It seems that he has no intention of compromising.

"Um... Sir Xia Qing, can you be accommodating one last time? It's not an option to continue arguing like this. Aren't we still the ones in trouble?"

"Hey! Willonnaru, are you really planning to——"

The lion-shaped orc seemed to be unable to bear it any longer and shouted loudly to Velenaru.

"Stop, Galaris, don't forget where you are."

Wilennalu said coldly.

Then, after turning to Xia Qing, he said with enthusiasm.

"The Shield of the World is a kingdom that requires representatives of all races to gather together to make decisions."

Why is the system so bad and it has to be so troublesome? Is this still a medieval style alternate world?

Chapter 43 Ah! The food is poisonous

"In the past, the white tiger species and the superior species had a high say. Because of the past wars, their power was weakened. That's what happened."

"Really, how stupid. No matter how long fools gather together, they will never come up with any good ideas."

Galaris whispered.

"Let's go, Galaris, don't disturb the brave man any more."

Wilennalu saluted Xia Qing, and then left the bathroom with Galaris.

After that, Xia Qing returned to the room, but due to system reasons, Raphtalia and the others could only sleep in the next room.

In this way, the whole night passed.

By the way, Wilennalu had a large group of women waiting not only in the bathroom, but also in the bedroom.

In fact, when Xia Qing returned to the room, he saw the group of women leaving the corridor with depressed expressions.

Until the next morning, to put it bluntly, the lower city of World Shield was a city that never slept, even in the early morning.

Exactly when these guys go to sleep is really hard to answer.

Although I think so, there are all kinds of orcs, so it is not surprising. From this point of view, the quiet "Mellomag" is strange.

"Hmm...when can we have breakfast?"

Because I get up every day to take care of the monsters, play with them, and prepare breakfast, I get up very early.

They probably thought that Xia Qing was sleeping and didn't feel the breath of Raphtalia and the others. If they casually left this room, the alarm would probably go off.

All in all, after Xia Qing got up, she immediately went to the room next to where Raphtalia and the others slept.

"Lord Xia Qing!"

Sakura's long pink hair like cherry blossoms appeared in her eyes. Xiaoying, who was hiding under the quilt with only one head exposed, immediately showed a look of joy on her face after seeing Xia Qing's arrival.

In an instant, he got up from the bed and rushed towards Xia Qing's arms.

"Good morning, today is a beautiful morning too."

Perhaps out of habit, Raphtalia, who got up early, looked at Xia Qing with a gentle smile.

"Raphtalia looks very virtuous now."

Xia Qing sighed.

"Eh!!!? Xia, Sir Xia Qing! What are you talking about!!"

Raphtalia's face instantly turned red.

After quietly watching the raccoon girl's shy look for a while, Xia Qing happily picked up Sakura, turned around and walked towards the restaurant.

"Let's go have breakfast."

When he heard the word "breakfast", Philo, who had never been able to muster the courage to get out of bed, immediately rushed to his feet.

"Wait a minute! Philo is going too!"


The location for breakfast was on a balcony with a good view. Many people came in an endless stream, and Xia Qing was taken to the most conspicuous seat and sat down.

Looks like I'm going to dine here.

Raphtalia and the others sat down on the seats next to Xia Qing.

"How was it last night?"

Xia Qing asked while fidgeting with her fork.

"There's no big problem... It's just that occasionally I feel the presence of murderous intent."

"That's right."

While thinking this, he looked at the food arranged.

Xia Qing and Raphtalia both narrowed their eyes.


Philo noticed it immediately.

Xiaoying, who ran to sit in Xia Qing's arms, also tilted her head.

"Then, please start your meal."

Velennaru said this, not sure if this guy knew this.

Then, as if praying, everyone joined their hands and began to pray.

"Thank you to the Shield God for his kindness... giving us food and life, becoming our strength to protect the world and spread the Lord's will..."


This prayer is too shameful.

Just hearing this prayer made Xia Qing's lips twitch.

Then, after the group finished praying.

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