Xia Qing's lips curved into an interested smile, and he replied in a calm tone.

"It's just a passing Kamen who came to fight, ah no, just a substitute messenger."


Meanwhile on the other side.

Tokiomi Tosaka used gravity operation and airflow control to descend autonomously, and landed from the top of the castle to the platform on the next floor.

It is not difficult for a skilled magician, or it should be said that the level of proficiency is divided by the gracefulness of the posture.

Maintaining a completely vertical straight track, landing as light as a feather.

Neither his clothes nor his hairstyle are messy at all. If an ordinary magician saw Tokiomi's exemplary pretentiousness, he would be sincerely surprised.

However, Matou Kariya has become a different person, and he has no reverence and admiration for magic in his heart.

Awe turns to hatred, envy turns to anger.

To the extremely ugly Kariya whose figure was distorted, Tokiomi's elegance and magnificence should be cursed.

"You guys are like this all the time."

His speech, his demeanor, that noble temperament.

From the day he appeared in front of Aoi Yanye, this man was "perfect". That kind of elegance and calmness always gave Yanye a sense of "gap".

However, this is only for tonight.

The elegance that this man values ​​most is nothing on the battlefield of fighting each other. The family motto that makes the Tohsaka family proud must be trampled and shattered here!

Kariya mercilessly injected all his magic power into Berserker who had already started fighting. The severe pain caused by the madness of the marking bug in his body was like being scratched by a knife blade on his hands and feet, piercing into the bone marrow, and he almost fainted.

However, he felt no pain at all, only the inner joy caused by the extreme pain.

This is the path he chose. Even if it is wrong, Kariya will not regret it.

The sharp look in Tokiomi Tokiomi's narrowed eyes showed his calmness before the battle, provoking Kariya.

"You gave up the path of magic, but you are still obsessed with the Holy Grail, and you still come back like this... Your ugly appearance is enough to bring shame to the entire Matou family."

Kariya replied with a mocking tone, and the sound coming out of his mouth sounded like the chirping of insects even to him.

"The Matou family? That kind of thing has long since disappeared! Tokiomi Tosaka, I only have one question for you... Why did you entrust Sakura to Zouken?"


Tokiomi frowned at the unexpected question.

"Is this something you should be concerned about now?"

"Answer me, Tokiomi!"

Tokiomi sighed, and the clock maintained an elegant posture and spoke calmly to Kariya.

"It should be clear without asking. I just hope that my beloved daughter can have a happy future."

"Wha...what!? Say it again?!"

Chapter 56: Tokiomi Tosaka, who never lets go (Third update)

After receiving an incomprehensible answer, Kariya's brain temporarily went blank.

When Kariya was stunned, Tokiomi said calmly.

"Magicians who get twins will have troubles, that is, the secret can only be passed on to one person. At this time, no matter what, one child will always fall into the dilemma of mediocrity."


This word kept echoing in Kariya's blank mind.

The scene of Rin and Sakura playing together and the scene of Aoi crying silently appeared in front of her eyes one by one at this moment.

As for the mother and daughter from long ago, was this man abandoned with just a mediocre sentence?

"Especially my wife, as a mother, she is very good. Both Rin and Sakura were born with the same rare talent. The two daughters must be protected by a famous demonic family."

"So, for the sake of the future of one of them, the potential of the other is taken away. As a father, no one would want such a tragedy to happen."

Kariya couldn't understand the reasons Tokiomi kept spouting, no, he didn't want to understand.

Even if he only understood a small part of the magician's theory, he felt like he would spit in the other person's face right then and there.

"In order to continue the talents of the two sisters, one of them was given away as an adopted daughter. Therefore, the Matou family's request is undoubtedly a gift from God. As a family who knows the existence of the Holy Grail, the higher the possibility of overthrowing the "root", even if If I can't finish it, there's Rin, and if Rin can't finish it, there's Sakura, there will always be someone who can carry on the Tohsaka family's long-cherished wish."

Why can he tell such a desperate fact calmly?

At the same time, if we aim for the path of "roots", this means...

"...Do you want them to fight each other? Between two sisters!?"

Facing Kariya's question, Tokiomi laughed out loud and nodded with a cold expression.

"Even if it leads to such a situation, it will be happy for our clan. If we win, the glory will belong to us. Even if we fail, the glory will go to the name of our ancestors. Such a worry-free duel is exactly what we dream of!"

It was impossible to communicate normally with this person, because Kariya understood that the thoughts between the two of them were not on the same line at all.

Tokiomi Tosaka pursues the "root", while Kariya Matō only pursues salvation, whether for himself or others.

Then, Tokiomi sneered.

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you. You don't understand the nobility of the devil at all. You were a deviant guy!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The hatred and anger that exceeded the limit activated the marking insect in Kariya's body, and the chill and severe pain spread throughout his body. Even so, it was a blessing to Kariya now.

"Erode it, devour it, and all the magic power generated will turn into a curse on the enemy...!!"

All of these are weapons that Kariya took over from Matō Zouken when he became the Master, and are used to deal with unreasonable wars.

"I can't spare you...despicable magician! I must kill you!"

Even if all this is just for his own selfish desires, now that he is no longer a human being, he must at least kill the people he hates in order to die in peace!

The next moment, a large group of black winged blade insects appeared all over the place. In front of a large group of carnivorous insects that could eat up a whole cow in an instant, Tokiomi Tosaka's expression remained calm and composed.

Originally, his level as a magician was much higher than that of Kariya, so the secret technique that Kariya released at the risk of his life was neither surprising nor scary to Tokiomi.

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