The head of Lude Village said to Xia Qing.

"When doing business in this country, as soon as you arrive in any village or town, you have to pay a sum of money to the lord of the area - and this is when it is my turn to stamp this commercial pass.

As long as you have this certificate, you basically don't need to pay. Please make good use of it. "

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is a rural area located on the outskirts of the capital of Merromager, and the transportation is very convenient. To be the lord of this place means that you must have strong enough power and majesty.

"...This is also to prevent your bad reputation from hindering your business. I believe it will be easier to make money this way."

After all, Xia Qing's violent beating of Three Yongs by himself has spread to the Three Yongs Sect. Basically, all of them believe in the [Mellomag] of the Three Yongs Sect. It would be almost impossible for Xia Qing to do business.

Although Xia Qing has many ways to force those guys to do business with him, it may not be too troublesome to do this every time.

"Thank you then."

Xia Qing received the business pass presented by the village chief and thanked him.


Philo and Sakura seemed very happy to finally have a carriage.

"Okay, let's head towards the "Shield of the World"."

Holding a map drawn on parchment in his hand, Xia Qing pointed in a direction and said.

"Go in this direction."

After hearing these words, Philo and Sakura immediately started to pull the carriage forward in high spirits.

It was quite leisurely at first, but as the road became more and more rugged, the wheels gradually began to make violent noises, and the surrounding scenery quickly passed before our eyes.

"Lord Xia Qing...I always feel a little uncomfortable..."

Raphtalia seemed to be motion sick, and the girl sitting next to Xia Qing fell weakly on Xia Qing's shoulder.

Xia Qing quickly reached out her hand to support Raphtalia who was about to fall.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah...but please don't let the car body shake too much..."

"That's it. Then I'll ask Philo and the others to run slower."

After Xia Qing's instructions, the carriage gradually slowed down.

According to the distance shown on the map, you have to pass through several cities to reach the "World Shield" from here.

However, it is possible to go around by other roads. With the current reputation, choosing a detour will save more time than taking a straight line.

Even though Philo and the others slowed down a bit, the bumpy road still made Raphtalia increasingly uncomfortable.

"No way...can you please stop the carriage first..."

Raphtalia, who had completely lost her strength and turned her whole body towards Xia Qing, begged in a weak voice.

Xia Qing quickly called to Philo and Sakura to stop.

"Filo! Sakura! Stop!"

After hearing Xia Qing's order, Philo and Sakura, who had been running at full speed, gradually stopped.

After the speed of the carriage gradually approached zero, Raphtalia's weak state gradually improved.

"How's it going? Is it uncomfortable?"

Xia Qing reached out and patted the girl's back gently.

"'s okay, Master Xia Qing, just take a little rest."

Raphtalia quickly replied.

While Raphtalia was still resting, Xia Qing glanced at Philo, who looked a little disappointed because he was suddenly stopped.

Compared with yesterday's ostrich-like form, Philo and Sakura now look like giant owls.

After Philo's feathers have been replaced several times, they are now as clear and white as snow.

Sakura, on the other hand, is completely different, her body is covered with pink feathers like cherry blossoms.

"Lord Xia Qing, I'm fine."

Raphtalia, who had almost recovered, said to Xia Qing.

"Well, let's set off, but this time we have to slow down a bit."

Xia Qing warned the two Philo birds.

Sakura was as docile as ever, but Philo, who had always been lively and active, seemed a little uncomfortable.

If we want to be more vivid, Philo's character is like Erha. Asking her to move forward at a slow speed is simply like a kind of torture.

Chapter 35 Forest·Becoming Human

After a whole day's trek, we were not far away from the border area of ​​"Melomag".

Because of the carriage, it happened to be a night in the wilderness, so Xia Qing decided to just camp out tonight.

The food is obtained from a river not far away, because the technology in this world is not developed, and there are no substances that can be used to pollute the river. Even the water in the river can be drank directly.

After some cooking, Philo and Sakura, who had huge appetites, were finally fed. They lay down and fell asleep as soon as they finished their dinner.

"I didn't expect that the Philo bird's appetite would be so large..."

Raphtalia looked at the pile of fish bones and couldn't help but sigh.

"Indeed, that's why I need to rush to the "World Shield" to provide me with food. Otherwise, I have to cook such a large amount of food every day. Although it is not tiring, it is too troublesome."

Xia Qing, who was lying on a flat quilt with his legs crossed, said.

"I'm sorry... Sir Xia Qing, it's all because of my motion sickness..."

As she spoke, Raphtalia lowered her head guiltily.

"It's just motion sickness. There's no need to blame yourself so much."

Xia Qing smiled and touched the pair of furry ears on the raccoon girl's head.


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