"In other words, there is no clear clue at all?"

Index said.

Agnes squeezed beside her, which seemed to make her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, although we tried to trace the whereabouts of the Amakusa Shiki based on the traces of magic left there, it was not very successful. It is indeed a secrecy-enhanced sect, the Amakusa Shiki Cross Sect."

Agnes crossed her slender arms.

"But we have another team that has set up a siege nearby, and we may be able to gain something."

"Surrounding the net...How big is the siege?"

Index asked.

"With this as the center point, the radius of ten kilometers includes 132 roads and 43 sewers. With our manpower, it is not difficult to set up such a surrounding network."

Agnes leaned close to Index, causing the latter to show an unhappy expression.

"In short, once the Amakusa people try to take the Book of Law and Orsola Aquinas back to their base camp, they will be discovered by our encirclement network.

According to the information we have, the Amakusa-style base camp is in Kyushu... Unfortunately, we are currently unable to judge the accuracy of this information.

And if they didn't plan to break through the encirclement at all, but forced Orsola to interpret it on the spot, things would be much more difficult. "

Chapter 128 Teleportation Magic (1/4)

"There's no need to worry about this. I believe Orsola isn't so stupid that he doesn't know how to resist mind-reading magic. And if it's going to be tough, the location won't be suitable."

Steele blew out a smoke ring and said.

"For them, there are too many enemies nearby, and they can't do anything with peace of mind. Copying Orsola, obtaining the interpretation method, and making the interpretation version of the "Book of Laws" cannot be completed in a day or two.

If you want to get information out of the prisoner without causing him to commit suicide, the best way is to use torture methods without direct contact with the prisoner, but this will take at least a week.

Just not sleeping for a day or two is not torture at all. If you don't sleep for more than one hundred and twenty disappearing times, your rationality will begin to gradually collapse. "

Steele said nonchalantly.

"Do you feel like you understand it very well?"

Xia Qing glanced at him.

"Don't forget my identity."

Steele showed a dangerous smile, and then continued to ask Yanis.

"By the way, those Amakusa-style people will be discovered by the encirclement network soon, right?"

"Ah, yes, that's right."

Yanis still seemed a little nervous, and her whole face was almost pressed against Index's cheek as she said.

"Basically speaking, you just need to provide support from the rear... However, although the possibility is very low, the risk of the spells in the "Book of Laws" being used is not completely absent, so it is best to let experts from the Book of Magic Let’s take care of this part—”

"Ah! It's so sad! It's so hot!"

Index waved her hands and struggled.

"Will Amakusa Shiki be discovered so easily?"

Steele explained.

"In short, the Amakusa-shiki are particularly good at dodging and escaping. After they steal the Book of Law and Orsola Aquinas, they will definitely predict the pursuit methods that the Roman Orthodox Church will use.

If this is an action that has been planned for a long time, it must have been deduced in the sandbox beforehand. "

Agnes, who was standing next to Index, replied.

"But...but no matter what we do, it's impossible to escape from our encirclement..."

"It's possible. There's just this kind of magic."

Index replied without thinking at all. Agnes suddenly gasped.

"This is a magic that can only be used in Neon. To put it simply, special spaces called "vortex points" exist everywhere in Neon.

As long as you use map magic, you can move freely between "vortex points" and "vortex points". "

Steele seemed to have remembered something and said.

"You mean the complete map of Ineng Tadaka's coastal areas?"

Index nodded.

"This neon map that was born in the Edo period actually has a special mechanism. Everyone should be familiar with the "idol theory", right?"

The so-called idol theory is a kind of basic knowledge that allows us to make good use of the power of gods and angels.

According to this theory, as long as a replica with the same appearance as the cross used by the "Son of God" was made and erected on the roof of the church, some of the divine power possessed by the real cross can be shared.

Although the power of replicas is only less than one ten thousandth of the real thing. Even the most powerful replica in the legend, the "Holy Manger", only has a few percent of the power at most. But as long as you have 100% of the real thing, With one power, the power is enough to rival the Twelve Apostles.

"And according to the hypothesis, this "idol theory" can be inferred. In other words, not only the real thing will affect the "idol", but the "idol" will also affect the real thing."

"Hypothesis...? You mean it's not completely confirmed yet?"

"There are some "exceptions" that cannot be explained, so it is only at the stage of hypothesis at present. But judging from this hypothesis, it is not unreasonable for people to say that if you do not treat the Bible properly, you will be punished by God.

There are often examples in the Bible of religious "idols" that persecuted Christianity being struck and destroyed by lightning. Neon's previous "painting inspection method" was also said to be designed based on the concept that "harming idols will have a negative impact on the genuine product." from. "

Index, who is a treasure trove of knowledge, seems to dislike using uncertain words like "hypothesis".

"Inoh Tadataka used this "idol theory" to go in the opposite direction. He understood that genuine products and idols would influence each other, so he marked the four islands that did not originally exist on the Neon Islands on the entire coastal map. Seventeen "vortex points".

In this way, these entrances and exits that allow people to come and go freely in an instant appear in reality. "

Index explained seriously.

In the past, there was a group of magicians who wanted to "use a stone statue that was exactly the same as the Son of God to control the Son of God in heaven," but all ended in failure.

"On the other hand, this is the most powerful thing about Inoh Tadayoshi. He added elements to the replica that the real thing does not have, but he can still maintain a perfect golden ratio between the replica and the real thing.

In the entire history of magic, he is the only one who has achieved such an achievement. If he is a sculptor, he might really be able to control the "Son of God" or "Angel"... Of course, just being able to control the neon map is already quite amazing. . "

"...But does Amakusa Shiki really know the magic of this map?"

"The answer should be yes. Ino Tadayoshi, who lived during the Edo shogunate period, was very interested in foreign cultures. His people even planned to sell the entire Neon Coastal Geographical Map to Nishibod.

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