord, no matter how unreliable his feet are, he will reach the end of the world. He is so convinced.

At this time, in Weber's eyes, the tall Servant asked him solemnly.

"So, there's something I haven't asked you yet."


"Webber Velvet, will you become my vassal?"

Weber's whole body trembled with excitement, and then tears poured out like a bursting flood.

Although I knew it would never come true, I still secretly looked forward to this question. There was no need to think about the answer. It was just like a treasure hidden deep in my heart.

"You are..."

The boy who was called by his name for the first time ignored the tears on his cheeks, puffed out his chest and answered unwaveringly.

"Only you...only you are my king. I am willing to serve you and be loyal to you. I hope you can guide me forward. I hope you can let me have the same dream."

"Yeah, no problem."

Hearing him swear like this, the domineering king smiled slightly. This smile was the supreme praise and reward for his ministers.

"Then it's time to answer the first command spell. Keep your eyes open and take a good look, kid."

"...Ah, I will definitely look at it with these eyes!"

The legendary war horse let out a high-pitched neigh of victory and began to gallop, leading the king and the magician, who were connected by heart, towards the mortal enemy of the decisive battle.

There it was...the castle surrounded by forest.


"Saber, how is your magic recovery going?"

Standing by the window and looking at the starry night sky, Xia Qing asked the girl beside him who was also standing by the window.

"Hmm... It's not even close. As long as we wait for half an hour, the recovered magic power should be enough to release the Noble Phantasm again."

Perhaps because of her good impression and trust in Xia Qing, Saber frankly revealed her current situation.

"So it was like this... just once..."

Xia Qing murmured, already having a bold idea in her mind.

"But even if I release my power for the last time, I will still defeat Xia Qing, you and Lancer."

Saber said to Xia Qing with a confident smile.

"Hey, Saber, I can't pretend I didn't hear this."

As Cu Chulainn's voice came out, he released his spiritual form and looked at Saber with a confident smile.

"I can't duel with the King of Knights in his heyday. Even if I win, it will leave me with regrets."

Xia Qing couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and demolished Ku Qiulin's stage without mercy.

"You can pull her down. She won't be able to turn you into a scumbag until she's in her prime."

Hearing his Master starting to dismantle him, Cu Chulainn coughed twice in embarrassment.

After witnessing the magnificent scene of Saber releasing her Noble Phantasm to destroy Caster on the coast of Miyokawa, he knew in his heart that he would not be able to defeat such a Knight King head-on.

What's more, Saber now has an EX-level "scabbard".

Cu Chulainn held his forehead helplessly. Even his Master felt that he could not defeat Saber, so he deliberately made a hurt expression.

"Having said that, even if you may lose the duel, as a knight, even if you lose, it is an honor to be able to have a duel with a king like King Arthur."

"You really have a mouth full of honey."

Xia Qing smiled.

Are the ancients speaking in such a refined manner...?

While they were talking, there was a loud noise in the sky outside the castle.

Under the lightning and thunder, a king came here on a war horse with the princess and the Master in tow.


The unique rough voice of the Conquering King reached the castle.


Saber's expression froze when she heard the shout.

But at this moment, Lancer was the first to speak out.

"Rider, do you dare to fight me?!!"


Iskandar, who was riding a war horse, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the figure of the green-clad spearman rushing out of the window.

"Lancer? Why are you in someone else's base?"

But the sudden red spear obviously gave him no chance to ask. Iskandar pulled out the Cypriot sword and directly swung the sword to deflect Lancer's spear.

Clang————! ! !

The red gun body brushed against the sword, causing a burst of brilliant sparks.

Rider, because he needed to take care of Weber, drove his horse to gallop towards the ground.

After reaching the ground, Rider immediately dismounted and faced Lancer at a distance.

"It seems like you have formed an alliance...?"

Author's message:


ps: Thank you Yao Niang Tutu for the blade*4, Maguro-chan for the big victory monthly ticket*1, Tongtong Out of Print Bar monthly ticket*1, Okita Souji, the big victory monthly ticket*1!

Weber's relationship is really good~

Chapter 93 The battle with Rider (2/3)

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