Xia Qing gently touched the talisman paper sealed on Orsola's mouth with the index finger of her right hand.

Orsola showed a shocked expression when she felt someone touching her lips through the talisman paper. But then she saw the talisman paper falling off naturally, and the astonished expression on her face increased tenfold.

The talisman paper is restricted by some kind of magic, but this rough restriction can be easily lifted. After all, Xia Qing is also a magician.

"Please...please ask...aren't you the gentleman I met at the bus station? Why..."

"Of course I'm here to save you. We'll discuss the details later. Anyway, let's get out of here first."

Sola seemed to be a little confused and muttered something, not to Xia Qing, but to himself.

"Eh? Eh? Excuse me...are you really...just here to save me? It has nothing to do with the "Book of Laws"...?"

"I don't care about boring things like that. Do you think I would come to a place like this just for an ancient book? Do I look that idle?"

Xia Qing asked rhetorically.

Orsola's body trembled when he heard these words, and seemed a little unbelievable.

"Ah... I really... thank you for your great kindness."

"It's too troublesome to talk about this, so let's get down to business. Where are those Amakusa-style people? Do you know where they are?"

Steele took a step forward and asked directly.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps coming from a distance. Xia Qing quickly pulled the two of them close to the wall, and Index followed hurriedly.

The place where Xia Qing and others were hiding seemed to be a blind spot for Amakusa Shiki. It was behind the store, and there were bushes everywhere, so as long as you lowered your body, you couldn't see it from a distance.

However, just because they found this small safe zone, they were completely unable to move. The running sounds of the young people in Amakusa Shiki could be heard intermittently from nearby tourist routes.

Just listening to the sound of running, you can understand that Xia Qing and the others will be discovered as soon as they step out.

"This is not an option. Let's go separately."

Steele suggested.

"By the way, take this!"

As he spoke, he put his hand into his arms, then took out a cross necklace and threw it to Xia Qing.

Then, he rushed out alone, and the guards who were still searching around immediately caught up with him.

"TIAFIMH (I have fire in my hands), IHTSOTS (the shape of a sword), AIHTR (the crime of judging one's duty) -!"

boom----! ! !

The fiery red flames burned violently in an instant, and with the sound of several screams, the surroundings fell into silence.

Steele must have successfully escaped in another direction.

Of course, what he had just dealt with were just miscellaneous soldiers, otherwise it would have been impossible to get rid of them so easily.

The capable people in the Amakusa style are all in the center at the moment. After noticing Steele's movements, they should rush over as quickly as possible.

Because Steele is also a famous rune magician, so the opponent will definitely send the strongest combat force to deal with it.

In other words, most of the people Xia Qing encountered were relatively novice soldiers.

"While Steele lures them away, let's find a chance to leave."

Index suggested.

Xia Qing nodded in agreement. There was no need for him to stay here any longer——

"Wait a minute... Index, those nuns from the Amakusa Shiki and the Orthodox Church are all magicians, right?"

Xia Qing asked.

"Part of it is...what's wrong?"

Index replied with a confused look on her face.

Chapter 133 A sudden battle! (1/4)

"If that's the case, then it's necessary for us to stay a little longer. Don't worry, I'll get it done soon."

Whether it was Amakusa style or orthodox nuns, for Xia Qing, who did not belong to either camp at all, it didn't matter which one he provoked.

A few minutes after they were heading in the direction that Steele rushed out, at this moment, Steele suddenly jumped down from the roof.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Steele had already fallen hard to the ground. His back crushed the bushes that had originally blocked Xia Qing and others. His clothes were cut into tatters by the sharp blade, and blood kept flowing from the wound. overflow.

"Damn it! Xia Qing, take them and escape! Let me contain that guy!"

Steele, who fell to the ground, shouted towards Xia Qing.

"Come on, look at your injuries, you don't look like you can survive a beating?"

Xia Qing curled her lips and ignored him completely.

At this moment, the entire wall of the store in front suddenly began to protrude outward.

Immediately afterwards, the entire store wall shattered, and a figure rushed out of the wall!

The building behind it lost its support and collapsed, but this man remained unmoved and even had a smile on his face.

He was a man, about twenty-five years old, with a tall and thin figure, but he was wearing a large T-shirt and jeans that even a sumo wrestler could wear.

The T-shirt is white, but has two red stripes crisscrossing near the right chest, forming a cross pattern.

Her hair was deliberately styled with hair wax into a messy hairstyle, but her most distinctive feature is her hair color.

The color of his hair is too black, and it must have been dyed with black hair dye on purpose.

Not only is it black, but it also emits a strange sheen like the carapace of a stag beetle.

He was wearing basketball shoes, but the laces were terrifyingly long, at least a meter long.

Because it's so long, even if you accidentally step on it, you probably won't fall.

There is a rope made of leather hanging around his neck, and four or five small electric fans about ten centimeters in diameter are strung on the rope.

The whole body is decorated so that people can’t guess the intention.

Of course, the most incredible thing is what he is holding in his right hand.

It was a "Flamberge".

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