Bert and others who happened to hear this sentence immediately became alert, but it was already a step too late.

Asife, who was at the rear of the team, was suddenly attacked from the side.


A purple hooded robe and a mask with scary patterns.

I don't know where he was hiding before, but the mysterious assassin who was hiding punched Yasi Fei away.

The astonishing power and the impact caused by the silver metal gloves equipped on both hands still penetrated her body through the special cloak of the [Almighty One].


"There are actually accomplices!?"

Seeing Asifei being beaten away, Luluni and other members of the [Hermes Familia] were all confused.

Lefiya and others also stopped on the spot, turned around, and opened their eyes wide when they saw the masked attacker.

"Although it's not complete yet, it's grown enough. Give it to Enyo!"

Revis shouted at the masked attacker while fighting with Ace.

The attacker grabbed the entire orb, silenced the screaming fetus, and then tore her from the main pillar.


The masked man answered with an eerie voice that sounded like the overlapping sounds of several creatures, and then quickly left the scene.

The man took the orb and rushed towards an entrance and exit of the large hollow.

"Luluni, stop him!?"

Yasifei refused to let him escape no matter what, and gave instructions loudly.

Luluni gritted her teeth and ran away, chasing the masked man as fast as she could.

"Giant flower!"

However, at this time, Revis shouted again.

She used brute force to make a sweeping sweep, temporarily deflecting Aisi, and then issued an order to the last giant flower wrapped around the main pillar.

"Keep giving birth to me!! Until you are exhausted and withered, squeeze out all your strength!"

In an instant, the sky and the earth shook in the big hollow.

Ais, who had just returned to the battlefield, also raised her head at this moment and felt the vibration on the ground. The others stopped moving.

As if to pull their eyes towards him, the giant flower parasitic on the main pillar trembled and made a terrifying sound of absorbing something, like a tyrant, arbitrarily absorbing nutrients from the dazzling quartz.

There was a crack of thunder, and several cracks appeared on the main crystal pillar.

At the same time, the tentacles and thick tree roots that spread from the constantly spasming giant flower to the entire large hollow also bulged intermittently like tree tumors, pulsing with terrifying force.

very quickly.

The ceiling, the walls, and the buds that existed throughout the large hollow all bloomed together.

All the colorful petals, all the piranhas, are in bloom.

The large and small buds are forced to bloom before they mature. The seedbed that greedily devoured the mother's nutrients gave birth to all the budding monsters at this moment.

The epidermis of the giant flower rapidly lost its pigment and turned into an earthy color. The long withered body drooped feebly, and the dead flower head bent downward.

The green wall with the big hole looks like the end of the world has come, and the peeling pigment has expanded all the way.

And instead of the gradually dying grain storehouse, the cries of birth like broken gongs rise and fall one after another, overlapping layers.

The deafening chorus of monsters made Lefia and the others look pale as they looked above their heads.

Could this be...

All the adventurers had the same idea.

The piranha showed its ugly fangs and roared, falling from the cave roof and walls together, and pounced on Aisi and the others.

Monster feast!

The piranha caused the ground to rumble continuously and lifted itself up from the ground.

The adventurers were still stunned, as the monsters were attacking them from all directions.


Faced with this group riot, the adventurers let out silent screams.

What occupied their field of vision was a whole field of rich and dazzling colorful flower wells, flowers, and flowers.

From the front, back, left, right, and even above the head, there is no place where the long yellow-green body cannot be seen.

The roars of the broken gongs alternated frequently. As long as they stayed in the same place, they would be swallowed up by the monster army immediately.

The army of piranha flowers born at the expense of the seedbed flooded the entire vast hollow.

Seeing such a huge group of monsters, even second-level adventurers who have experienced hundreds of battles can't help but lose their fighting spirit.

There are hundreds of monsters, and ordinary monster feasts are simply incomparable.

The scale is so different.

"Damn it!"

The Masked Man rushed through an entrance and exit, leaving the large void that had turned into a pit of hell.

Asifei watched helplessly as the man disappeared at the other end of the passage and ran away.

"There's no way, no way, no way! You can't handle it!?"

"Don't spread out, you'll get crushed!?"

The large number of long bodies and tentacles approaching her made Luluni cry and run away.

The tiger man among his companions yelled as loud as he could, but he was still overwhelmed by the tide of monsters.

The piranhas were fighting one by one, going crazy and wreaking havoc.

As soon as they spot an adventurer, they immediately swoop into him or rain down with their tentacles.

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