And because she is a warrior with dragon attributes, she does not have a good "compatibility" with the hero who has the legend of dragon slaying.

For example, the dragon-slaying hero Siegfried.

Following the maid who led the way, Xia Qing walked through the long and narrow corridor and came to the spacious room called the dining room.

There were already several maids in the restaurant putting breakfast dishes and plates on the table. The aroma coming from the kitchen stimulated Xia Qing's stomach.

Today's menu seems to be soups and salads with plenty of vegetables, sandwiches with vegetables and salted meats, and most importantly, steaks.

Xia Qing really couldn't get used to those medium-rare or six-rare steaks, so the maids prepared nine-rare for him.

There were white chairs on both sides of the rectangular dining table. Xia Qinglai opened the chair on the edge and sat down.

Saber had already started eating elegantly and quickly. After raising her eyebrows, Xia Qing also picked up the knife and fork and started fighting with the steak.

As breakfast ended, the morning shrouded in fog gradually faded away.

This day, as the day when an unprecedented celestial phenomenon occurred, has left a deep memory in the minds of people in Fuyuki City.

The north wind that had been blowing for days suddenly stopped like a dream, and the heavy and turbid air disappeared under the scorching summer sun.

The unseasonal sunshine was extremely hot, and the hot and humid weather that even the weather forecast experts could not explain only appeared in the area centered on Fuyuki City. The citizens had a strange premonition and became commotion.

The urban guerrilla incidents that have occurred one after another, brutal murder cases and missing children still cannot find a breakthrough, and the lifting of the curfew order is still far away.

The day before yesterday, an industrial wastewater disaster occurred in Weiyuanchuan. The strange events in the past few days have stirred people's fragile nerves. For people who are already exhausted, the abnormal climate is a precursor to an even greater disaster.

Author's message:


ps: "Where is the ticket? Where is my ticket? You readers, why don't you give me the ticket?! Say! Do you want to have sex for nothing?" The author Ji slapped the table with both hands and opened his mouth with tiger fangs. Questioned.

Chapter 90 The final stage (2/3)

The wind is blowing in the daytime, and the scenery is flowing to the west.

Weber awoke from a dreamless sleep.

What he saw when he opened his eyes was the same darkness as when he was sleeping. The forest where he slept during the day was now completely plunged into hazy darkness.

Night has fallen again, and for those who lead the Servants, this is an inevitable time of battle.

The night wind that was as cold as murder did not make him feel uneasy at all. The breath that made this uneasiness and fear disappear was right next to him.

Rider, who has already materialized, is fully prepared for battle and is reading Homer's epic.

The hard cover, which seemed heavy and depressing to Weber, was small and light to King of Conqueror.

In this world where the giant Khan is focused on words, the movement of turning over the books seems to be full of interest, and even the feeling of the fingertips is particularly cherished.

It seemed that he really liked this book. Weber couldn't help but smile bitterly. If he suddenly asked Rider "Why was he suddenly born into the world?", what he would answer might not be the ambition to conquer the world, but "You can't cross the lotus without fingers." Horse Epic”.

This man is such a person. He longs for heroes far away, wants to drink and dine with wine, and regards his ambition to conquer the world as an ordinary desire like eating and sleeping.

This unique personality attracted many people who followed him throughout their lives.

"Huh? Boy, are you awake?"

Rider's interest in the book he had read countless times remained undiminished. He smiled like a naughty child and looked at Weber.

"...Didn't I tell you to wake me up at night? What on earth are you doing?"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I was fascinated by the sight without realizing it. However, it's still early in the night. I don't think there's any need to be so anxious tonight. I can just settle down and wait."

"Huh? Why?"

Questioning again made the giant Khan fall into thinking.

"...Well, in short, although there is no basis for it, I have a feeling that we can have a showdown tonight."

He said nonchalantly.

Weber nodded lightly and did not ask for the reason. Although he could not explain it, he could tell that the air was different today, and he had a vague premonition that the Holy Grail War had reached its final moment.

If I had to say it, it was because the night air was too calm.

As far as Waver knows, the only competitors that have been eliminated are Assassin, who was crushed by Rider himself, and Caster, who was killed by Saber in the Mito River.

Of course, where he couldn't see, the battle situation was still going on and moving forward.

What he felt day and night was that the abnormal atmosphere in this town was changing, from a chaotic commotion to a heavy sense of urgency.

So Weber didn't raise any objection to Rider's intuition.

Precisely because he is a conquering king who travels across major sites and issues strategic instructions, his sixth sense is much more reliable than that of Weber, a person with little experience.

Going to the battlefield with heroic spirits is an unimaginably arduous training. Weber has experienced it firsthand.

Even if he has a reputation as a genius in magic, the Holy Grail War cannot be predicted based on the common sense of a magician.

This also made him curious about how the boy who was about the same age as Lancer could face such a tragic and cruel battle without fear.

What kind of awareness is needed to maintain that state of mind...

The sky at this time had gradually dimmed.

A black curtain enveloped Fuyuki.

"It's almost time. Let's go directly to Einzbern Castle and defeat Saber first!!"

Rider laughed ferociously and stared at the night sky that turned dark blue.

The burly body of the conquering king was trembling with joy and fighting spirit.

Weber looked at this fierce heroic spirit with cold eyes as if he was watching from a distance.

"Really? We've finally reached the final stage."

"That's right, now that the battlefield has been decided, I can't embarrass Rider as a professional."

Rider pulled out the Cypriot Sword, raised it high above his head, and pointed it straight at the sky.

"Show yourself, my steed!"

Following the call, space-torn light burst out from the torn void, and what appeared shining with the light of the heroic spirit was a horse familiar to Weber.

The horned heroic spirit Bucephalus was the legendary horse that once carried the conquering king to ravage the world.

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