"Assassinate it and I will remove your slave tattoo. From today on, you will be free."


Hearing this, Raphtalia panicked.

"You...are you going to abandon me...?"

"No, I just lift your slave status. Then you can decide whether to stay or not."

Xia Qing said seriously and lifted up the rabbit skin he held with one hand.

"I...I know!"

Raphtalia forced out a ferocious expression, raised her dagger and stabbed Rabbit Skin in the back repeatedly.

When he finally pulled out the blade, blood gushed out.


Tupi'er slumped to death and lay on the ground.

Raphtalia, on the other hand, was looking at Rabbitpi'er's dying appearance, and at the blood stains on his head. Her whole body was trembling slightly, and her entire face was completely drained of color.

Just seeing her reaction made people feel like they were sitting on pins and needles with guilt.

But this world is not the modern society that Xia Qing has experienced. People like her will not be welcomed in towns populated by humans. Only by becoming stronger can they survive better.

In this world where magic is the only way forward, only in this way can we survive.

Chapter 16 Awakening [Demon Emperor]!

The laws of physics in the magical world are completely different from those in the scientific world.

This means that many scientific weapons are difficult to manufacture.

However, using the physical laws of the magic side of the world, it is possible to create magic weapons.

"But the frustration is that I don't know where to get modern knowledge..."

The civilization of this world is too backward, only at the level of the Middle Ages, let alone who can write E=mc?0?5.

So what about magic? Xia Qing was able to control the four elements at first, fire, ice, light, and darkness.

Taking these four as an extension, other elements can also be controlled, such as the water element.

Of course, it is still unknown whether other elements will be found in this world.


"Sorry, Raphtalia."

Xia Qing poured the potion to remove the slave marks on Raphtalia's chest. The slave marks emitted a purple light and then gradually disappeared.

"If you remain stronger, it may be very detrimental to you if you encounter a battle in the future where I cannot be distracted."

Xia Qing explained seriously.


Raphtalia trembled slightly while listening to Xia Qing's explanation attentively.

"In addition, in about half a month, a wave that threatens the whole world will hit. Although we know in advance what kind of monsters will come, it may be very troublesome if there is a sudden change."

"Um... do you want to fight against disaster?"


Xia Qing nodded.

"It will be automatically summoned, and I also have a reason to go."


Raphtalia was silent for a while, then raised her face and said with firm eyes.

"...I know, I will become stronger! Lord, master..."

"I told you that I am not your master. If you want to scream, just scream..."

Xia Qing held her chin and pondered for a moment.

"Just call me Lord Xia Qing."

"Well...Master Xia Qing."

Raphtalia's originally pale face gradually returned to rosy, and she nodded slowly, then picked up the blood-stained dagger and stabbed Rabbit's vital part.

It always felt like she had changed her previous fearful attitude and showed a determined look full of determination.

Raphtalia looked at the rabbit skin that fell to the ground, and quietly closed her eyes.

Then he changed to another way of holding the dagger and prepared to cut up Tupi'er's body.

"Let me handle this matter, I can't leave it all to you."


Xia Qing took out the dagger used for decomposition and began to decompose Tupi'er's body.

After roughly disposing of the two rabbit bodies, one was thrown to the shield for absorption, while the other was roasted and thrown to Raphtalia.

"Lord Xia Qing...please, don't, leave me."

Raphtalia pulled Xia Qing's clothes excitedly.

Xia Qing could tell that she really didn't want to return to that ghost place.

One can imagine her crying and screaming at night, becoming skinny and skinny after getting sick, and maybe she would die if she was not careful.

It must have been very unpleasant in retrospect.

"Don't worry, unless you want to leave, I won't leave you alone."

"Well, thank you!"

After that, Raphtalia summoned up impressive energy and fought hard to chop down the attacking monsters.

That night, Xia Qing found a spacious open space suitable for resting in the forest, piled firewood and started a fire, preparing to camp.

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