"So I will do my best. I am your sword and will follow you wherever you go."

Chapter 25 The wave of disaster is coming

The time soon came to the next day.


There are still seven minutes left before the wave of disaster comes.

This matter has already spread throughout Chengcheng. The knights and various adventurers are also getting ready to go, while the ordinary people are hiding at home.

As for the brave, as long as the time is up, they will be teleported directly to the place where the wave occurs.

This effect also applies to party members, so even Raphtalia will be teleported along with her.

"The wave will hit soon, Raphtalia."


Probably because of her high fighting spirit, Raphtalia nodded excitedly.

She looks very motivated for this wave battle.


There were only the last two minutes left, and Raphtalia had already put her hand on the hilt of the rapier she wore at her waist.



At this moment, with a loud noise, a huge crack appeared in the sky over every kingdom in the world, and the sky in the main film was dyed a strange burgundy red.

The light of teleportation also appeared on Xia Qing and Raphtalia.


When looking around again, Xia Qinggang confirmed that he had been teleported to a cliff.

Suddenly, three figures quickly ran away from the scene, followed closely by twelve people.

That was Tian Mu Lian and others. They must have seen the large monsters rushing out of the cracks and wanted to grab experience to upgrade.

"Lord Xia Qing, this is near Liude Village!"

Raphtalia nervously analyzed where she was teleported to.

"This is a rural area and a lot of people live here."

"I know, let's go to the village first."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qing stroked her forehead and murmured softly.

"Really, if I had known earlier, I should have told the villagers here first..."

But even if he did, it was actually hard to say whether the villagers would listen to him given the Shield Hero's reputation in the kingdom.

It is difficult for people to believe empty words.

All in all, if we leave it alone, those in Liude Village may be completely invaded by monsters during this wave. Xia Qing had received care and greetings from some kind villagers here, so he cannot leave it alone.

"Get it done as quickly as possible."

Xia Qing moved her fingers, made a "click" sound, and directly picked up Raphtalia, who was still sprinting.

"Ah...Lord Xia Qing!?"

Raphtalia screamed in surprise as she was suddenly carried sideways, and then she realized that the surrounding scenery changed so quickly that it was impossible to recognize it with the naked eye. In just a short moment, she had arrived at Ryud Village.

As soon as they arrived at the village, they happened to witness the moment when the monsters swarmed out from the wave and wreaked havoc.

Although the knights and adventurers stationed here were barely able to resist the army of Warcraft, they were outnumbered and the defense line was on the verge of collapse.

"Raphtalia, go and guide the villagers to evacuate this place."

"Hey, what about you, Master Xia Qing...?"

Xia Qing raised his right arm and faced the group of demonic beasts with teeth and claws.

"It's naturally impossible to let go of the experience points that are dangling right under your nose."

Small locust-like monsters gathered in swarms and rushed toward Xia Qing. There were also established types of monsters such as flies and zombies.


""Spin Flame Break"! "

A circle of fiery red flames was generated around Xia Qing's body. The hot temperature burned the incoming monsters in large numbers, and the flames that kept pouring out finally exploded directly to the surroundings!

The roars of monsters and the sound of burning flames are endless.

"Y-Sir Yong?"

A group of villagers saw Xia Qing's appearance at this moment, and they gathered towards him as if they just saw it.

"Hey, too many people will only disrupt my battle. You should run away quickly!"

Xia Qing shouted unceremoniously.

"Ah, thank you, Lord Brave!"

Hearing these words, the villagers who had stayed at home or were almost killed by the monsters quickly thanked Xia Qing and ran away.

"Help, help—! Lord brave!"

When some villagers fled, they were inevitably entangled by the incoming monsters.

The one who was calling for help now was the hotel owner who had let Xia Qing stay before.

At the moment when the monster's claws were about to penetrate the latter's body, Xia Qing directly activated the "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan".


The jet-black flames surged and burned on the monster's body out of thin air, and Amaterasu's flames would not go out until their target was completely burned to ashes.

The monster neighed, and the innkeeper was able to escape.

"...Thank you, thank you!"

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