However, the strange thing is that Tokiomi has always denied that he killed Emiya Kiritsugu.

"This means that there was another person who killed Emiya Kiritsugu, and that person was also one of the magicians participating in the Holy Grail War. He was able to use fire just like the teacher, no, just like Tokiomi Tosaka. The magic of attributes.”

And the magician who can kill Emiya Kiritsugu's ruthless hunting machine is undoubtedly a first-class magician, and he must be cunning and elusive.

However, the more he speculated, the more Kirei felt his body shaking.

It wasn't fear, it was excitement.

"The remaining heroic spirits are Lancer, Saber, Archer and Rider. Tokiomi Tokiomi and Irisviel can be eliminated. Then the one who killed Emiya Kiritsugu could only be Lancer's Master or Rider's Master!"

"Rider's Master is just a third-rate magician, and he looked so embarrassed when he attended the banquet at Einzbern Castle. It is really impossible for him to be the murderer who could kill Emiya Kiritsugu. And the rest... There is only Lancer’s Master.”

Did that seemingly young boy really kill Emiya Kiritsugu?

Is he really capable of killing Emiya Kiritsugu?

If this person was given an almighty wishing machine, what would he pray for?

"Master of Lancer...what kind of person are you...?"

When a woman becomes curious about a man, she will gradually fall into the abyss, and the same is true for men.

Kirei became more and more curious about this boy. He had been looking forward to Emiya Kiritsugu with a premonition that was almost equivalent to a prayer, looking forward to his answer.

But now that Emiya Kiritsugu is dead, Kirei is not disappointed, but has deeper expectations for the person who can kill Emiya Kiritsugu.

In the deep silence, Kirei felt a turbulent breath approaching him from the corridor outside the door. This breath was already quite familiar to Kirei.

Even if he was just walking silently, the heroic spirit did not conceal the gorgeous majesty exuding from his body. Even if he stepped into the realm of God, he was still so unruly.

Archer walked directly into Kirei's house without knocking. Seeing Kirei deep in thought, he sneered with a tone of mockery and pity.

"It's now, what are you still thinking about? There must be a limit to slowness."

"Tosaka Tokiomi... Where is Tokiomi-sensei?"

"I sent him to the hotel. Recently, there are always some guys peeking at him at night."

Kirei nodded. Indeed, letting a magician act alone is equivalent to exposing himself as a target among other heroic spirits.

Then, Archer smiled meaningfully.

"You are surprisingly an honest guy. You know that you are in a bad situation but you are still worried about Tokiomi's safety."

"This is a reasonable judgment. I have long fulfilled my responsibility as Tokiomi-sensei's tool, and there is no reason to continue to stay in Fuyuki."

"...You don't really think so, do you?"

Archer's eyes were blazing, as if he had seen through everything, and Kirei looked at him silently.

Chapter 75: The Confrontation of Evil Forces (Second Update)

Kirei couldn't refute, because Archer was right, if he really planned to leave Fuyuki, he wouldn't sit here stupidly like this.

"Now the Holy Grail is still calling you, and you yourself are eager to fight."

Archer said this, but Kirei remained silent and gave up on refuting.

In any case, there was nothing to hide in front of Archer, and this heroic spirit had even seen through that he was deceiving himself.

Then, I'm afraid the answer Kirei has been looking for should already be in his heart.

The red eyes seemed to be looking down from the sky at the lost and wandering mouse. There was no guidance or rescue. Appreciating other people's troubles might be something that could make the King of Heroes happy.

"...Since I was sensible, I have been exploring a question."

As if facing the darkness in his heart, Kirei raised his head and faced Archer.

"Wasting time, enduring pain... But everything ended in futility, but now, I feel that I have never been so close to the "answer". What I am pursuing must be in Fuyuki, at the end of the Holy Grail War. "

After saying these words, Kirei once again understood what drove him to where he is today.

It was a long time ago, when Kotomine Kirei was not Tohsaka Tokiomi's lackey, that he was constantly provoking disputes for his own sake.

"Since you have reflected so much, why are you confused?"

Archer asked coldly.

"I have an ominous premonition... When I get all the answers, I will die."

If the expectations placed on that magician are not realized...

At this time, Kirei had no way out, and he was facing a cliff.

It's better... just leave like this, forget everything, and at least be able to rest in peace...

"Don't think about such nonsense, idiot."

Archer's reminder interrupted Kirei's thoughts.

"If you could change your way of living so easily, you wouldn't be so troubled. If you are used to asking questions while living, you will die with questions in the end. You will never get the answer, and you will never be able to rest in peace."


"Perhaps I should wish you that after a long journey, you are finally reaching your destination."

Kirei opened his eyes wide, full of disbelief.

"You actually bless others? Archer."

Archer nodded, with the light of an observer in his eyes.

"I should have said that observing human karma is the most interesting entertainment. I am fully looking forward to the moment when you meet your destiny."

Kirei smiled bitterly upon hearing this.

"Is it really enjoyable to live so persistently for the purpose of "tax evasion"?"

"If you are envious, you can also try to live like this. When you understand what happiness is, you will not be afraid of death."

Kirei rolled up his sleeves and confirmed the command spell on his arm.

"Although I was confused and thought about giving up, in the end... King of Heroes, as you said, people like me can only live with doubts."

On his left upper arm, there are two scarlet command spells, command spells that can make Kirei form a contract with the Servant again.

On the entire right arm, there are command spells recovered from the remains of his father, Kotomine Rimasa, for safekeeping. There are countless command spells that have not yet been determined to be contracted. They can not only be used to bind Servants, but can also be used to refine them into practical weapons. Extremely high non-attribute magic power.

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