Blood flowed across the ground, and the black and red blood gathered into a pool. After Galaris howled in pain a few times, he gritted his teeth and roared angrily at those who supported him.

"After killing this guy, I will let you figure out who is the strongest!!! Guys! Come on!!"

Following the roar of Galaris, monsters appeared out of nowhere and began to attack Xia Qing and his party as well as the ministers of the World Shield.

Velennaru and the other World Shield guys quickly assumed a fighting posture at this moment.

The demihumans began to transform into orcs, and the orcs took a stance to fight back.

"What's going on with these guys?"

"It's faster and more powerful than us who have practiced martial arts to the extreme!"

"Don't panic! Shield Hero!"

It seemed that the people of Galaris were planning to start a revolution at this time, so they all took the lycanthropic drug directly.

Although this drug can make them stronger within a certain period of time, it definitely has side effects.

Galaris seemed to think that the number was enough, and planned to kill all the people in the city and then declare himself a noble existence, so he was carried away by this stupid ambition and revenge.

Chapter 46: Really kill with one punch?

At this time, along with Galaris's roar, the beasts that had been unable to fight climbed up one by one, their eyes emitting a strange light.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!"

He attacked Xia Qing at a faster speed than before.

"Lord Shield Hero! Danger!"

The ministers who had no time to react showed panic expressions and shouted towards Xia Qing.

Xia Qingze just waved his hands towards them and sat on the throne with his legs crossed without even moving.

Then, he drove the Platinum Star directly towards the beasts that were swarming up!


Bang bang bang! ! !

Those beasts were like rabid dogs. Even though their flesh and blood were constantly being hammered by Platinum Star's fists, they still came one after another.

"Haha... Do you want to use the numerical advantage to break through..."

With the endurance of Platinum Star, even if these beasts charge for several days, they will not be able to break through the defensive net.

Raphtalia and others also joined the challenge.

"Well, it's more durable than expected."

"Yes, even if you are kicked away, you will get up immediately. It seems that you can avoid it with the help of Philo's kick?"

This was pretty good for Philo, who was very bad at explanations. These guys were the result of the ferocious beasts of the World Shield transforming into beasts, and half-baked attacks could not cause fatal injuries.

So far, the only ones who could face the large number of crazy beasts without changing their expressions were Xia Qing and Raphtalia, who received sword skills from Xia Qing.

Since Philo and Sakura were born not long ago, they haven't grown up enough to fight against the fierce ones.

"Don't you think it's a little strange?"

"Yeah, how should I put it? I feel something is inconsistent with my body."

"What's wrong?"

"It looks like it's pieced together."

Philo, Sakura answered for once.

After taking a closer look at the beasts, I found traces of human modification on their bodies.

"And does that roaring voice have a protective effect?"

The support effect magic produced by the roar, the so-called group gain, is like a priest.


Galaris, who had his legs cut off by Raphtalia, stood up from the pool of blood roaring at this moment.

If you look closely, you will see that the flesh and blood that was originally severed are regenerating at an extremely fast speed and growing continuously.

"Blood...blood is not enough., power! Power is not enough!"

Galaris looked around, looked at the defeated beasts, and then flew towards them.


Hearing Raphtalia's warning, Philo and the others quickly distanced themselves, and Galaris began to bite the fallen beasts.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa!"

"Lord Galaris...what are you..."

"Shut up! Just become my food!"

Galaris smashed his men's heads and ate them hungrily. ,

"This is……"

Raphtalia was also standing there with a frown on her face.

"I've become a lot stronger..."

Raphtalia rushed out, preparing to close in and unleash her sword slash...but the beast bitten by Galaris sprouted tentacles, blocking the advancing Raphtalia.

Seeing this, the girl had no choice but to cut off the tentacles one by one. But the problem was not just the tentacles cut off by Raphtalia. With the sound of gurgling, Galaris stopped eating the flesh.

The corpse of the beast that was eaten melted into Galaris' body and began to grow tentacles, which gathered the fallen beast together and began to expand.

"Hahahahahahahaha!! That's it! This power can be used like this!!"

Galaris, who discovered this driving method, laughed even more arrogantly.

"I am the supreme existence...I have obtained power beyond God! As long as I have this power, the world will be controlled by me! I am invincible!!!"

Galaris, who had turned into a piece of flesh, seemed to be kneading clay when he spoke.

"Twisting pieces of meat! No!"

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