Yanis lowered her head and clenched her teeth so hard that she almost broke her molars.

The idiots she wanted to scold directly couldn't hold their heads up, but in the current situation, if even these nuns left, then she wouldn't be able to do anything by herself.

It is simply impossible to defeat the opponent, and in the end you will just be at the mercy of others.

Yanis knew that the last reason why the remaining nuns could still stand here was because she was still standing here as the conductor.

And if you can knock down one of the opponents, you can definitely regain the trust of the nuns in you.

In that case, the nuns, who are not afraid of death, can do it by using their bodies to meet the attack of the group.

Yanis immediately confirmed this and raised her silver staff at this moment, pointing directly at Xia Qing.

"Come on, fight me one on one!"

Just shout this sentence for everyone to hear, and the other party's consent is not required.

All Yanis needed to do was let the nuns know that she was going to duel with them, and Steele and Index would not be able to help them after hearing her words.

Otherwise, the nuns surrounding her would rush up in a swarm following Yanis' footsteps.

This move can be described as killing two birds with one stone!

So, Yanis waved the lotus staff in her hand with all her strength. The attack of the lotus staff in her hand could penetrate the clothes from a distance and directly attack the opponent's body.

This means that there are only two ways to deal with it, either to defeat the body that controls the lotus staff, which is Agnis.

Or you can only use some kind of defensive magic to temporarily increase the body's defense.

And this kind of magic cannot last long.

When Agniss thought of this, her movements of waving the lotus staff became faster and faster, and a series of pounding sounds resounded throughout the church.

"It doesn't seem to have any effect."

Author's message:


ps: Thank you Shuke 35548049732 for your monthly ticket*2!

Chapter 138 I ate it, are there any problems? (2/5)

Agnes still didn't know that her attack was completely ineffective. Even Steele smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Then, Xia Qing, whose body kept making noises, walked directly in front of Yanis.

Every time he took a step forward, Yanis's expression became more and more frightened, and her pupils kept widening.


Getting closer and closer, almost coming to me.

Yanis even aimed the lotus staff directly at Xia Qing who came in front of her, and then swung it out!

But Xia Qing, who stretched out his hand, grabbed it casually, and Yanisi couldn't take it away no matter how hard she tried.

The girl's strength was too small and she couldn't take her silver staff away from Xia Qing.

"This silver staff is pretty good, you might as well give it to me."

"Don't dream——"

Yanis made an angry noise, but was stopped abruptly by Xia Qing's knife.

Seeing Yanis, the main conductor, fall down, the rest of the Orthodox nuns also got into a mess at this moment, discarding their armor and running away crying outside the church.

All in all, they are just a group of little girls who have been deceived by Orthodoxy.

As for the silver staff in his hand, Xia Qing exchanged it for a [space ring] from the system store and placed it in the space ring.

When leaving, Steele asked Xia Qing where he had taken the silver staff, and Xia Qing just smiled and replied.

"I ate, are there any problems?"



Three days later.

There is no rainy or dry season in the UK, and the weather is unpredictable all year round.

It's common knowledge here that the weather changes every four hours.

Even on a nice sunny day, there are still many people carrying folding umbrellas on the road.

In London today, it started to rain in the evening.

But people in this city will never stop their original plans to go out because of rain.

The narrow streets are crowded with colorful umbrellas.

Steele Magnus and Laura Stewart stood side by side in the drizzle, which was like a moist mist.

Steele held a large black umbrella that looked like a bat.

Laura was holding a gorgeous white umbrella embroidered with gold thread, which looked like a black tea cup.

"I'm just going back to Lambeth Palace. Why don't you ask a driver to pick you up?"

"People who hate rain can't live in this city."

Laura said this while spinning her umbrella happily.

This is clearly bias. Steele doesn't like this mist-like drizzle.

Even if you hold an umbrella, your clothes will still get wet, and even cigarettes will absorb moisture, which is of no benefit at all.

Steele looked at the front end of the cigarette that was difficult to light due to moisture and sighed.

Now Laura was walking home, and Steele had just caught up from behind, intending to take this opportunity to report the results of the mission to her.

The Puritan Supreme Bishop in front of him seemed to love freedom very much. He went to and left the Cathedral quite casually.

She doesn't like to stay in the same place all the time, so even mission reports or combat meetings are often held while walking.

For Steele, it is quite troublesome to have to be wary of enemy sneak attacks or eavesdropping every time he and Laura walk on the road.

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