Master Yoda is also a master of Force defense. His cultivation is able to block or even deflect the Force lightning of Count Dooku and Lord Darth Sidious with his bare hands (compared with Obi who blocked it with his lightsaber). A stark contrast between Wan Kenobi and Master Mace Windu).

If this skill is practiced to an advanced level, it can even block a lightsaber with bare hands that is considered indestructible to cut through objects other than the Mandalorian's armor.

The only person known to be able to hold a lightsaber with his hand is Jedi Master Satyr Shan. In addition, when Kylo Ren lost his hands in the final battle with Rey, he once used the Force to resist Rey's lightsaber attack with his bare hands. However, this plot was not shown in the movie version.

[Predict the future]: When the Force cultivation reaches a certain level, the Force practitioner has the ability to predict the future.

However, Jedi Master Yoda once mentioned that this ability should be treated with caution.

Longevity: Generally speaking, as long as you don't die unexpectedly (but this is not easy to obtain as a practitioner of the Force).

Excellent understanding ability: Force-sensitive people can also understand knowledge faster than ordinary people when learning knowledge other than the Force.

[Healing of trauma by transferring the force]: Rey, the heroine in the new canon sequel trilogy, possesses an extraordinarily powerful force of life. She can heal wounds at a faster rate by touching other people's wounds and releasing the force. Whether it is a skin wound or a fatal injury punctured by a lightsaber, it can be healed in a short time.

Of course, this puts a high burden on himself.

Kylo Ren, who has a strong Force connection with Rey, can even resurrect the lost Rey by transferring the Force.

[Psychic Connection]: Two powerful Force-sensitive people can achieve spiritual connection under certain conditions. Even if they are far apart, they can directly see each other's current appearance through their minds. However, because the form is to show the other person in the world, The environment you are in, so you cannot know the environment the other person is in.

A typical example is Rey and Kylo Ren, the protagonists in the sequel trilogy. The connection between them is so strong that they can physically touch each other across space and send objects around them to each other.


In the end, Xia Qing chose "Unify the Force".

In fact, his ideas are somewhat similar to this idea of ​​the Force.

People are very pure when they are still babies. They are neither righteous nor evil at the beginning. People gradually form their personality in the process of growing up.

All factors around you can affect the direction of a person's path, good or bad is just a matter of thought.

"It seems pointless to think about it so much."

Xia Qing chuckled and shook her head.

"Are you worried about anything?"


In the alleyway, a strange man wearing a top hat and a tuxedo called out to Xia Qing.

He is a strange gentleman with a super bloated figure and a pair of glasses on his face. He looks like a weirdo.

The worldview completely escapes the medieval style, giving people the impression that this guy is the only one who is out of tune with the rest of the world.

"You should need slaves, right?"

The slave trader wearing a top hat asked.

"Well, I haven't said anything yet. Why do you think so?"

Xia Qing raised his eyebrows and raised such a question.

The slave merchant was stunned.

"Haha, I originally heard rumors that the Shield Hero was so stupid that he didn't even accept the aid from the king, but now it seems that it's not like the rumors."

Xia Qing squinted his eyes slightly and analyzed.

"You can tell at a glance that I am a Shield Hero because of this shield, but you can't guess that I need slaves just by looking at them."

The slave merchant put a smile on his face and tried to pass it off.

"Because the Shield Hero has no means of attack, he can only rely on his companions to level up, right?"

"But you know that I didn't get the king's aid, right? So why did you take the initiative to sell slaves to me?"

Xia Qing asked immediately.

Faced with this incoming questioning, sweat dripped down the fat face of the slave trader.

"That's... that's because..."

"Well, forget it, I don't care either."

At this time, Xia Qing suddenly stopped questioning and spread his hands casually.

"Take me to see those slaves you talk about."

The slave merchant breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then please come with me, Lord Brave."

After walking for a distance along the alley, the figures of homeless people and bad elements became more and more conspicuous.

You can hear sounds of destruction like quarreling and throwing things everywhere. The most ridiculous thing is that there is a strong smell in the air.

Behind the glamor there is always filth, and this is the case in [Kingdom of Melomag].

I think the real person in charge of Melomag, Queen Mirelia Q. Melomag, should also know this.

It should be clear what happened in this kingdom. Slave traders were arranged to provide help to the Shield Hero, probably because they felt helpless about the existence of the "Three Brave Sect" and other disasters in their country.

After all, even though she had great power and controlled the whole kingdom, she was unable to overthrow the [Three Yongs Sect] because this sect had penetrated into the people...

As we walked along this path, which was still broad daylight but not illuminated by the sun, we finally saw a small house that looked like a circus tent appearing in the corner of the alley.

"This way, Lord Brave, please."


The slave trader walked with strange steps, but his steps seemed extremely brisk.

Then the slave merchant took Xia Qing into the circus tent as expected.



ps: I was suddenly recommended. I was afraid that I would lose future opportunities if I stopped updating, so I posted the saved manuscript. Now my throat hurts too much. The doctor said it was bronchitis. The film I took said my lungs are fine. I hope everything is fine.

Chapter 9 Slave Trader

The tight door in the circus tent slowly opened with a metallic sound.

The lights in the store were dim and there was a faint rancid smell.

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