Her hair is a reddish brown color, also known as red hair, and is tied into many braids as thin as pencils.

The sleeves of her monastic gown were so long that they almost covered her fingertips, but her skirt was extremely short.

If you look closely, there seems to be something like a zipper on the lower edge of the skirt. It seems that the skirt was originally a detachable long skirt, but the lower half was removed.

She looked very thin, and her waist was even thinner than that of the skinny Index.

She is about the same height as Index, but she wears cork thick-soled sandals that are 30 centimeters tall. When she walks, she makes a clattering sound like a horse's hooves.

She is an Orthodox nun.

Claims to be Yanis Santis.

"The current situation is in chaos. There is too much information to control, and we have no idea where Orsola is currently. Moreover, the whereabouts of the Book of Laws are still unknown, which also makes us feel very confused."

No one here was a neon person, but Yanis spoke in fluent Japanese.

“We just launched a sneak attack while the Amakusa Shift was transporting Orsola. Although some of our companions successfully rescued Orsola, before she could join the main team, the Amakusa Shift snatched her back again.

So we recaptured her again, but she was immediately snatched away by another Amakusa-type force... just like that, back and forth.

Because we set up the enemy encirclement net too large, the overall number of people was large but the number of each team was insufficient, which gave the Amakusa style an opportunity. In the process of fighting for it several times, originally Orsola, who was the target of the robbery, disappeared. "

Agnes' Japanese is mixed with polite honorifics and rude words. If she learned Japanese while performing missions in Neon, it seems that the Neon people talking to her are mostly criminal police officers or detectives.

Just as Steele was thinking this, he saw Agnis turning around and looking at him.

"What, what's the problem? Ah, sorry, it's not that I don't speak English, it's just that my English has a strong Italian accent.

If you are speaking English to people from other countries, I don't really care, but you are British, and I really don't dare to do anything in front of people who speak authentic English. "

Steele didn't seem to care, he shook the cigarette in his mouth and said.

"Don't get stuck on such a trivial matter, otherwise we can just speak Italian instead."

"Please don't speak Italian. If I hear Italian with a strong British accent, I'm afraid I'll laugh so hard that I can't concentrate on my work.

At times like this, it's best to use a foreign language like Japanese that can communicate with each other. If everyone speaks in a language that they are not used to, it will be less likely to quarrel. "

Agnes's thick-soled sandals continued to make a clattering sound like a horse's hooves.

Although this statement sounds reasonable, if this logic is followed, what words will she use to communicate when she meets the Neon Man?

Steele couldn't help but worry about her.

What's more, if you don't use the mother tongue of that country to speak to the people of that country, why should you learn the mother tongue?

Index has remained silent from just now until now, not saying a word.

Steele glanced at Index who pouted in displeasure without saying a word, then turned his gaze back to Agnes again and spoke.

"So, is it true that the Amakusa Shiki who stole the Book of Law and Orsola Aquinas from you is a threatening force to you?"

"The implication of your words is that "Orthodoxism, which is known as the world's largest sect, is really worthless but useless," right?

To be honest, we cannot argue with this point. In terms of numbers and weapons, we do have the upper hand, but they have the advantage of location.

After all, this is their territory. It’s really frustrating to be overwhelmed by an organization with fewer people than us, but I have to say that they are indeed very strong. "

"...It seems like they won't give in easily."

There was a bit of disappointment in Steele's voice.

Demonstrating a power gap and then convincing the enemy to surrender is the fastest and most peaceful solution.

But now it seems that the opponent has the strength to refuse to negotiate, and a tug-of-war is inevitable.

The longer the battle with Amakusa Shiki drags on, the higher the risk of Kanzaki's intervention. This also means that I am afraid that I must abandon all benevolence and use lightning tactics to defeat the Amakusa style in one go before Kanzaki can grasp the situation, in order to successfully complete the mission.

The purpose of the Roman Orthodox Church is to regain the Book of Law and Orsola Aquinas, not to annihilate the Amakusa Shiki. As long as the goal is achieved, the Roman Orthodox Church should withdraw.

Next, all he had to do was find a way to make Amakusa Shiki lose his will to fight.

"I don't know much about the history of Christianity here. Do you know what kind of spells Amakusa people are good at using?

Depending on the enemy's skills, I may be able to prepare some search or defense magic circles and talismans in advance. "

Although Steel often fought with Kanzaki, who was originally a member of the Amakusa style, he did not intend to analyze it based on the techniques used by Kanzaki.

Because Kanzaki is one of less than twenty "saints" in the world.

Even if the analysis is successful, Stiyl, as a mortal, cannot use it.

Just like no one would want to use a ruler with a length of only fifty centimeters to measure the distance between the sun and the earth.

Yanis seemed to have difficulty answering the priest's question.

"To be honest... we haven't mastered the Amakusa style correctly yet. Since it originated from the Society of Jesus of St. Francis, it should be one of the branches of Orthodoxy, but they are too influenced by neon. , which is completely different from Orthodoxy.”

After hearing these words, Steele did not blame Yanis. These people had just fought against Amakusa Shiki in the past two days, and they could detect the system of Buddhism and Neon Shinto in Amakusa Shiki's techniques. They were already quite analytical.

Steele moved his gaze from Agnes to Index, asking for her opinion.

Index, whose knowledge is more than 10,000 times that of ordinary people, now is the time to show off her strength.

The pure white nun said calmly.

"The characteristic of the Amakusa style is its 'secretness', because their essence is that they are Christian believers who try to hide themselves from others.

They completely hid the teachings of Christianity in Buddhism and Neon Shinto, and transformed rituals and techniques into various greetings, meals and other daily life behaviors.

They hide all traces so that outsiders can hardly see the existence of Amakusa Shiki. Therefore, Amakusa Shiki does not use any spells or magic circles.

They use pots and pans, kitchen knives, bathrooms, quilts, bathing, humming... and other seemingly mundane items or actions at first glance to activate magic.

Therefore, even if the most skilled magician walks into an Amakusa-style ceremony, he will probably be kept in the dark, because it looks like an ordinary kitchen or bathroom. "

Chapter 125 The deception has long been seen through (2/4)

Steele shook the cigarette in his mouth and said.

"So, this is a group of experts who are good at using idol theory.

Well, it seems that what they are good at is long-range sniping rather than close combat. I hope they don't have large-scale spells like the Gregorian Chorus. "

"No, Amakusa Shiki began to actively introduce foreign culture during the Seoguo period. They integrated various swordsmanship from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, and developed unique fighting techniques.

Whether it's a tachi or a two-handed Western sword, they can use it with ease. "

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