"Does that mean...I can now use magic with other attributes directly in this way..."

As soon as the idea came up, Xia Qing couldn't wait to try it.


Following Xia Qing's low drink, the air fell into silence, and all that could be heard was the sound of Platinum Star putting the gear into gear and stepping on the accelerator with increasing skill.

Not feeling the magic being channeled, Xia Qing couldn't help but frown.

"Why can't you use...?"

He picked up a book with records of water magic, opened it and read it carefully. Through the construction in his brain, he quickly remembered one of the magic tricks in his mind.

"Water...is a liquid composed of two hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom."

As he muttered like this, Xia Qing imagined the composition of water-attribute magic power, and then shouted in a low voice.


The blue water blade condensed from the palm that opened forward, and then slashed out!


The front window was cut open by a water blade, and the wind pouring in from the outside made Xia Qing's expression become distorted.

"Ugh! The smell of platinum! Reduce the amount quickly!"

Although Xia Qing's orders were vague, the Platinum Star was transformed by Xia Qing's spiritual energy, so he could know his instructions accurately.

After Platinum Star slowly slowed down, Xia Qing quickly took a book to block the air leakage and sealed it with tape.

I wonder how Tokiomi Tosaka would feel if he knew that his precious magic books were being used for such a purpose.

After blocking the gap, Xia Qing continued to read the magic books, but after quickly flipping through two books, when he read the words again, he felt that his head suddenly became very painful, as if he had overstudy. Same.

"No, I can't study any more!"

Xia Qing threw the book into the back seat and began to close his eyes to rest.

Currently, he has mastered three types of magic, namely fire, water, and wind.

Although I would like to master them all at once, it is a bit troublesome just to learn these most basic offensive magic.

After Xia Qing closed his eyes and rested his mind for a while, he once again picked up a book related to "earth" attribute magic and started to read it.

This time Xia Qing did not flip through it as quickly as before, but kept thinking about it.

In this way, I fell into the joy of learning.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you to EternalJ for your monthly ticket*1, and for your monthly ticket*2!

Chapter 54: Battle against Emiya Kiritsugu (first update)

After Xia Qing arrived outside Einzbern's castle, the first thing that occupied his field of vision was the hole opened from the side of the castle.

"There are signs of scorching... either a thermal weapon or fire-attribute magic."

Xia Qing reached out and touched the edge of the pothole and came to this conclusion.

"Emiya Kiritsugu's origins are "cutting" and "joining", and his magic attributes are the dual attributes of "fire" and "earth". However, he shouldn't be idle and dig a hole in his home, so he only has It’s a possibility…”

Looking at the remaining magicians, there is only one left with fire-attribute magic power.

"Tosaka Tokiomi..."

Choosing not to go through the main entrance was a very correct decision. With Emiya Kiritsugu's level of caution, it was impossible not to make a fuss inside the main entrance.

"how should I do it."

Xia Qing looked at the clear floor illuminated by the orange light inside the pit and began to think.

"It seems like a good choice to wait until they both lose and then reap the benefits."

Thinking of this, the corners of Xia Qing's mouth unconsciously rose.

At this moment, Xia Qing keenly noticed something falling.

It was a stone brick that fell towards the ground where Xia Qing was standing. Platinum Star's figure covered in blue light appeared in an instant and shattered the stone brick with one punch.

Raising his hand to wave away the dust from the gravel, Xia Qing raised his head and looked up at the top of the castle where the change had occurred.

Under the reflection of the night sky, a bright red fire was shining there.

After seeing this scene, a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"Have we started fighting already? Great!"

In order to prevent one of the parties from being defeated and dying and unable to obtain points, Xia Qing rushed in from the pit without hesitation!

After climbing up the stairs to the second floor, he was about to continue going to the upper floor when he heard the sharp sound of gunfire.

Da da da da da! ! !

That was the firing sound of the Calico **50A submachine pistol. Although Xia Qing heard the sound of firing, she did not have the ability to dodge.

You can only make a symbolic movement to the right to avoid it.

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was holding submachine pistols in his left and right hands at the moment, after firing a bunch of bullets, confidently walked in the direction of Xia Qing, who was ambushed by him.

'I see... He is just a mentally ill boy after all. Although he is an excellent magician, he ignores attacks other than magic just like those people. ’

Kiritsugu shook his head, opened up the black coat he was wearing with both hands, took out his rifle and started switching between submachine pistols. The movements were extremely smooth, and it was obvious that he had gone through thousands of exercises to reach this level of proficiency.

However, just when Emiya Kiritsugu focused on the replacement body and raised his head, what he saw made him open his eyes in disbelief.

Those 9 × 19mm pistol bullets were all floating around the young man in black at this moment. The messy black hair seemed to be blown by the wind, and every bullet seemed to be blown by an invisible force. They stopped for a moment, and then began to fall to the ground, making a "clang" impact sound.

Seeing this scene, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but blurted out in shock.

"How can this be……"

The modern firearms he had always been proud of were defeated at this moment by a boy who was only nineteen years old.

"Emiya Kiritsugu? Why are you here?"

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