After leaving the castle town, Xia Qing went to the village in the southwest. This place was supposed to be surrounded by plants in the animation, but because Xia Qing changed the timeline, it is still a peaceful scene here.

As for Sanyong, they have already gone to cause harm to other places.

However, when Xia Qing was about to enter the town and inspected such a place again, the guard said that the lord here wanted to collect commercial taxes, so Xia Qing showed the other party the business pass obtained from the lord of Ryude Village.

"That kind of thing is useless! Pay it now!"


No matter how Raphtalia negotiated with the guards, the guards refused and she had to pay.

"Then there's nothing we can do."

Xia Qing only needs to personally negotiate.


After knocking each other unconscious, Philo and Sakura pulled the carriage into the city.

Xia Qing murmured with interest when he heard the gossip of the civilians in the town.

"The lord here seems to be a great guy."

The expressions of some villagers changed a lot.

"Don't speak ill of the lord! Be careful to punish you for disrespect!"

So it turns out that this situation is caused by the higher-ups.

The town also appears to have a corrupt lord.

In addition, since almost all places in the entire town are taxed, daily necessities, food, weapons and armor, handicrafts, and hotel accommodation are much more expensive.

Business is showing signs of decline and the market is lackluster, needless to say, all because taxes are too heavy.

"You guys go to the hotel, I'm just going out for a walk."

"Master, I want to bring back souvenirs~"

"There is so much food, do you still want it?"

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows.

His space ring also stores a large amount of delicacies from the "World Shield".

When Xia Qing came to the tavern, he happened to meet Kawasumi Shu, also known as Gong Yong.

Although he is holding a bow, he has a sword hanging on his waist for some reason.

Not only are the clothes ordinary, the quality of the equipment is also very poor.

Completely disguised as an ordinary archer.

If it were someone meeting for the first time, he might be mistaken for an ordinary adventurer.

One of the companions was wearing a conspicuously colored armor, and he was hiding in the shadows. This was probably the feeling.

Kawasumi Shu and his group were discussing something in the corner of the wine shop.

The other party was completely unaware that Xia Qing had reached the position behind them.

Xia Qing ordered a glass of ale and listened quietly.

"The lord here..."

It seems that Shu's companions are gathering information about the notorious reputation of the lord here.

According to them, the lords here seem to have set taxes beyond those specified by the state for personal gain while collecting bribes from surrounding merchants.

In addition, bodyguards are hired, and those who dare to speak out will be severely punished. Everything they do seems to be to enrich their own pockets.

It’s the same old scumbag lord story again.

"In this case, it would be unreasonable not to punish him a little."

How should I complain...

Putting aside your pointless behavior of hiding your identity, let’s put aside whatever you want to do. What kind of deputy general are you?

Is this a journey to correct the world?

As far as rumors are concerned, there is basically no news about what the Bow Hero is doing.

It seems that he is addicted to his own fantasy of justice.

If there is justice in Kawasumi Shu's heart, it can only be justice used to deceive himself.

"Then let's set off."

After the conversation, Kawasumi and his friends left the wine shop and disappeared into the night-shrouded town.

The lord of this town will abdicate tomorrow.

After a big fuss in the lord's house, the tree's identity would probably be revealed by a companion who was like a subordinate, and then some lectures would be given.

It's just like the plot in those TV series.

Then this matter reached the ears of the 'respected' and 'wise' king, and the lord here was changed. This simple and easy-to-understand ending can still be guessed.

Chapter 51 The Second Wave of Disaster

What’s the point of Kawasumi doing these things?

Maybe it's just to satisfy the sense of justice during the second year of high school.

I want to defeat bad guys as a hidden shadow, but at the same time I also have the fun of revealing my identity and surprising others.

But real heroes don't defeat bad guys in secret for money and fame.

If we really want to completely remove all these dark things, then the originally bright place will naturally split into darkness again.

This is normal.

When Xia Qing returned to the hotel, she was pestered by Philo for a while because she had forgotten the souvenirs. However, Xia Qing selectively ignored her thoughts.

The next morning, just as Xia Qing expected, there was a topic like "The lord collapsed after adventurers hired by the country came to secretly inspect the town."

In the middle of the town street, they happened to find Kawasumi and his group chatting with several girls in the town.

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