She dashed into the dome of smoke and continued to accelerate.

As the creator herself, she uses the flying shoes to flexibly and freely approach her prey from above like a falcon.

Taking advantage of the white smoke that blocked her vision, she launched a powerful attack on the enemy.

She dropped rapidly and then glided close to the ground, quickly approaching the man's back.

Yasi Fei avoided the man's alert head and caught him off guard. Although the other party reacted immediately, she was still faster.

The enemy couldn't even dodge, and was defenseless to receive Asfi's killing blow.

Got it!

The sharp dagger came out of its hole like a snake and thrust forward.


Her opponent grabbed the blade with his bare hands and blocked it.

"how come----!?"

The scene before her eyes made Asphie speechless.

The man in white turned around, grabbed the dagger with his left hand, and took the move.

Even if the opponent was foolhardy and grabbed the weapon with his bare hands, he was able to completely suppress the maximum speed thrust attack with only one arm.

It's so unreasonable. The man holding the sword in the palm of his hand, although his left hand was bleeding, the blade could not cut the muscles under the skin of his fingers. Not only that, no matter how Asifei of Level 4 pushed and pulled, the dagger being held was covered with wind. Do not move.

Strong muscle tissue and terrifying strength.

And the emotionless eyes of a man under the bone helmet.

An inexplicable chill hit Yasi Fei.

The alarm clock rang, urging Yasifi to let go of her sword and try to escape, but the enemy was not so kind.

"Suffer death!!"

Yasi Fei was grabbed by the front of the enemy and smashed directly to the ground.

The extraordinary arm strength caused Yasi Fei to roll on the ground several times. She bumped into a scattered pile of piranha corpses, and flew away while scattering the corpses.

The pain in her injured shoulder made Yasi Fei grit her teeth, and he reluctantly stepped his foot into the ground to offset the force of the impact.

She stood up suddenly in the thick smoke that still filled the surrounding area.

Yasi Fei glanced from one end to the other, trying to find the man who had disappeared from sight in the thick smoke.

Then, a silver sword cut through the air and pierced her abdomen.


Drop by drop of blood dripped on the ground, and Asifei was shaking in pain.

Asifei's weapon now pierced her side. Facing the enemy who circled behind her at an alarming speed, she broke out in cold sweat, and then spit out blood from her lips.

As the sword slipped out of her body, Asife spurted blood and fell to the ground.

At the same time, she cursed her own negligence and the unfathomable power gap between the enemy and ourselves.


With a clang, Asfi's dagger was thrown to the ground.

Luluni's screams were heard in the distance.

The leader fell to the ground, causing a huge blow to the [Hermes Familia], and the battle line that had been barely maintained began to completely collapse.

When the sound of gold and iron clashing came fiercely, the man dressed in white walked up to Yasifei.

The man crushed the flying shoes with wings and mocked condescendingly.

"Huh, you only have half your life left, right?"

The man smiled, turned his wrist, and pointed the silver sword tip directly at Asfi's throat.

"Don't worry, I know very well how durable adventurers are... I'll give you a good time."


At this moment, a bolt of thunder roared in the large hollow.

The man in white turned his head and saw a werewolf showing off his power in the distance, and two elves raised their staffs.


"O proud warriors, O archers of the forest, ahead of the advancing marauders, pick up your bows, respond to the voice of your compatriots, and cock your arrows!"

Among Xia Qing's group who had just arrived here, Lefiya started singing without hesitation as soon as she saw this situation.

Xia Qing and the others, who originally planned to go to the grain depot, directly broke open the door of this area and entered.

The crystal fragments that fell on the ground pointed out the footprints of the team in front, so it was quite easy to reach this large cave as long as they followed the corpses of the defeated monsters.

"What the hell is going on??"

As soon as he saw the adventurer team being besieged by the Robe Group and the Piranha Flowers, Burt immediately ran towards the battlefield while cursing.

It seems that he wants to help the team attacked by the piranha first.

Following his decisive action, Failewis used magic to cover, and almost at the same time, her silver boots kicked the monster away boldly.

With the adventurers' surprised eyes focused on him, Burt began to drive away the enemy troops.

"Strange, where is Ais?"

Since his teammates rushed out so diligently, Xia Qing did not need to rush to take action, but asked the orc girl Luluni.

"Jian, [Jian Ji] was with us just now... but then she was lured away."

Luluni replied.

"Is this so..."

While they were talking, Lefia's chant was completed.

"Light up the flames, the lights of the forest, and bid you shoot the arrows, the fire arrows of the elves!"

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