If Steele takes any reckless action, Laura will not hesitate to impose sanctions on Index instead of Steele.

She is such a person, and all her appearances on the surface are her true side, but not everything. Just like a coin has two sides, but what if both sides of a coin are tails?

Suddenly, Steele's shoulder bumped into a passerby.

He seemed to be a student, and he reluctantly squeezed through between Steele and Laura.

Steele's body swayed and he found that Laura had disappeared without a trace.

The communication magic connecting the two umbrellas has been released.

Steele looked around hurriedly, and finally saw in the distance a white gold umbrella that looked like a black tea cup spinning in circles.

Don't know how she did it.

After a while, the white umbrella completely disappeared among the crowd.


Steele, who was completely manipulated, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Among magicians, there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons, but she has a way to be at the top. She is indeed not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Steele felt chills running down his spine again, but at the same time, a question arose in Steele's mind.

Saving Amakusa Shiki was to control Kanzaki Kaori.

This is understandable.

So, what was the rationale for saving Orsola Aquinas?

I really can’t figure it out.

Since the interpretation of the "Book of Law" that Orsola found is wrong, why should she be included in Puritanism? Even if Orsola is saved, there is no way to control another character like Kanzaki.

Orsola has indeed made outstanding achievements in missionary activities, and his name is even qualified to be named on the newly built church. However, Orsola does not have charisma and cannot lead an organization or group like Kanzaki.

If Orsola had charisma, the Orthodox Church would not have dared to plot against her because doing so would lead to riots or rebellion.

"…cunning woman."

Stiyl Magnus smacked his lips helplessly.

If he could think of the real benefits of saving Orsola Aquinas, Steele could conclude that Laura was a bad person.

However, this is where Lola is most brilliant.

There is really too little basis for judging whether she is good or evil.

In other words, she has done as many good things as bad things, and she has always maintained a delicate balance on the scale of good and evil.

The balance maintains balance without tipping to either side, so of course it is impossible to make judgments about good and evil.

No matter how heavy the lead weights are on both sides of the scale.

Until now, Steele still cannot make a judgment and can only continue to work for the Puritan Church.

Maybe this was her purpose, the rune magician thought as he disappeared into the smoky street.


Tokiwadai Middle School.

In "Academy City", a superpower development institution covering one-third of Tokyo, it is one of the few prestigious schools and the world's top aristocratic girls' school.

The admission requirements are very strict, and it is said that the children of a royal family of a certain country were mercilessly refused to enter, thus triggering a dispute.

The school's campus is shared with four other neighboring aristocratic girls' schools.

But this is not due to lack of land, but to creating a more stable security system through joint ventures.

The shared area is named "School Garden" and covers an area fifteen times larger than an ordinary school.

Even so, it doesn't look spacious.

In addition to a large number of experimental facilities that must be used for special courses, there are also numerous manufacturing and sales facilities squeezed in.

This is because all superpower development equipment is produced here and is not outsourced to outside industry and commerce to avoid the leakage of confidential technology.

The appearance of each facility is unified in a Western style, and the overall look is like a small town next to the Mediterranean Sea.

In this "school garden", even the shapes of road signs and traffic lights are different from those outside.

"Stone pavements and marble buildings...what a waste of space."

Chapter 140 Photon after marriage (4/5)

September 14th, although it was the end of summer, was still hot.

In the middle of the campus in the afternoon, Shirai Kuroko, a girl with twin tails, wearing a sleeveless sweatshirt and shorts like a track athlete, looked at the school building from a distance and muttered in a tone of unbearable heat.

The ground of the campus is made of stone just like the square in front of the British Museum, but the difference is that even professional surveyors cannot detect any unevenness or inclination on the surface of the stone here, and the material is not ordinary stone.

Although it cannot be distinguished with the naked eye, if you look at it under an electron microscope, you will find that these are Academy City's special building materials.

The sparkling smooth campus is spotlessly clean.

Not even the white powder used for drawing lines commonly used in physical education classes in schools.

It's class time now, and a superpower test is being conducted, but the lines on the ground are not drawn with white powder.

These lines are composed of optical fibers. There are tens of millions of optical fibers buried vertically under the campus. As long as the light spots emitted by these optical fibers are condensed, various lines can be formed, just like the principle of electronic bulletin boards.

The line of light draws a small circle with Shirai as the center, and then draws a huge fan shape with the small circle as the center.

It looks a bit like the lines used in a shot put competition, but the angle of this fan is much smaller.

There are quite a few groups of patterns of the same shape, lined up next to Shirai.

Standing in each small circle were girls in sports uniforms, which felt a bit like they were on a batting practice range.

Shirai's ability is "space movement".

To put it simply, it is the ability to send things at hand, including your own body, to distant places in an instant, ignoring the rules of three-dimensional space.

However, you can only move things that your skin "touches".

The level determination of "space movement" includes three elements, namely "object size (mass)", "distance" and "accuracy" when moving.

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