Under her gaze, Fairfax opened her trembling lips.

"Olivas Act..."

As soon as they heard her say the name of the man in white, the eyes of everyone around them changed.

Their inner turmoil turned into turmoil, taking over the entire space.

"Olivas Actor...are you talking about that [white-haired ghost]!? It's impossible, right!?"

Lulu Ni almost screamed and looked at the man's face several times.

She made a wavering sound from her throat, as if she wanted to deny her memory.

"Because, because the [white-haired ghost] should have already...!?"

Lefia was the only one who didn't know what was going on, couldn't keep up with the situation, and nervously looked around at the faces of other people.

At this moment, Yasifei, who was originally at a loss, seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

"Impossible, how could a dead person appear here!?"

Hoarse shouts echoed all around.

Lefia didn't understand what she meant. Seeing Asifei's creepy expression, Fairweather's profile, and Luluni's appearance, she could only freeze in place.

Only Bert narrowed his amber eyes and stared at the man in white, Olivas.

"Dead, dead people...!?"

Lefia murmured softly and felt her lips twitching uncontrollably.

The red light of quartz illuminated the large hollow, and Asfi spoke out all the information about the man in one breath, as if trying to get rid of her own wavering.

"Olivas Act... is estimated to be Lv. 3, named [White-haired Ghost], and is the subject of a bounty. The main god has been sent back to heaven, and the [Familiar] he belongs to has also disappeared."

Asife left Luluni's shoulder, stared at the man intently, and took a fighting stance.

"He is the notorious apostle of the dark faction... and he is also the mastermind of the "Nightmare on the 27th Floor"."

Hearing this term, Lefiya turned to look at Fairweisse.

"The nightmare on the twenty-seventh floor."

It was a tragic incident caused by dark factions with heavy casualties.

At the same time, it was also the direct reason that her companions and the pride of being an elf were taken away from Failewis.

Under Lefiya's gaze, Fairweese's face turned pale and she just stood there blankly.

"In that incident, he himself was forced into a desperate situation by the [Familiar] under the guild, and finally became the prey of the monster... Only the lower body that was cruelly bitten off was left. He should be dead for sure."

Asife described his tragic fate and stared intently at the man standing in front of her.

She asked Olivas with an expression that looked like she was facing a nightmare.

"So you are still alive..."

"No, I'm dead, but I came back to life after walking on the edge of death."

Olivas proudly answered Asfi’s question.

He was seriously injured, and his body activated its healing power to save himself. It seemed like an opportunity, causing an expression of joy or confusion to appear on his face at this time.

He slowly stroked his tall body with his hands from bottom to top.

Seeing that Olivas's atmosphere was like a completely different person, Lefia felt very frightened.

Her eyes followed the man's movements of caressing his body, and she unfortunately discovered something.

Among the torn clothes on the lower body.

The two legs were dyed a yellow-green color like the skin of a piranha.

The skin on the upper body was still healing, and the center of the chest was torn.

Buried inside is a colorful and dazzling crystal.

Lefiya was really frightened this time.

Others around him noticed the same thing and turned pale.

Olivas smiled evilly and opened his eyes wide at the same time, as if to demonstrate to Lefia and others who had lost their cool, and to expose the crystals and colorful "magic stones" buried in his chest to them.

"I received the second life! It was given to me by no one else but "her"!!"

The red light from behind illuminated the ominous and twisted figure of the man.

The female fetus parasitic on the main quartz pillar, the source of the red light, moved and made a "thud!" sound.

Lefiya's heart trembled as she stared at Olivas, whose yellow-green eyes twisted with joy.

The dazzling and colorful "magic stone", as well as the lower body that is the same yellow-green color as the eyes, prove that this person is no longer a human being.

Feeling sleepy and dizzy, Lefia couldn't figure out where she was standing.

Then came the intense nausea.

Something in human form appeared in front of her, which made Lefia, an elf, feel strong fear, rejection and "ugliness".

"Are you kidding me after all..."

Asife couldn't help but murmured, and the members of the [Hermes Familia] also panicked.

The nausea accumulated in her stomach rushed up to her throat, and finally Lefiya couldn't bear it anymore, so she couldn't help but ask him.

"What the hell are you...!?"

Olivas announced loudly with a smile on his lips, shaking his white hair.

"I am no longer human!!!"

Palm Ninety-eight "She" (3/4)

"I am a supreme being that combines the power of humans and monsters!"

The man in white clothes looked down upon Lefia and the others and said arrogantly.

As if to prove what the man said, the numerous wounds on his body were still slowly recovering, and the chest where the "magic stone" was buried was gradually healing.

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