Shirai thought for a moment and then came to a casual conclusion.

“It’s better not to open it casually before asking colleagues with clairvoyance or mind-reading abilities to confirm the contents.”

Shirai took a closer look at the suitcase and felt deeply how airtight it was.

Occasionally, she saw a piece of tape-like thing stuck to the side of the suitcase like a seal that prohibited opening.

This is the delivery slip that I saw earlier. It is printed as finely as paper money, and maybe there is an IC chip or something embedded in it.

The content on the delivery slip was the same as what Uiharu showed herself.

The authenticity can only be judged through machine testing, but at least it looks nothing suspicious to the naked eye.

"This is……"

In addition to the delivery note, there is also a logo engraved on the surface material of the box.

Like a seal, it has a circular outer frame, and the pattern inside is made up of several overlapping squares. The appearance is quite simple.

I seem to have seen it somewhere before, but I can't remember it.

"...When you encounter something you don't understand, asking someone is the fastest way."

Shirai Kuroko, who couldn't figure out the reason, gave up thinking, took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her skirt, took a photo of the suitcase, delivery slip and logo, and sent it to Uiharu, asking her to investigate. Fan.

After waiting for one hundred and twenty seconds, the phone responded.

The first note of the call music had just sounded when Shirai pressed the call button.

"Shirai-san, I am Uiharu. I have completed the task. Please allow me to report the results and request rewards."

Chapter 149: Marriage with Danxi (3/4)

"Reporting results allowed, award request rejected."

"The request cannot be dismissed! Well, anyway, report the results first.

Shirai-san, to put it simply, that suitcase is a special box that is highly airtight and can isolate all kinds of cosmic rays. Do you see that its surface is shiny? "

Hearing what she said, Shirai looked at the surface of the suitcase. It was as if it was coated with a layer of wax, so smooth that it reflected Shirai's face.

"That's true, what's wrong?"

You can think of it as a luxury version of the surface material of a space suit or space shuttle.

This kind of technology was obviously made in Academy City.

"But... why should the box be treated to isolate cosmic rays?"

"The purpose is of course to isolate cosmic rays. It doesn't make much sense on Earth, unless it's to deal with the recent hole in the ozone layer."

"So... this thing is used outside the atmosphere... or even in space activities...?"

Shirai was surprised by this unexpected information.

Then, after some operations, Uiharu told Shirai that the sender was from the 23rd School District.

"Who does School District 23 want to give this suitcase to...? Who are these people trying to snatch it...?"

After thinking for a while, Shirai decided to thank Uiharu first.

"Thank you. I'll think about it more carefully on the way to transporting the suitcase and these men."

"Ah——! I just said, I want a reward! For example, a lady's afternoon tea party hosted by a real rich lady!

You can’t just drink black tea, you also need to show the attitude and atmosphere of a lady! "

Uiharu said hurriedly, but Shirai cut off the call without paying attention.

Watching the ultra-thin main body of the phone being drawn into the side of the cylinder like a painting scroll, and then putting the phone into the pocket of her skirt, she continued to think in her mind.

However, Shirai has no relevant knowledge or information about space development.

The latest news about the universe that I have seen is that Academy City and organizations from various countries around the world have launched rockets or space shuttles one after another.

"Putting these two things together... seems a bit far-fetched... but... alas, no matter what, we can't draw a conclusion until we confirm what's inside."

Shirai sighed and sat down on the suitcase.

These men in suits are suspicious, and so is the original owner of the suitcase.

"Anyway, what happens next is beyond my responsibilities, so you don't have to think too much about it."

After casually coming to this conclusion, Shirai obediently waited for the guards to arrive.

Perhaps due to the traffic jam, the guard didn't show up for a long time.

After all, they didn't have superpowers, so there was nothing they could do about it, so Shirai didn't feel impatient.

At this moment, Shirai's cell phone suddenly rang again.

I looked at the small screen of my phone and saw that it was Misaka Mikoto.

Shirai quickly turned to look at the men on the ground.

They don't seem to have woken up yet, but if the conversation is accidentally overheard, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

The problem is, you can't just leave the scene for personal reasons.

After some struggle, Shirai decided to cover his mouth with his hand as if whispering, and then pressed the call button.

"Ah, Heizi...? The signal doesn't seem to be very good. Where are you now?"

"Huh? Well... it's not a convenient place to confide in others."

"Huh? Oh, you're still at work? I'm sorry for disturbing your work."

"It's okay, what can I do?"

"It's nothing. Since you are still working, forget it. I heard from my schoolmate that the dormitory master is likely to launch a surprise inspection today. I originally wanted to ask you to help me hide my personal belongings in the room."

"Huh? Sister, you are not in the dormitory now?"

"Well, yes, then I'll leave it to someone else. I'll ask her to collect your personal belongings by the way, okay?"

"Ah...what...what? Sister...sister! Do you want to ask someone else...? Please wait, sister! Please don't take away my right to receive the hug reward! I will rush back to the dormitory as soon as possible!"

"...Who told you there is such a thing as a hug reward! Besides, aren't you still working? But it seems to be raining tonight. If you don't want to get wet, just finish your duties and come back soon. Bye~"

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